Achievement 1: Verification through Introduction by @ulrich12

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)



Hello everyone, my names are Tsafack Biasso Ulrich but on the plartform I am @ulrich12. I am 23 years and was born in mutengene in the southwest region of Cameroon. Although I was born in mutengene, now I live in Muea a town under Buea in Cameroon. I am from the tribe of bamelike( from the west region).


I am a forex and a crypto trader and i have been trading for over 4 years today with the most excitement i can ever have. I started in 2018 in February and since then i have faced many ups and downs in the forex market as well as crypto but passion doesn't let me even habour the taught of giving up ever. I also love football and music.



I attended a technical school in my early grade school where i chosed accounting of which i know very much about but within that time i had a passion deviation to crypto. I am holder of a Baccalaureate (BACC) certificate, probatoire as well as a BSC in the field of accountings where I had some real good grades in.


I have worked online on many Platforms when it comes from forex to crypto i have account's and trading result with many of these regulated brokers out there like binance, intelligence prime capital, legion app, trust wallet and many others more. I also hope to learn more here while sharing with you all what I know.


I discovered the plartform from a friend @graciella who told me about it and I was very interested then proceeded to creating my account and this post. I am particularly interested in the crypto academy where I hope to and will try to qualify for as time goes on. I hope to make friends here and learn from you all.

Thanks for reading!!!


 2 years ago 

Welcome dear hope you will enjoy the journey with us 😌

 2 years ago 

Wow... Welcome my friend. The fist thing i noticed is that you were born 4 days to my birthday anniversary.
I hope your stay here is memorable. I am glad to see that @graciella brought you in here.
Welcome once more.

 2 years ago 

thats really awesome

Hi @ulrich12, welcome to Steemit. I am glad that you welcomed steemit when @graciella told you about it.

Please add a profile image so that you can be verified

 2 years ago 

Welcome to steemit Ulrich
We are happy to have you here
Make it a personal oath to be consistent 🤗
Can't wait to read from you

 2 years ago 

Hi, @ulrich12,

Your post has been supported by @adeljose from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

You're very much welcome

 2 years ago 

U are welcome my dear

 2 years ago 

@ulrich12 you are welcome in our community. You will learn a lot Here.
You are a trader that is great because I plan to start trading, I'll contact you
If you have any problems don't hesitate and ask your question

 2 years ago 

i will be dere to answer all question.

Hi @ulrich12 nice to greet you, I'm @wilmer1988 and on behalf of the entire steemit team I want to welcome you to steemit, a digital universe that allows you to share everything that you are passionate about and be part of a world of possibilities.

I want to invite you to join Newcomers'Community, a place where new users can officially introduce themselves and thereby meet achievement 1.

Once you manage to reach the Logro 4 you can be part of Steemit Cryto Academy in its 6th season,a place where you can continue your development in the world of cryptocurrencies, dare to reach it, come and be part of it, I leave you tools to be part of it:

It is important that you know and be part of the #club5050, for this you must maintain a balance during each month by turning on no less than 50% of your withdrawals and transfers, in this way you will be contributing to the platform and you can be considered for support from the steemit team, learn more here

I recommend you follow the @steemblog account, which is the official channel of steemit, here you will find all the current information regarding the platform, contests, events, updates and others that will surely help you a lot.

I advise you that your publications have less than 300 words that allow the reader to understand the content you want to share

I don't want to say goodbye without first inviting you to the form part of the largest movement in steemit such as The Diary Game #thediarygame.

On behalf of the steemit team, I say goodbye wishing that all this information could be of help to you.


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