Siete stati in Ungheria? / Have you been in Hungary? (IT/HU)

in Italylast month (edited)

Se ognuno fa la sua valigia
Se ne va con la luce del Nord
Mi chiedo
Perché dovrei restare?

If everyone packs his bag
Leaves with the Northern Light
I ask myself
Why should I stay?


Naturalmente non faccio la valigia. Quella vecchia è pesante e se userei quella azzurra con le ruote. Un regalo, non c'è bisogno di sollevare e faccio pubblicità per una grande catena (dovrebbero pagarmi per farlo).

Of course I don't pack a suitcase. That old thing is heavy and if I would use the light blue one on wheels. A gift, no need to lift and I advertise for a big chain (they should pay me for doing so).


Gli ungheresi amano: la pizza, il lotto, il gioco d'azzardo, l'alcol, le scimmie e il club coconut (internet gratuito e coca cola avariata). (EN) Hungarians love: pizza, lotto, gambling, alcohol, monkeys and Club Coconut (free internet and spoiled coca cola).

L'Ungheria non è Budapest

e Budapest non è l'Ungheria. Chi vive a Budapest guarda dall'alto in basso il resto del Paese. Il sindaco fa quello che vuole e così i cittadini. Picchiano gli stranieri, imbrogliano i turisti, si vantano della loro ottima cucina e la notizia ancora migliore è che hanno un aeroporto rinnovato e ci sono cinesi e coreani. Chinatown merita una visita.

Hungary is not Budapest and Budapest isn't Hungary. Those living in Budapest look down on the rest of the country. The mayor does as he likes and so do the citizens. They beat up foreigners, cheat on turists, brag about their great cuisine and even better news is they have a renovated aeroport and there are Chinese and Korean. Chinatown is worth the visit.

Andiamo in spiaggia / Let's go to the beach






La spiaggia è il luogo in cui nessuno ama stare da quando è stata rinnovata. È tra i secondi fiumi del Paese. L'Ungheria non ha un mare, ma solo un porto in Italia, a Trieste. Il cielo è azzurro, il tempo è buono, tutto è chiuso e si può giocare a pallavolo da soli.

The beach is the place no one likes to be since it's renovated. It's among the second biggest river of the country. Hungary has no sea only a harbour in Trieste in Italy. The sky is blue, the weather is good, everything is closed and you can play volleyball solo.





Gli ungheresi vivono una vita sobria nel passato. Si godono i bagni termali e le cabine in legno che possono essere affittate. Sono vintage con il fascino del comunismo. Qui la gente ama gli alberi e offre loro il ketchup.
Dare cinque stelle al proprio hotel perché nessun altro lo ha fatto è un'invenzione ungherese, così come sono ungheresi tutte le grandi idee.

Hungarians live a sober life in the past. They enjoy the thermal baths and the wooden cabins that can be rented. They are vintage with the charm of communism. Here people love trees and offer them ketchup.
Giving your hotel five stars because no one else has done so is a Hungarian invention, just as all great ideas are Hungarian.



Se siete stanchi potete prendere il treno per raggiungere la biblioteca. Le panchine all'esterno sono gratuite, proprio come il wifi, quindi accomodatevi.

If you are tired you can take the train to the library. The benches outside are for free, just like the wifi, so take a seat.



Gli ungheresi amano gli stranieri e soprattutto quelli con molti soldi. Trattano tutti allo stesso modo, senza volerlo.
L'italiano è il trucco delle vendite ed è sinonimo di pizza, gelato e serrature di qualità. Gli italiani? Non li incontrerete qui. Quindi gli italiani vengono qui e regnano.

Hungarians love foreigners and especially those with a lot of money. They treat everyone the same, unwanted.
Italian is the sales trick and it stands for quality pizza, ice cream and locks. Italians? You will not meet them here. So Italians come over here and let's reign.


La fermata dei pokémon è qui, vicino alla biblioteca e al cimitero.

The pokémon stop you find here, near the library and the cemetery.


La gente di qui, o almeno il sindaco, è molto orgogliosa della ricchezza della flora e della fauna. Per questo la rendono visibile a tutti. Un pesce nel fiume grigio, un fiore, pipistrelli, cimici e mayflies che si riproducono in massa sul fiume proprio come le zanzare. C'è troppa fauna da menzionare: pidocchi, pulci, zecche, cimici, piccioni, malaria, ma la buona notizia è che avete il diritto di difendervi.

People here or at least the mayor is super proud of the rich flora and fauna. It is therefore made visible to all. A fish in the grey river, a flower, bats, bugs and mayflies breeding en masse over the river just like mosquitoes. There is too much wildlife to mention: lice, fleas, ticks, bugs, pigeons, malaria but the good news is you have the right to defend yourself.






Il mercato è un posto fantastico. Hanno una grande varietà di verdure come carote, carote, carote e cipolle e carote. Il bello è che si può comprare 365 giorni all'anno, quindi non si finisce mai.
Poiché le persone hanno sempre fame e mangiano almeno 5 volte al giorno, mangiano ovunque. Il fatto che non sappia di niente non ha importanza. Il popolo sa come sopravvivere e mangiare senza assaggiare, solo mordendo e ingoiando.
La carne è tutto ciò che viene fornito da un animale, senza scarti, e viene preparata alla vecchia maniera: salata.
Se volete sapere se quello che avete tirato fuori dalle scatole funziona, usate il potere della città per testarlo.

The market is a great place to be. They have a large variety of vegetables like carrots, carrots, carrots and onions and carrots... oh, and cabbage. The great thing is you can buy it 365 days per year so you will never be out of it.
Because the people are always hungry and eat at least 5 times a day they eat everywhere. The fact it tastes like nothing doesn't matter. The people know how to survive and eat without tasting just bite and swallow.
Meat is everything provided by an animal, no waste and it is prepared the old fashioned way: salted.
If you like to know if whatever you dug out of the boxes works you use the power of the city to test it.


L'Ungheria fa parte dell'UE. Hanno a cuore la natura e separano i loro rifiuti per mantenere l'ambiente pulito. Sono persino abbastanza coraggiosi da ignorare le regole per farlo, come si può vedere nella foto. Il cartello dice: È vietato depositare i rifiuti accanto ai contenitori. Se si viene scoperti si paga una multa salata.

Hungary is part of the EU. They care about nature and separate their trash to keep the environment clean. They are even bold enough to ignore the rules to do so as you can see on the photo. The sign says: It's forbidden to place your garbage next to the containers. If you are caught you pay a high fine!




In Ungheria si vende anche la "Torta", che è facile da mangiare per i tedeschi e gli italiani se non parlano l'ungherese. I figli del fornaio hanno preferito entrare in polizia. La pasticceria ora appartiene a un'azienda a 30 chilometri di distanza. È sempre una sorpresa se hanno una torta e se è fresca.
Se ordinate una torta di compleanno per la prossima settimana e ne indicate una nella vetrina, la terranno da parte per voi per una settimana. È un bel servizio se vi piace la torta vecchia.
La torta con panna montata non è comune agli ungheresi.
Per vostra informazione: la donna di campagna media prepara torte migliori di questo pasticcere. Non importa cosa si scelga, il sapore è sempre lo stesso.
Gli ungheresi amano la chimica. Aggiungono colori, aromi e rum chimici a tutti i loro cibi.

In Hungary they also sell "Torta" that is easy for the Austrians, Germans and Italians if they don't speak Hungarian. The baker's children preferred to join the police. The pastry shop now belongs to a company 30 kilometers away. It is always a surprise if they have pie and if it is fresh.
If you order a birthday cake for next week and point to one in the vitrine they will save that cake for you for a week. That's a nice service if you like old pie.
Whipped cream cake isn't common to Hungarians.
For your information: the average country woman bakes better cake than the pastry chef. No matter what you choose it all tastes the same so keep the Hungarian housewife close if you want a good pie.
Hungarians love chemistry. They add chemical colours, flavours and chemical rum to all their food.




Il drive in non è di McDonalds ma della panetteria. Hanno iniziato nel 2020 e non si preoccupano dell'igiene. Ecco perché tutti hanno servito.

The drive in or is it drive-through is not from McDonalds but the bakery. They started in 2020 and don't care about hygiene. That's why everyone survived C19. Hungarians are fighters and if they don't fight they ignore and do it their way.


Le bombole di gas vengono ancora utilizzate in massa. Se la porta vuole aprirsi si pesa prima la bombola vuota e poi.... poi non succede niente e nessuno aiuta.

Gas bottles are still used en masse. If the door wants to open (if not kick against it several times) you first weight your empty bottle and then.... then nothing happens, there is no one to help you out. Be happy your debit card isn't swallowed and gas bottles? They are cheaper at the gasstation or the pet food shop.

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Thank you I feel honoured. When can I expect you? There's plenty of room.

Now this is the Kitty I know!
Vol ding! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank you, I enjoyed your post.

I'm sharing my traveling friends Budapest post with you.

It is wonderful to see two different sides, two different types of post each with its own stamp of approval.

Thanks for sharing. I read it asap, have to hunt fir birthday presents now to make a little boy living solo in a lost world hopefully happy.

Budapest.. Will it be the bright side where the VIPs love to be or the downside?

A great day dear friend keep laughing, if I wear my funny hat again I'll tag you.


Budapest.. Will it be the bright side where the VIPs love to be or the downside?

I don't think the VIP always knows what they want. Maybe today it is the bright side and tomorrow the downside. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Enjoy the shopping! 💰

They only see what they like to see just like tourists though the vips (american film stars) stay under different conditions. They stay at the bright side and carry the down or dark side

I needed that bag 💵 💵 😥
Mindgame, captain America and a Bugatti Bolide 😁 it all comes with a price TAG. The good news is I found the same at a cheaper shop (40 euros cheaper!) had a coupon of 20 and saved to be ripped off.

Let's hope it arrives soon because I'm worried about the kids words. Hopefully, it's enough distraction,brings joy and the parents change while I kick them.

Happy day, I need some tea.


Well, it sounds like your shopping spree was not bad at all. Well done!

Gosh, I must be getting old, as I hate shopping these days.
Bread is a waste of space for my brother-in-law. For me, shopping is a waste of time.
But yah, we don't fall under your VIP grouping and have to shop ourselves. (•ิ‿•ิ)

It was a good but tiring day. I cannot wait to put my head on my pillow.

Lekker slaap!

Thank you, friend!
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please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

I had a good laugh. All we need is fun. It's fun not love to survive vacation.
I like home most. All my trips, mainly travelling, end disastrous. I'm fine without sun and the stress of packing, ID, strangers touching me. I got too many hobbies. If I leave I think _I could have done this, that and also..._those things I like most I'm waisting my time here.

Not all your trips. Disney was good. I heard they are hacked.

Disney world or D? No surprise e ery company is, so is the gov.

Well, dear. I don't know why I got the feeling that you didn't like Hungary at all 🙄

It was an amazing travel (being amazing whatever you want it to mean 🤭)

After your article, I wish I would travel somewhere, even Hungary, long time not traveling

I embrace you

Hungary is a great place to be, not different from other countries. They keep the spirit high with food and alcohol and by now they are number 2 if it comes to the fattest people in the world. They let themselves weight.

It's our home too since many years and the country two of my children live.
Above all it's safe, simple life without violence, women being harrashed, insulted, raped and stabbed on the streets. Tough people, strong, the first who will survive, they still have skills.

Like said Hungary isn't Budapest it's a different world with norms and values still proud of their history, culture, writers, inventors and fighters for freedom.

A warm embrace to you.

The Dutch say: planning a holiday is at least 50% of the fun. I agree but like to add: describing it is aa much fun lile I once did with my travel through Europe with @yaladeeds.

Oh God. Hahaha ROTFLMAO


I've been in Italy too, super cool country they have...

It seems in Europe, your countries are not as far apart as I imagined it to be in my head because you guys makes traveling from one country to another look so easy.

Whipped cream cake isn't common to Hungarians.

I think they need to pay a consultation fee for u to teach them how to make it.

But, I was a bit disappointed though… I was hoping I’ll see your face for the first time in your journey to Hungary…


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