The cause of corruption

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago



Contamination arises from the scarcity of our essentials. High demand but low supply leads to scarcity. These unequal functions of supply and demand can be real, or artificially created for the purpose.

Poor Poverty:

In the interest of our survival, a person has to resort to many corrupt practices.

Asset extraction:

People resort to corruption to fulfill the purpose of luxurious life. When crime begins to pay off in a society corrupted by ill-gotten gains, he is rewarded with ‘honor’. Corrupt people are a part of mankind. He is shaped like a human being, but humanity is not among them

Types of corruption:

Officially acceptable gift, providing unreasonable benefits to the intended giver

Contribution: A gift or payment by an official is called 'chada'. The official said, "If you don't pay me, I will make your life hell."


Making money. Take over Kinship: Appointing only one's own relatives without qualifications. According to the great scientist Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, the inclusion of relatives in the list of salaried recipients is kinship.

Corruption issues include:

  1. To subjugate the public interest to the personal interest.

  2. Breaking trust.

  3. Lack of privacy transparency.

  4. Withdrawal of duties and public interest.

  5. Cheating.

  6. Insult to national welfare.

Consequences of corruption:

  1. Corruption hinders easy administration.

  2. Corruption is the cause of brain export.

  3. Loss of moral strength of the nation and citizens.

  4. The snowball effect of corruption.

  5. Crime increases with the rise of corruption.

  6. Insulting life or death.

  7. Corruption deprives humanity and kindness.

Ways to curb corruption:

  1. Creation of strong and honest citizens. Strong and honest citizens can lead the nation through the process.

  2. Promise to eradicate corruption and injustice.

  3. Money and power readily available through a strong judiciary

  4. Feeling the need to work for the growth of moral character. To feel the need to eradicate the evil effects of corruption from the root.

  5. Forming and suppressing organizations to streamline transparency and accountability Supported.

  6. To create a national movement against corruption by educating the citizens to fulfill their social responsibilities.

  7. Properly Prepared to Sacrifice in the Struggle for Humanity Looking at children, we want to ask, are they the next victims of corruption?

The fight against corruption is a struggle between 'corruption' and 'love of country'. There is a need to strengthen against this social disease. It is the duty of good citizens to get out of their reluctance and corruption. Absolutely intolerant.

Since most people are part of a corrupt system, corruption has become a part of the culture and can be defined as 'vulture culture'. It’s a cultural situation that can be called a ‘dog-to-dog food sharing’ situation.

At some point in their lives, as human beings become distorted, they become adept at abusing power when they reach the level of power. The culture of a society extends from the top to the bottom, but not from the bottom to the top. Corruption creates economic problems by creating a backlash from the slightest act of corruption. Corruption is born out of this problem. Again and again corruption becomes part of labor and eventually takes the form of labor. These two bring negative results.

When corruption enters the administrative apparatus and the hearts of the people, the real problem begins. The fragility of the nation is also combined with the complacency of its citizens. Reaching such a stage of the situation, there is no way back. Corruption With the birth of corruption, it takes a cyclical form. This cycle gave birth to a new dynasty called brokers, detectives and mediators. This new generation survives extortion and retaliatory oppression. This situation became an essential part of the culture of flattery and ‘ji huzur’ attitude. It is seen that jelly fish often swallow snails. Jelly lives inside the stomach due to the hard shell of the snail. The snail starts eating the jelly fish from inside and grows for its own survival. At one point the snail ate the whole jelly fish. Then the jelly fish does not exist. Corruption swallows up a nation that way. When corruption destroys the nation from within, then the nation does not exist. History testifies that those who cut the throat of the country, cut their own throats and eventually become extinct.

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