The Daily Cover-Up - 5/25/18 - Transparency Under Attack.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

The following voters have downvoted the bidbot summary comment left by @Transparencybot.

For more information on this project, you can view the introduction post here.

What is this report?

This report shows who downvoted and also provides a link to that comment to allow you to restore its visibility (by upvoting the comment) if you so choose.

  • Voter = The account that cast the heaviest downvote.
  • VIS = The remaining visibility of the comment. Amounts in () indicate the comment is no longer visible.
  • DV = The down vote weight cast by the voter.
  • REP = The reputation of the voter.
  • Link = The link to the comment that was downvoted.

The list is updated automatically multiple times daily. The visibility of these comments can be very dynamic.


If you believe in transparency on this platform, then please help out by casting an upvote on one or more the links above so they remain visible.

Here are today's top upvoter's. Thank you VERY much for the support, this is so important for our long term success!


TransparencyBot is presenting information that IS available on the blockchain, but NOT otherwise available on Steemit.

Transparency allows all of us who care about this platform to know what is going on, directly see how it affects us, become more educated as to what can be done and then; hopefully, act in a way that protects our platform for years to come.

@TransparencyBot needs your help, this must be a community effort or it WILL fail.

This is a non-profit initiative, all funds received by or delegated to it will be used directly for this mission only. No one, including myself is being paid for any service or product. Please consider supporting it by upvoting this post and/or the comments left by @transparencybot.

As of 4/18/18, @transparencybot will begin upvoting random posts that use the #nobidbot tag and have not used bidbots on the post.
The number of random votes it does per day depends entirely on its remaining voting power. Later on, a filter to select only authors with reputation's of perhaps 60 (or 50) and below may be incorporated, but for now it is wide open.

If you would like to delegate directly, you can do so by clicking on the following links. You can remove your delegation at any time. Be sure to leave at least 50 SP in your account.

50SP 100SP 250SP 500SP 1000SP 5000SP.

How does transparencybot use its voting power?

@Transparencybot along with a continuously growning support base upvotes the comments its leaves to keep them visible. It does not vote on any of the @bycoleman accounts.

In addition, if transparencybot does not need to use its VP in upvoting its own comments (because someone downvoted them.), then is uses its VP to randomly upvote Steemians' who have used the #nobidbot tag and not used bidbots on its post.

It is a non-profit initiative and much like the March of Dimes or Steemcleaners, it of course relies on donations. These funds are not distributed back to its owners or delegators.

Image date: 05/25/2018

How does bycoleman use his voting power?

I @bycoleman, in conjunction with @botreporter, currently use 100% of my voting power to upvote random Stemians who do not use bidbots on their post. Click here for upvote report.

Image date: 05/25/2018




I will continue to flag you.
I've told you multiple times to keep your spam off my hard work and original content.
I provided you with acceptable solutions.
You've chosen to ignore these solutions, so I will treat you as the spammer you are.

i am your side keep flag and i'll also keep flag this guy


Click on the image to view full screen

My campaign started with this article dated 2/6/18 and continued forward with multiple articles that used bidbots and futher exposed how bidbots could be used to bring ANY article, both of high quality and low, onto the trending list.

It reads:

No really, this is a post on nothing of use, not anything in particular and certainly nothing worth upvoting.

But it may well serve to be a very useful tool in demonstrating some of the techniques used by many Steemian's, whales and minnows alike to grab a few (or a lot) of votes for rather marginal or useless articles.

If you have ever wondered why some articles you read and some authors you run across have SO many upvotes and so many followers, well stay tuned --- I'll be exposing some of these techniques is the days ahead.

All profits for the article and the remaining articles using bots were donated!

@Transparencybot is a continuation of the campaign by many to bring quality back to the trending list.


Flagged to remove self-vote undeserved rewards

⬆look at your delegated sp at work⬆

Your upvote is supporting a spammer & scammer, read comment I copied by @glennolua for evidence he asks for delegation then self upvotes.

What, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you use bidbots to promote your posts?

No I donot hide that fact at all as this platform is already transparent, i posted evidence he lies about the delegation and it is spam as his automated bot comments are unsolicited and not related to my nor anyones post. He could produce reports and flag rewards he does not agree with instead he lies and self upvotes his comments and other bots with delegation he says is used to upvote quality posts that donot use bidbots, if fact he would upvote alot more and not all his accounts and comments. Did you see the evidence? Did you know he used bidbots also?

Heh, the fact that you used bidbots seems pretty relevant to your post to me. Saves me the time of sorting through multiple websites that track that sort of thing to see how much you paid.

Or, to put it another way, I'm happily soliciting his comments on other people's posts. I think you and people like you are ruining Steemit.

My photographs are bad? My content is garbage? The owner of transparencybot used bidbots also. Making the investors of bidbots money to invest into more sp ruins steemit? Do you know what would happen to the price if they all powered down cause you think they ruin steemit? I would think the sellfish circle voting whales on autovoters, garbage memes getting hundreds+ and self voters would be worse... ? Anyway I posted proof he is scamming and the fact is his bot comments on others posts are spam, so you supporting that makes you better? Without a bidbot I averaged 30-50 upvotes worth nothing, its called paying for promotion, I pay for it yes which I believe is better than just powering up and joining a vote for vote group upvoting garbage. & fyi I put bidbots on minnows, delegate some minnows SP through my own and leased through minnowbooster & help projects that help minnows, grow Steemit & even bought plane tickets to reunite a recently homeless mother with her child just last week and I am ruining Steemit coming from a supporter of a scam artist.... Glad you got it all figured out

How does transparencybot use its voting power?

@Transparencybot along with a continuously growning support base upvotes the comments its leaves to keep them visible. It does not vote on any of the @bycoleman accounts.

In addition, if transparencybot does not need to use its VP in upvoting its own comments (because someone downvoted them.), then is uses its VP to randomly upvote Steemians' who have used the #nobidbot tag and not used bidbots on its post.

It is a non-profit initiative and much like the March of Dimes or Steemcleaners, it of course relies on donations. These funds are not distributed back to its owners or delegators.

How does bycoleman use his voting power?

I @bycoleman, in conjunction with @botreporter, currently use 100% of my voting power to upvote random Stemians who do not use bidbots on their post. Click here for upvote report.

You just setup a comment and report FARM

The blockchain is transparent by definition you are just playing with words and using leased stake to self-vote and profit while making witness nodes more expensive to run by bloating it with your spam comments.

Stop palying with the lack of knowledge of users If you want to fight the bidBOTs use your stake to do ORGANIC curation OF quality posts.

Do you think i am happy each time i have to pay 100 $ to a middle man so my content is not lost in the flood of shit other shitposters like you are creating in the blockChain ?

Hell man i make bots for a living been at that for 10 months now here in steemit and no one ever has flagged one of the, why ?

Because they are useful ethic bots, that helps curatos by doing the repetitive tasks for them, freeing humans to do human things.

I will never make a spamBOT (even if it is actually 10 lines of phyton) because i care!

Why dont you show us you care too ?

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