The Danger of Automatic Writing (Day 3)

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

stream of con·scious·ness
noun Psychology
a person's thoughts and conscious reactions to events, perceived as a continuous flow. The term was introduced by William James in his Principles of Psychology (1890).

To attempt to write in stream of consciousness can be a scary thing, especially for one who values control. Who knows what they might find, when you loosen the too-tight reins of the conscious mind. Oftentimes, short of white-hot inspiration, to write is to calculate and carefully choose your words, and how you wish to present them to the reader. With stream of consciousness, one allows themselves to be led, instead, carried along by an unharnessed force of feeling-thought and something in between (Spirit)?

One might confess to others in code, perhaps, in ordinary writing, but with stream of consciousness we confess in code, to ourselves, all that wanders in the wasteland of our mind-heart. This process of 'unconscious writing' can be as terrifying-exhilarating as freedom. In a sense, it is closer to dreaming, with its wild abandon and irreducible symbolism.

In Ars Poetica, a remarkable poem about poetry, the great Polish poet Czesław Miłosz puts it this way:

a thing is brought forth which we didn’t know we had in us,
so we blink our eyes, as if a tiger had sprung out
and stood in the light, lashing his tail
It’s hard to guess where that pride of poets comes from,
when so often they’re put to shame by the disclosure of their frailty.

Below, is the tiger that has sprung out of my exercise at automatic writing


If I write what I feel, it’s to reduce the fever of feeling. - Fernando Pessoa

Stale Ale

I am only a pile of words
atop a stack of bones
stockpiling ink-pressions

I am also boneless shimmy
with finely estranging eyes
amassing devastating adjectives

I am only a pile of words
artificially propped up
on bounced reality checks

Gone deep-self diving, again
hope bubbles break the surface
Hope, the window we turn to
when the living room turns on us

Or, according to old Kafka’s night vision:
hopes are merely mirages born of despair

Whittling away the hours

some daze better than others
time on my hands like blood

Hair today, gone tomorrow
these are the wily ways
of the pick-pocketing days

I am only a pile of words
sparkling whine
sacked in skin

Old habits hardly die
once bitten, twice sly

Weakened by the weekend
still can hide, but can’t run

How this must stink to high heaven
how the stench must upset
divine nostrils

Excavating gods
exhausting the patience of myth
clever nonsense, bloody pacifist!

Mustn’t mistake myself
for one who owns himself
I am only a pile of words...

© Yahia Lababidi

(Images from Pixabay: Sea by Papafox, Letters by Wilhei)


This is my entry for Day 3 of @d-pend's 100 Day Poetry Challenge. To learn more, visit Steemit School on discord


Love the nonstop word play in this Yahia! "Bounced reality checks" "Old habits hardly die..."

My favorite line: "Hope, the window we turn to/when the living room turns on us". Brilliant.

This is an interesting window into your inner world... it makes me want to try some stream of consciousness poetry.

Thanks, for noticing, amico :) I was afraid all the play might sound frivolous, but I could not help myself...

I think all poetry is, to an extent, stream of consciousness and your fine doodles I regard as a form of automatic drawing. I look forward to seeing the results of your conscious, unconscious writing and peeking further into your world! Have a lovely day, and thank you for stopping by, dear @bennettitalia _/|_

Good play is always serious, isn't it, no matter how frivolous it seems on the surface? The whimsicality of this piece is deceptive I think: stylistically it's breezy and casual, but thematically it's playing for keeps. What is this identity I clothe myself in? Am I even real? And if not, what am I? What is it I seek, so furiously, so relentlessly, what am I digging for? Am I looking for meaning where there is none? Or avoiding looking at the deeper meaning of things for fear I won't like it? These are the kinds of questions it brings up in me, life or death questions. I like the juxtaposition of stylistic nonchalance with a thematic fucking death grip, it makes for a narrative voice that is dissociative but at the same time self-aware, self-questioning, fitting the poem's themes perfectly.

Then again I could be completely full of shit, it's late and I hardly know what I'm writing anymore :D

Off to bed for me. Goodnight my friend.

Yes, good play is always serious... You speak me better than I can at the moment, my articulate, perceptive friend. This made me snort outloud: "the juxtaposition of stylistic nonchalance with a thematic fucking death grip"

Mmhmm... Identity, self-aware, self-questioning, you got it all! 'All art is, at once, surface and symbol' cautions Oscar Wilde, 'those who go beneath the surface do so at their own peril.'

Thanks, for taking the plunge, man. Wishing you a restorative weekend. Cheers!

Glad that got a laugh, it made me chuckle when I wrote it TBH. Spot on with the Oscar Wilde quote, that infinite space between surface and symbol is the artists' playground I think. Also: anytime someone manages to work Oscar Wilde into the conversation, it makes my day. I'm easy to please like that :D

Have a beautiful weekend Yahia!

Cheers, mate! It's important to be able to tickle oneself :P

And, since you care for Oscar (and if have the time for a fairly long read) here's an essay about that great contrarian that you might enjoy:

Be well :)

Ah! just saw this Yahia. And off to read it directly :)

Great, hope you enjoy it ✌🏼

so much clever word play, where to begin, Yahia?

you seem to answer, "with laughter", is there a better intro for such, than:

I am only a pile of words
atop a stack of bones
stockpiling ink-pressions

and, while I laugh at inkpressions, it's a seamless transition to thought. How much of my word pile is only there because of the impressions ink has left upon me? 50%? 70%? all of who I am as a writer? I don't know, but I often struggle with how broad the shoulders I stand on are.

"Gone deep-self diving, again", the fourth wall that forces me up for air, the cleverness of bounced checks bounced on me while I was under, but the references to my cockroach life are not missed. Was Canaan only the "Promised Land", for no third place exists for mankind?

I'm glad there is so much cleverness here to keep me from wallowing like I do with my scrawlings, haha, you're too kind to leave the window open for me before my room started to spin.

and yet, I can't help but be pleased with the cyclical nature of it all and the constant, subconscious mindfulness on display even when your mind is consciously not minding itself.

Always an enlightening read, you. Thank you so much for sharing.

Alain @carmalain7, it's good to hear from you, again! Thank you, for your generous attentions, and congratulations on your win—the dizzy heights of your intricate entry sets the bar high :)

You're right to start with laughter, I hope to end with it, too, off the page... I can't tell you, my friend, how sick to the back teeth I am of darkness and all that is complicated and morbid, especially in myself. That is why I only permit it to exist, on the page, so long as it is mercilessly mocked. Maybe it's age/stage of life, but I now aspire to simplicity, light-heartedness and a kind of recovered innocence. This is wisdom as I have come to understand it, in life/literature.

Ideally, if it were entirely up to me, I'd only write praise poetry, nowadays, or verse that echoes the Silence from which it came. Less words and noise and confusion, if possible...

As for poetry, frankly, I don't consider myself an 'advanced' poet, only a poet, mysteriously, when I'm writing one (which has never been daily). After that, I'm too bewildered and superstitious to speak of anything like creative process. Best of luck with your work and thank you, for indulging me.

When I was younger I really like the surrealistic idea for automatic writing... I still practice it, but I have some distance from it. Raymond Queneau has a very good thought on this occasion and I will share it with you

Another very erroneous belief is that now widespread is that there can be a sign of equality between inspiration, unconscious exploration and liberation; between randomness, automatism and freedom. This inspiration, which consists in the blind obedience of every impulse, is actually slavery. The classic who writes a tragedy, observing a number of well-known rules, is freer than the poet who writes everything that passes through his mind and is a slave to other rules, unknown to himself.

Excellent point and very well said: "blind obedience of every impulse, is actually slavery."

I fully agree with you, my old world friend, about freedom favoring tradition and rules and believe this applies to art, morality, spirituality, all of life, really: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

I'm not familiar with Queneau, and curious about what he has to say on this subject :) Thanks, @godflesh, for taking time to stop by & have this nice exchange. Congrats, btw, on your poetry win!

Beautiful poetry dear friend , good lyrics

Thanks, for your attention and encouragement, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

PS - I like the line on your blog: All powers are fake, Spiritual Power is real power.

Well Yahia, hope so you're doing great,actually i missed your presence in yesterday's poetry class held by @d-pend on discord, we had really fruitful session there. Daniel mentioned your published work there and i second him and agreed that you are an awesome poet Man <3

Lets move to the today's poem that is basically a myth of life to me and encouraging me to utter what i have in my mind, yes i am too a pile of words ;) ;)

Thanks for some wonderful lines my spiritual brother

I am only a pile of words
sparkling whine
sacked in skin

Old habits hardly die
once bitten, twice sly

So long as I'm writing, Salman, I'm well. Thank you, for letting me know @d-pend, kindly, mentioned my work and for your warm support.

Thanks, too, for letting me know what lines spoke to you from today's poem. Best of luck with your own work.

Thanks lot for the best wishes the wonderful soul :)

A wonderful example of the deep and meaningful art that can be found from stream of consciousness. Producing a new poem everyday for three months would be a challenge indeed without being able to go deep into the psyche without and pull.

Again a very strong write, here:)

Thank you, for stopping by and your kind words of appreciation. I don't know that I'm in it for the long haul, and admire those who are, but you're right about what you say.

Keeping a dream journal helps, and also using poetry as a journal (as @d-pend has suggested with his work). As with many things, Leonard Cohen summed it up best:

'Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.

Best of luck going forward!

The book is the window of the world, and the activity of reading a book is a way to open the window so that we can know more about the world that we have not known before

Sometimes... And, other times, we must put the book down and walk out into the world to feel the earth beneath our feet and the sun on our face...

The deep and meaningfull, Yahia! Nice to read your poetry.

I upvote and followed you, so please give me feedback at my day 3 poetry:

The Everything About Loving

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