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RE: r/bitcoin has gone full North Corea

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

... the future of Bitcoin with Blockstream leading its development.

This is where your story end for me.

You have absolutely no respect for the hundreds of volunteers that contribute to Bitcoin.

Look at this table of core developers support for the various scaling paths (segwit2X = bigger block)

Now please add another column to that one and tell me what % work for Blockstream.

I am thankful of the Steem blockchain being immutable to censorship where anyone can state their concern and voice their opinion about anything, for free.

So why not make a post specifically about this and share it on Reddit and save these people from vote manipulation and censorship by bringing them over to Steem ?


I do have respect for them and the work they've put towards Bitcoin, that's why I hate what Blockstream is doing to it and what it is becoming.

and tell me what % work for Blockstream.

As I've stated I haven't followed it that precisely, but according to this

it seems like that % is getting bigger each day if they keep kicking developers for no reason.

Look at this table of core developers support for the various scaling paths (segwit2X = bigger block)

What? How does that not make it more clear that most are working for Core (which most developers have been co-opted by Blockstream) and are not supporting segwit2x which Bitpay is and are now being threatened by Core because of it.

This is what I found on wikipedia:

Blockstream is one of the largest contributors of funding for Bitcoin Core

Since my story ended at that part yet you quoted the last part, did you miss the part about the patents? Even though it seems like they aren't directly patenting Segwit they seem to want to patent the sidechain which enables Segwit.

I did share this post on Reddit and the main point was to prove how censorship resistant it is even if it gets flagged to 0 it will still be visible and people can comment and post on it. Its not like I care that much about Bitcoin anymore, if it wasn't for these Core developers it would probably be at 20k right now and still have 90% dominance instead of letting all so called shitcoins eat up on its marketcap day after day because its literally unusable for leading companies like Bitpay due to its fees and confirmation time.

I do not think this will be a big problem.
Most likely Bitcoin SegWit solution is not going to be accepted and will crash sooner or later because of blatant mismanagement and corruption.
Investing in it will hurt you if you plan to stay there long term.
You could make some profits short term by gaming the abusive system, but that just makes you as bad as the people you criticize.

The prudent course of action is to keep your Bitcoins where they are and see if there are other parties who try to regulate or destroy the remnants of the original Bitcoin. I do not see how this is possible, however. A lot of people have a vested interest in the maintenance of the original Bitcoin; plus the cat is out of the bag anyway. Noone can stop its replication, in fact, other decentralized currencies are already on their way so that new decentralized non North Korean options are available to us regardless of what happens to Bitcoin.

Obviously, I think that the original Bitcoin is going to survive this, but there are going to be some tough times ahead of us. It was obvious from the beginning though, Bitcoin was and is a game changer and with its creation the rules of the game and the status quo have changed - leading to conflict.

Neither are the original bitcoin. They're block structures are both different. 1MB vs 1MB + SegWit vs 8MB

Or you could say they're both the original Bitcoin - as they both started in 2009 technically.

But I guess BCH is closest to Satoshi's white paper

The original bitcoin had no blocksize limit. Not until version 3

I think there is no problem at all with blockchain size increase.
If you can't come up with a better solution do increase blockchain size, until you can create a better solution.

It's much better than a giant pile of shit like SegWit2x

Jeff garzik who had done very little contribution overall had not done any for years. Removing him allowed bitcoin core project to make the statement that not a single contributor support segwit2x / bc1 here :

It's the people you support (Chinese miners and Rogers) that stalled the block size increase that segwit provide along with multiple added benefit also improving scaling.

If you know nothing about the situation stop trying to explain it to others.

Bitcoin core is not an elected group of people its an open project project that grew organically for years by welcoming contributions.

Lookup the opinions of the dozens of people who made what bitcoin is and you see 95% support segwit first then Block increase later. Later definetly does not mean 2 months as per NYA. .

If anything the patent has to be a defensive one that stop someone else from patenting it. While on patents why not educate us on bitmains ASICBOOST patent and tell us it's not a big economic incentive not to want segwit.

It's the people you support (Chinese miners and Rogers) that stalled the block size increase that segwit provide along with multiple added benefit also improving scaling.

That's the small-blocker narrative. The big-blocker narrative is that the current core-heads have been stilling any kind of block size increase consistently and particularly since 2015.

The moderate narrative is that we'd had both bigger blocks and SegWit already in 2016 had only the Hong Kong roundtable agreement been respected.

So you're saying Roger has been stalling the blocksize increased through segwit when he's been pleading for years to increase it?

I don't know anything about ASICBOOST.

So there is no incentive to keep the blocksize small on purpose so they can implement segwit and have transactions go through their sidechains which they then control. The people have just to trust them that with the patents they won't turn Bitcoin into the second paypal? To trust these users who are constantly silencing people concerned about their true incentive and have been doing so for years on the most used subreddits and forum?

I have made it very clear that what I am writing is speculation and mentioned many times that I may not know everything involved in the matter since I stopped caring about it because of this censorship years ago. I am not trying to teach anyone anything than to be vary of what they read on centralized sources which I myself am getting this information from.

All people got a piece of both coins and the ones I warned not to dump them immediately have been thanking me cause to them it seemed ridiculous that the hardfork even happened and many of them read r/bitcoin which went on about how BCH will die within a week.

Of course the censorship and hivemind can go both ways and I've also made that clear. I guess in the end the market will decide if they want a controlled Bitcoin with transactions going through another layer or what Bitcoin truly stood for in the beginning, except that this time around we will have the history of this discussion saved on the blockchain where no one can delete it or change it.

No central entity control sidechains, they are just a mathematical concept. Also no specific entity makes money from lightning networks.

How can you not know about ASICBOOST? its one of the main reason we are in this mess. Bitmain is not only in control of a large % of the hashing power they are cheating using ASICBOOST which they patented and implemented giving them a 15% efficiency gain equal to a 50% increase in profit over everyone else. The drawback is that they have to mess with what transaction they are including in blocks and not compatible with segwit optimization.

You should understand that none of the other altcoin have these political debates because nobody cares about them as much. I wish there was a viable alternative to Bitcoin as a viable reserve currency / reference unit of account but sadly I see none. Once we are past that mining centralisation phase bitcoin supremacy will be much harder to challenge.

Bitcoins fight is not againt other cryptos so much than it is againt TPTB, banks and governments.

@transisto You are absolutely right about this.

However, the only other alternative I consider (which is still inferior to Bitcoin) is XRP. I am as far anti-government as one can potentially be, but we have to be realistic and see the world for what it is. Banks are not going to go away tomorrow, neither are governments. It will be a long transition with many interesting and challenging years ahead.

Ultimately, I believe that Bitcoin will change the world for the better.
We have to be incredibly careful to prevent any centralization of its network. Therefore, the political discussion of the blockchain of steemit are extremely important. It's good that you brought this information forward and made it availalbe to the steemit community.

I was aware of the manipulation by Bitmain, but never heard of the ASICBOOST patent. I just thought it was something they did, I was not aware that there were legal patents in place to prevent litigation or adoption to address this problem.

The drawback is that they have to mess with what transaction they are including in blocks

So a problem that wouldn't exist with bigger blocks? :D

I wish there was a viable alternative to Bitcoin as a viable reserve currency / reference unit of account but sadly I see none

That is indeed sad for you.

No central entity control sidechains, they are just a mathematical concept. Also no specific entity makes money from lightning networks.

Lets see for how long that remains true.

Lookup the opinions of the dozens of people who made what bitcoin is and you see 95% support segwit first then Block increase later. Later definetly does not mean 2 months as per NYA. .

Satoshi and Gavin are the most important contributors, and they have both been recommending to lift the 1 MB block size limit "when needed" - and it was needed already years ago.

Yes why this took so long? Maybe for a reason like patent.

Economics is not about rationality, neither is it about what people want.
Economies can be driven by FUD to a large extend and manipulated with emotions.

A lot of people do not want SegWit2x. A lot of big players in Bitcoin want SegWit2x because it enables decentralization and cheating to improve profits.
Ergo, Chinese Miners are obviously going to support SegWit2x because they potentially manipulate the tokens by removing signatures from the Block when it suits them, as there is no definite witnessing requirement for blocks with the SegWit2x solution.
Likewise, if you Bitcoin Cash is more profitable to mine, miners are going to act in their own self-interest to improve their yield.
This is the exact opposite of what Bitcoin is supposed to be.

@transisto: I literally agree with everything that is listed in the comment you linked.

I view it as a poor attempt to manipulate the Bitcoin community, but as I said it is ultimately going to fail. I think that Bitcoin community is very aware of the problems that resulted from government interference, corruption etc. and not stupid enough to walk into an obvious trap like that. FUD to manipulate emotion and market value. It ultimately always ends up terrible, so I am glad that we have the blockchain in place to prevent blatant cheating. I am also proud of the Bitcoin community and its level headedness and its spirit to make the world a better place.

I view it as a poor attempt to manipulate the Bitcoin community, but as I said it is ultimately going to fail. I think that Bitcoin community is very aware of the problems that resulted from government interference, corruption etc. and not stupid enough to walk into an obvious trap like that.

Well, if someone with vested interest in fiat was to manipulate the Bitcoin community, I believe they would try to divide the community and manipulate both camps to bitterly oppose any kind of compromise (BIP-100, BIP-102, Hong Kong agreement, SegWit2X), as well as inventing ideas suitable for derailing the Bitcoin project (such as BIP-148 and Bitcoin Cash), and manipulating people to embrace such ideas. Oh. We have already constantly been going into the trap for two years if not more.

Well, there is one important distinction between the attempts of manipulation now and how it was in the past. The blockchain makes it possible to roll back mistakes. Hardforks do not destroy Bitcoin core and Bitcoin core can be maintained indefinitely. If it maintains the highest structural integrity it will always be the default fall-back option for everyone.

Also, lol, kicking someone so they can make a statement of how centralized they are. :D

It's the people you support (Chinese miners and Rogers)

Who said I'm supporting them? :D I don't even like any of the bitcoins cause its a matter of which one sucks less compared to altcoins. If you've followed the markets and price changes the last couple years I can tell you there are many that only hold altcoins and they don't regret not holding bitcoin even a single bit.

If you've checked my altcoin reports you may notice I'm a lot more for them than the tiny profit bitcoin may bring.
Just cause I use Internet explorer to download chrome doesn't mean I hate IE, its often the only gateway to get to something better, even if it is very slow and unreliable. ;)

Survival of the fittest... Darwin law still applies in crypto!!

True 'next level' or knowledgeable crypto enthusiasts generally feel this way, they can see the way it's going that in less than ten years it will take the power of an entire country to mine a single bitcoin. The money is definitely in alt coins, and specifically in those with clear real world use, like steem of course-- man if they just had steem visa rather than having to transfer it to bitcoin first-- and what would really blow it out/send it to the moon is if they created a marketplace based on steemit, with all of us bringing all kinds of products and services from all over the globe...then again I wonder if it hasn't been intentionally designed to keep it smaller, at least to this point, in order to attract the best of the best in the beginning, the 'gatekeepers' who set up the self policing to keep any other censorship out. Early adopters here are generally intelligent people with a lot of foresight :)

EDIT: Most of what I know is from listening in on discussions between my husband and a few of his good friends. And tonight during one such discussion they were excited over two coins: Civic and Library(lbry), they are what my man calls 10X, or coins that will be worth at least ten times their current worth in a year. He is a tireless researcher, it's basically his full time job at this point. He hasn't been wrong yet.

I made a thing to represent the current state of Bitcoin, as lead by Blockstream. You may need to right click on it and click view image to see it better(it looks really small on my screen for some reason, sorry!)

BTC rofl.jpg

They need to get their crap together. And yes, /r/bitcoin is insane with censorship.... reddit is to censoring for my tastes for the most part. This steemit place is nice for now and in a good position overall. I only see actual spammers/scammers/copy and pasters/toxic(swearing/abusive) being downvoted on steemit, and rightly so.

Completely agreed. ETH wasn't really going any place and neither were Monero and some of the others. People got fed up with the random spam attacks causing days of delays or having to pay huge fees. Bitcoin is where it is due to them being so cautious about not overloading the system and wanting to allow raspberry pis to be able to run as a node and what not...

Now their actions had the consequence of giving up huge market share to altcoins, turning people off of bitcoin all together, making a contentious Hard Fork happen, and it seems they don't want Segwit2X to happen now either so another Hard Fork looks to be coming... It is mind boggling...

To be fair, a quick look at the edit history of that wiki page shows it's being policed by people employed by Blockstream and the apparent rule to add your name to the list is that you need to have a commit to bitcoin core in the last year which would exclude many people supporting segwit2X.

Not that I'm in favour of segwit2X :) I think having 2 chains, one with segwit and one with a block-size increase is the optimal solution.

I think having 2 chains, one with segwit and one with a block-size increase is the optimal solution.

There can be only one Bitcoin; compared with alts, the advantages of Bitcoin is the network effect, the brand name and (arguably) the security offered by the crazy amounts of CPU-power owned by the miners. Split the chain, and Bitcoin is dead.

In the late 90s there was one standard for online chat on the internet, it was IRC; everyone was at IRC. What happened? The network got fragmented due to arguments on how to fix the problems on the protocol level, and instead of IRC we got a lot of commercial, centralized, closed chat-platforms, and some few open chat platforms used by nobody.

Roll forward some years, and we'll still be stuck with fiat (a jungle of different commercial centralized actors) and some few dozens of crypto-currencies used by nobody.

I think the SegWit solution is doomed to fail, but that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
I expect a strong push for SegWit as well as Cash. SegWit to crash Bitcoin so that Cash can become the new original Bitcoin raised from the ashes of the original Bitcoin like a phoenix.

However, I could be underestimating people's investment choices. Perhaps the SegWit chain is going to be inflated by whales dumping all their Bitcoin into it or blatant propaganda or exchange manipulation. However, there is a chance that this does not matter if most people keep their Bitcoin in the original version. The original Bitcoin can solve most of its immediate problems with larger blocks, though it may not be an ideal solution, it's a good solution for the short term (2 years or so). But of course even with a larger blocksize the system could still be abused without effective countermeasures. Nonetheless, I think that 2 years of time is enough to develop an adequate solution or some form of protection against abuse.

Seriously? Do tell me which of these Core contributors have over 100 commits. They are either no longer there, or they are Blockstream employees.

Is this really worth a flag? Aren't you two mostly on the same side?

The white paper told us exactly how to scale and they have been fighting it for years. There's no debate to be hand. The block size increase is years late. Segwit is some camoflauged nonsense they only want due to control and patents.

It's thanks to them that Bitcoin Cash and $7 fees exist.

Off-chains are a trojan horse.

PS - Please respond to the points in my link if you wish to debate, as I will simply refer you to them. (It's not going to be easy.)

So why not make a post specifically about this and share it on Reddit and save these people from vote manipulation and censorship by bringing them over to Steem ?

I believe Reddit has automoderation on posts linking to Steem. At least, every post or comment that I've written on Reddit linking to Steem-articles got shadowbanned (visible for me, but invisible for everyone else - really a bad way of censoring stuff).

amen may bitcoin blockchain live long an prosper

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