Impact of Cryptocurrency Adoption According to Perspectives

in Tron Fan Club2 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum

How are you my dear tfc friends. I hope you are all well. Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I am also quite well. Friends today I am talking about a topic of cryptocurrency which I think is very important. Today I will talk about how it affects cryptocurrency adoption from people's perspective. To discuss this matter, let me tell you a true story, through which you can understand the matter well. I hope this matter will agree with you a lot.

The thing is that generally I can divide my friends into 2 groups, one of them is crypto-savvy, i.e. they know what cryptocurrency is, how it works and uses of cryptocurrency, they understand what cryptocurrency really is, etc. On the other hand I have a section of friends who only know what cryptocurrency is and have no knowledge about it. People who only know Bitcoin as cryptocurrency and think it is very difficult to reach.



Now let's get to the point, when I want to talk to them about crypto or ask them about it they think it's an illegal street and warn me about it. There is a good reason why they say this, which is that they think cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is only used for unethical activities like the dark web. They think that Bitcoin is a transaction system that only does bad things. But again when I go to the other side, i.e. friends who have a good understanding of crypto and when I go to them and talk about crypto they don't just show me its wrong but they tell me its pros and cons. They then analyzed and explained to me both aspects. But the interesting thing is that at a time when they didn't have much idea about crypto they were also in my group of friends who would present any information without understanding about crypto.

But now that they have a very good understanding of the subject, they have also understood its procedures, how it operates. So simply speaking they know the basic explanation of what, why, how of crypto. As they get to know about crypto, their mindset is also being formed in such a way that how a person can benefit financially and they are also getting to know what cryptocurrency really is and how it works and how it actually works.

So finally we can say that my friends who don't know crypto well don't really know crypto well and they will never accept it until they are well informed about it. If their attitude towards crypto can be changed by giving them proper understanding about crypto then only they will embrace it. On the other hand I have a bunch of crypto savvy friends who really know the pros and cons of crypto. They also know that it is not fair to miss out on huge opportunities due to some disadvantages of crypto. And that's why we see in most cases they say to legalize crypto in countries where crypto is not legalized.



However, today I have tried to mention a very simple and practical explanation on this matter. I hope you have understood my post well. And understand that different trends in cryptocurrency adoption can be created depending on the perspective.

So friends, that's it for today. Let me know in your comments how you like today's topic. I am ending here wishing everyone good health. All be well and stay healthy.

Thank You


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Great content, well I believe you have explained this concept well, whilst there are friends who think cryptocurrency is only used for bad it's still possible for it to be a force for good it all depends on personal views and from the angle we want to view it but whatever our view that doesn't discredit how great crypto and Bitcoin is.

You are absolutely correct dear friend.

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