Street Photography Contest Week 07 Entry 1 - Child Building a Snowman @ Sapporo, Japan | 街頭照相比賽 #1 - 小孩在堆雪人 @ 札幌, 日本 (Theme: Children/Kids)

in #streetphotographycontest7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians,

This is my first entry for this weeks Street Photography Contest organised by @allmonitors. You can find the details here.

This picture of the child was taken at Sapporo snow festival in Japan. Take a closer look at this child's snow suit - its a dinosaur suit!


Theme: Children/Kids

Location: Sapporo, Japan

Camera used: iPhone

Hope you like it 😉

大家好, 以下是我的街頭攝影比賽參賽的照片. 主題是小朋友 - 希望你們喜歡 😉

地點: 札幌, 日本

相機 - iPhone

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 . 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:
以下是我過往寫過的博客,請支持一下 💁🏻

Snow Sculpture on the Sun Island @ Harbin, China

Wild Sage @ Sydney, Australia

Make a Gift With Me #1

Stay With Me #1 - Yunokawa Prince Hotel @ Hakodate, Japan

Castle of the Moors - Sintra @ Portugal

Old Town & National Palace- Sintra @ Portugal


Very nice ! Thanks for sharing. New follower!

Thanks for your support :)



I love that dinosaur suit!
I wonder if they do them in my size haha

Hahaha probably not ! Haha

That's a shame. I think It would suit me!!

Thank you for your participation.

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