Traveler's tips: Best things to do (and not to do) while driving in a bus.

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Who doesn't love a good bus drive of 20 hours? Well, if you don't yet, this article is just for you. If you do, you might relate. For me, there is nothing better than a long bus drive to a new place. Those journeys are my romance with life. However, you have to master some things before you can start loving those bus drives.
I have spent at least 200 hours in buses during the last 10 months, so this all comes from personal experience.

Sleep. Sleep... and sleep

Yup, as simple as that. It is the best thing to do in a bus... same as anywhere else in the world. However, always remember that you will be sacrificing one of your body parts when falling asleep in a bus. It is impossible to find a completely comfy position and walk out without any loses, so just pick a body part, which you are willing to hurt after, and adjust your position. I usually sacrifice one of the legs. Still - the sleep in a bus is highly recommended.

Are you tall? Get a seat in a front

So, being a tall 1.9 meters Lithuanian, I am constantly having a problem finding a comfy seet while traveling in South America. The tallest local people are still only up to my shoulder, so no wonder the buses are so tiny spaced. However, I have learned one trick: just sit all the way in the front. They leave more space up there and nobody will adjust their seats straight to your face.

P.S. I know that it is super lame to sit in front, and all the cool kids sit in the back, but I think I am choosing comfort over being cool already. You too, shall let cool kids to sit in those 5 back seats, where driving feels like being washed in a laundry machine.

Keep your stuff safe. Very safe

I don't want to sound like your mom, but I will. Keep your stuff safe or THIS will happen to you. I used to be "This will never happen to me" ype of a person as well... but thieves - they don't care about your wishes and thoughts. They just want that juicy wallet which you have in your pocket (if you do... don't). And never trust nobody, especially if traveling somewhere in a less developed country. I don't want to say "I have told you" later, so learn now.

Also, keep your valuables in different locations so you wouldn't lose it all at once. I didn't, so I only have a passport left. Following this tip, I had to cut it in a half to distribute my wealth. Yup, too risky to have it all in one place.



Just talk with a person close to you, would it be your spouse, friend, brother, a stranger, or a monkey. Talk even if you don't understand the language. Just keep talking... and have fun. From my experience, some of the best conversations happen in the bus, because people are less strained and actually fully engage in conversation. There is nothing else to do, so take that opportunity to open up!



What can be better than observing other people? I don't have an answer, because it is one of those rare things, which you will never get tired of. NEVER. People will always find a way to surprise even if they are doing nothing. If you don't know it all yet, just try to watch someone's behavior while he/she thinks that nobody is looking. Hilarious and educative.

P.S. Avoid being a creep and stay conscious. If you are watching someone, it only means that someone else is watching you. Damn.


Or, on the other hand, don't. Enjoy the drive. Work can wait.

Let others go first

At the final stop, never stand up first. You don't want to be that silly person who is hustling, kicking, and squashing. Rather be that smart one, who just sits and enjoys performance of silly people, rushing to nowhere.

Secret (it is only between me and you): you will still make it out on the same time with everyone else. The only difference is that you will get to keep your privacy and comfort.

Say thank you to the driver

I don't know why. It just feels right. Actually, say "Thank you" to anyone who is doing anything nice. Let's spread some goodness.
Also, be polite with everyone else in the bus (and general), because if your actions sucks to others, believe me, it wouldn't be pleasant if someone did it to you too. And karma is watching.

Now you can enjoy the romantic mood

You are now a master of long drives with a bus. It doesn't have to be painful anymore. From this day you can enjoy the romantic mood, which is brought by driving to a new place (even if you have been there before, it is still new today).

After all - being a passenger puts you into a relaxing position, where you are reaching your destination, but without any efforts. It is important in this new, fast tempo world to have those moments, when you can focus on yourself and simply appreciate life.

Tell me what I missed, so that we all could make those traveling experience better to each other!


For more of my ideas, poems, observations, reviews, and thoughts, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

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My job is to bring quality content to your feed. Your job is to interact (no one loves a nice discussion more than I do)!!!

Have a nice day,my fellow steemers! :)


good post but one thing do not travel with valuable stuff like jewelry and latest technology like the new iphone or samsung

Yeah, I agree, but sometimes there is no other option... so you just have to be careful and smart not to lose it

Audio Books are a great way to pass the time that is also very productive. Audible has most books, your local library may also have MP3 books you can rent for free, and librivox ( has many of the classic older (75+ years) for free. Listening to the books is easier than reading, if the bus is bumpy. You can spend the time looking out the window. The biggest problem is if you are on an Asian bus where they play the music videos too loud to hear...(trust me I have hundreds of hours of experience there....)

Yeah, I missed this one. Audio books is great, so is any music which is not coming from the driver lol. They play loud music in South America as well...

Always pack food and drink on a bus. You never know the schedule. The last greyhound I was on in America had regular stops with marginal food every couple of hours; but this is not a guarantee. I always carried a bottle of water, some snacks, chips, cookies, candy bar, and a book to read. I recall one China bus where the first scheduled stop was 8 hours after we got on the bus! (Yes, there were was a bathroom on the bus.) I have also had bus trips that just happen to take about 24 hours too long.

Yeah, I had some where they did not stop for 15 hours or so. At least a bottle of water is a great thing to have, and some snacks might be your savior on those trips :D

Your smartphone has a GPS that can tell you exactly where you are. Downloading the right app will let you use this without cellular data or signal. Study the bus route so you know when you will need to switch busses and to reduce the chance of missing your stop. If booking greyhound last minute, multiple short trips can be cheaper that one long trip. Take a small micro flashlight/headlamp, paper for writing down all your great ideas, and be ready with a camera for pictures, if traveling someplace interesting.

You have some great tips over here, @cryptick. Yeah, to have internet-free GPS is always good. If you don't have that there is always other people around, who you can ask. From my experience people usually try to help

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