NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite.

in #neoxian5 years ago (edited)

Join the club, the NaNoWriMo-writers! How? You simply start writing about what pops up in your mind or you use the daily promot @mariannewest provides you with. You can also have a look at @freiesschreiben if you prefer to write in German above English.

Yes, it is true the idea behind NaNoWriMo is to write a novel in one month.
A novel means 50,000 words. I started later and to me it means 2k a day. I can easily make it. I did it ten days in a row. I do not focus on thise 50,000 but on the 2,000 that I have to suck out if my finger (I type with one finger not with a thumb). Perhaps you are lucky and you can talk instead of typing. Believe me that goes very fast. My bad luck is it only works for me if I speak Dutch. Google is deaf if it comes to other languages as English. If it writes down in English what I say at all each word starts with a capital letter. To edit such a post is way more work than typing it myself.

If you join NaNoWriMo focus on your amount of words you set a day
If you know nothing to write about yet start freewriting. Sooner or later you come at a point you know into which direction you can go or your story develops in a certain way.
Many short stories make a book too. Write some parts in between what you wrote and a new story is born.
To your knowledge... I write on my mobile phone only. I type with one finger. If I can type without a break, as long as I am not distracted I write over 2,000 words within two hours' time and even took some of the biggest typing errors out of my text.
I had no storyline in mind as I started. The story develops in a certain way and if I think it dies I stop and change from characters or... Introduce a new character (to kill time of course and it gives me room to think while I type on).
I have no buddy, no one inspires me or encourage me and my children will not leave me alone if I announce it is time to write but... If I pick them up they always ask if I wrote something.
You can write throughout the day. It is what I did yesterday. On these busy days, it is great to work on a mobile phone. I can kill time writing if I wait for the bus-kid or the youngest, in the doctor's waiting room. I grab my phone and write down the lines which pop up in my mind while I am cooking, feeding wolves, lay in my bed and am still awake. The story grows this way and I nearly always make it to those 2k I need. I am not quite sure about the time but I think all together it takes me three hours. Three hours I use for writing a story, instead of hanging around, being bored and sighting "Waiting takes sooo long and I want to go home, sit behind my desk and start my computer so I can write." I never start my computer. I always have it at hand and I write if my mind is filled with all kinds of ideas but too if my mind is empty. These things happen and with me, the empty mind works better
as the filled one.
An empty mind is open for all kind of suggestions, ideas, there is no need to follow the storyline you worked on for weeks.
I gave up on making notes too. I still make notes, all kinds of but if it comes about writing I rarely do and if not check them. Once I wrote it down I remember it. What I did not note I forget. It has always been that way.
I never intended to join again, write another 50,000 words. Through the day I write enough and those who are really interested in me can find me.
My stories, tale or not, are a part of me. They represent me, who I am, how I think and who knows even what I stand for, hoped for. And even if this all is not true it is me you are reading and it is fine if you read a different story from what I wrote. I hope more if you will start writing. Like I said earlier: You already write a lot if you comment on others, send e-mails, use WhatsApp, Twitter, etc, etc. Why not use this and bundle it? There are so many books published and each of it is
read by at least by 3-5 people.

Why not a book about lentils or different kinds of lentil soups. Recipes that taste good and do not look like mud? I don't think lentils are known as great food, it is hard to make a great looking dish out of it. They look like dehydrated peas, less happy and vegetarians did nothing to promote lentils into a great substitute for meat. For some reason, vegetarian food looks dull and without any color. It seldoms stimulate your appetite which cannot be healthy. It is the eye that makes you eat and the nose does the rest.
Lentils do not smell great and that will not make whole populations start eating them. It is hard to see it as something delicacy and that is the main reason you will not find it on the menu of a high class/star restaurant. It is food for the poor just like beans. It provides you in most of what your body needs and the upset intestines/farthing are included. That is the main reason why so many people no longer eat legumes, although it is said it prevents cancer.
It is food for the poor, looks dull and people don't embrace you if you keep farthing. That is also the reason why "Bartje" did not pray for a dinner (brown beans only).
The writer Maarten 't Hart might have (I don't know if he is religious). He loves beans and if we may believe him it was one of the few tasteless things he ate during his childhood. It was at that time people ate exactly the same on each day of the week and did not care about vitamins, greens or lentils (lentils are rare in the Netherlands), and hardly drank on a day (no one was dehydrated).
Do you remember those days? I do. Every Saturday dinner was a slice of bread and soup and at granny's home rice milk. On Sunday's 3 courses: soup, potatoes, vegetables and meat and a homemade dessert. On Monday potatoes, meat(loaf), and vegetables, each Tuesday the same as on Mondays and on Wednesday white beans, Thursday the same as on Monday and Tuesday and on Friday (my favorite day) leftovers. And before I forget Monday's meatloaf/meat was warmed on the stove each day of the week till it was finished and all potatoes for the week were peeled on Monday.
There was no variation, we were not as fat as we are now and we did not get a brain damage or brought stupid, unbehaved children into this world because we had a huge lack of vitamines, minerals, sunlight, etc. We even survived measles and seldom had the flu. Not because we ate so many greenies, lentils, and superfood but we lived a normal life, jumpdid not overdue and went to bed in time.

So far my freewrite, see @mariannewest if you intend yo join.

What if someone reads your mind?**
Would it upset you?
Reading a mind or reading a face... is there a difference? Only if you open your mind it is possible to the sensitive ones or those who practiced it. The inventor no longer needs words to explain himself. If you spent most of your life alone words are useless.

It is good to be back home.

The first night they spent together in their new room. As he arrived they waited for him in front of the cave. They found it but waited outside. No word was said as the lined up giants went inside. One by one they took place on their bed.

"From now on this is your own place. If you come home you can go inside and take a rest."

The message was clear. They stretched out and closed their eyes.

"Is there something you like to share?"
He was not sure if he needed to ask.


He turned around. Behind him, his son stood and waited.

"Come with me I take you to your bed."

Slowly the giant followed him and as he piinted at only empty bed at the end of the row it sat down and waited, waited and stared at his hands.

2443 words

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo - 15 - Update - only 346 words will be used for the story

NaNoWriMo 14 - Dreaming about - 2876 words

NaNoWriMo 13 - Alain - 3005 words

NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing - 2855 words

NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite.

NaNoWriMo 10 - Great catch - 2355 words

NaNoWriMo 9 - True or not? - 2455 words

NaNoWriMo 8 - The voice is back - 2046 words

NaNOWriMo 7 - Sons of the father - 2590 words

NaNoWriMo 6 - King John - 1523 words

NaNoWriMo 5 - All Dutch (history) - 2318 words

NaNoWriMo 4 - the Eldest - 2023 words

NaNoWriMo 3 - Saints - 2232 words

NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant - 2026 words)

NaNoWriMo starts - 2738 words


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True, you can write about lentil soup, waffles, or wolves 😂

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