Steemit Success Tip Of The Day #22 - Strive Each Day To Be "MILDLY "NOT-Okay""

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

okay mudra.png

When people ask me if I'm okay these days I like to POLITELY reply, "No, I'm NOT okay... But that's okay!" After all, is ANYBODY REALLY "okay" lately? I mean, isn't the whole CONCEPT of "okay" a RATHER ILLUSIVE one? It's like the "STATE of "okay"" is some sort of CALCULUS LIMIT which we all just KEEP on PERPETUALLY APPROACHING in an INFINITE SERIES of steps which NEVER actually QUITE GET there. I mean, just look at the current STATE of the world. There are ENTIRE CONTINENTS which are DESCENDING into - or PERPETUALLY STUCK IN - political and economic TURMOIL. Politicians MASK themselves as celebrities, while celebrities MASK themselves as politicians, YET the WHOLE LOT of them are being UNMASKED as LIARS, and/or PERVERTS - or WORSE. Most people these days are a BUNCH of SELF-PROCLAIMED, "arm-chair SWAMIS", trying to convince OTHERS - and ultimately THEMSELVES - that ALL is GOOD in the MULTI-VERSE. People in the "developing" world SCRAPE BY on their PROVERBIAL "less than two dollars a day", YET their main priorities TEND TOWARDS gathering enough CASH to buy OVERPRICED smartphones, fancy clothes, SUV's, and ALL of the other CREATURE COMFORTS which their societies have SUCKED OFF of the guilt-trip-ridden "developed world" in some kind of TWISTED, CO-DEPENDENT subsidization program which KEEPS them unable to NATURALLY ascend the ladder of "civilization". Then again, the "developed" world is in quite a BIND of it's own these days, isn't it? The MASSES of BRAINWASHED ASSES are running around FRANTICALLY embarking on the next "POP crusade" against all of the MYTHICAL CLICHED "isms" - like RACISM, and SEXISM, and FASCISM, etc. With their TOKEN TATTOOS and PIERCINGS and WEIRD HAIRDOS and SLOGANS chock-full of the latest DISINFORMATION they GO FORTH into the world to fulfill PRE-PACKAGED AGENDAS designed by OTHER people who don't have their best interests at heart. But then again, in the end MOST PEOPLE don't really even LIKE, or RELATE to, each other in any sort of HALFWAY DECENT, or CIVILIZED, manner anymore. Many are SUBLIMATING their INNER EMPTINESS by holding STEADFAST to one or another "approved" FAITHS, such as the REDEMPTIVE "Return of "Jesus"", or the "mother ship" of the "Intergalactic Federation", or the law of ATTRACTION which will WHISK us all UP, UP UP, and AWAY into that DELUXE "CRACK-HOUSE in the SKY", where we'll all live in a PERPETUAL state of BLISS aside those who have FALLEN before us, or with our PROMISED VIRGINS, or whichever other JUICY "after-life sales pitch" you prefer to buy into; living out our days in a state ASSUMEDLY VOID of the perpetual HASSLES and NERVOUS BREAKDOWNS which seem to COMPRISE the FABRIC of this RELATIVELY DANK mortal existence. Or PERHAPS the ROBOTS will FINALLY ASCEND to COLONIZE the planet and SAVE us "HOMO SAPIENS" from ANNIHILATING OURSELVES, and TRANSFORM this planet into an UNTAINTED and HYPER-AUTOMATED "UTOPIA", where we can all FINALLY live out our days contemplating how "not-okay" things ULTIMATELY ARE once you take away the distracting drudgery of RAW survival. In the GRANDEST TWIST of IRONY it turns out that that BULK of SELF-PROCLAIMED "liberated ones" are so JACKED-UP - and WHACKED-OUT - on GNARLY CONCOCTIONS of "fake news", KITCH art and entertainment, and NATURAL and/or SYNTHETIC neurotoxins, that sometimes it seems like it MIGHT ACTUALLY be BETTER to just wake up BRUISED, BEATEN, and HALF-NAKED in a DUMPSTER on the WRONG side of town, UPSIDE-DOWN and WRONG-SIDE-UP at the APEX of a week long BENDER on HARD LIQUOR and/or CRACK-COCAINE.

Strive Each Day To Be "Mildy Not-Okay"

The point I'm trying to make here, folks, is that this world is ULTIMATELY "not okay". Yeah, sure there are "MORE" PROPERLY "ascended masters" who have reached HIGHER levels of "LESS "NOT-okayness"", and have ATTEMPTED to help the others "get there". But let's be honest. We are living in a SEA of SPIRITUAL MUCK, where MOST people don't know which way it UP, and our environment - on NEARLY EVERY LEVEL - is so COMPLEXLY TOXIC that some days you really start to wonder if it's EVEN WORTH the HASSLE of waking up in the morning.

With all the TALKING HEADS going ON and ON and ON about "democracy" and "HUMAN RIGHTS", and "freedom"... yada...yada... yada, the reality is that MOST people in this world are living under SOME FORM of DICTATORSHIP - whether it's the "tin-horn" STYLE of dictatorship RAMPANT in the "developing" world, the BANKING and MEDIA "dictatorship" of the "developed" world, or simply the INNER DICTATORSHIP which MOST people IMPOSE on THEMSELVES, mainly by refusing to accept the ultimate "not-OKAYness" of things. The HARD REALITY is that EVERYONE is more or less SCREWED these days. Yeah, sure, many people here on Steemit, and in the "freedom/truth movement" are AT LEAST TRYING to create a PARTIALLY-UTOPIAN "better world" - that is, the one which likely ONLY exists somewhere out there in the ABSTRACT world of the PLATONIC FORMS - right up there with "equality" and other NON-EXISTENT goodies - but for the REST of us down here in "reality" I think the BEST we can do right now is STRIVE to be as "MILDLY not-okay" as possible, AS OFTEN as possible. "Okay" is just simply NOT going to happen right now - nor likely EVER. It's an illusion. It's the GRAND myth. It doesn't exist NOW, hasn't existed in the PAST, and will ALMOST CERTAINLY not exist into the FUTURE. It's MERELY something to MOTIVATE US to wake up in the morning and face the day, NO MATTER WHAT your socio-economic situation is. You may be the MOST spiritually enlightened person out there right now, but WHAT GOOD is that if there are THOUSANDS and MILLIONS of people -in BOTH the "developing" and "developed" world - living in a state of - at best - the ABYSS of MATERIALISM and SELF-IGNORANCE, or at worst, in some GRIMY wooden SHACK in the GHETTO of some "third world", politically-unstable HELLHOLE, lying on their BACKS and "movin' and shakin' their moneymakers" to earn just enough LOOT for the next meal AND a few hits of METH to wash it down.

Let It Out

As you can see, BOYS and GOYLES, I'm NOT PULLING any PUNCHES today. I'm actually getting PRETTY SICK and TIRED of all of the OPTIMISTIC "MUMBO-JUMBO" out there these days, as if the BLOCKCHAIN, or the "hidden advanced Secret Space Program black-ops technologies", or ANY NUMBER of SPECULATIVE revolutionary TECHNOLOGIES and/or EVENTS are going to FINALLY bring us all back to the "promised land". I'm tired of waiting for the "Golden Age Of Aquarius" to ROLL IN and shake off all of the hierarchical VIOLENCE and IGNORANCE of the Piscean "Iron Age", only to FALL BACK to waste ONCE AGAIN when the STARS and PLANETS RETURN to their PAST positions over THOUSANDS and MILLIONS and ZILLONS of years. Even the UNIVERSE ITSELF is in a CONSTANT state of FLUX between periods which are LESS "not-okay" and MORE "not-okay".

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I'm tired of waiting to become a "crypto MULTI-zillionaire" so that I can FINALLY have the financial security which will PARTIALLY CLEAN the SLATE of all the TRAUMA and AGONY of a life of poverty and THWARTED dreams, the FINANCIAL DICTATORSHIP of student loan debt bondage, the MENTAL BONDAGE of MASS MIND CONTROL and MASS "education", and the PERPETUAL BATTLE of trying to stay RELATIVELY SANE in this RAMPANTLY SHALLOW reality I was INVOLUNTARILY BORN into, and "raised" in.

No folks, you're not going to get much more "rooty-tooty fresh-and-fruity" RAMBLINGS of a DELUDED OPTIMIST here. If you choose to CONTINUE reading these OCCASSIONAL philosophical RANTS - intermixed with my more "optimistic" and practical ones - you are going to get MORE of my personally HARDCORE TRUTH. If you want to make PROGRESS on Steemit I CAN help you do that. Keep reading these posts and you WILL make some headway, but it will be a REAL type of headway - NOT the kind resulting from the HEAPS of MENTAL JUNK being spewed out by the HORDES of "new age MAMBY-PAMBIES", trying to convince you that the "law of attraction" is going to MAGICALLY make all the "bad stuff" go away. It just doesn't work that way, folks. The "bad" stuff is a FUNGUS that FEEDS on the "good" stuff, and just doesn't retreat. Trust me, I live ONE FOOT in the GRAVE, ROLLING on a mountain bike through some of the POOREST and most HOPELESS parts of the world. Each day is a ROLL of the DICE as to whether I will achieve SOME SLICE - however tiny - of that more desired state of "MILDY not-okay", as opposed to approaching WAY TOO CLOSELY towards the threshold of "VERY-to-COMPLETELY "NOT okay", at which point I may very well end up YELLING, and/or THROWING THINGS, and/or THROWING PEOPLE. Each day is a BATTLE to RESTRICT EXPERIENCE to within the UPPER ECHELONS of "not-okayness".

The Path Of Liberation From The Prison Of "Okay"

If you want to make PROGRESS in this WARPED reality (BOTH ON and OFF of Steemit) then the FIRST step is to STOP striving to be "okay". There is NO such thing as "okay". It's an ILLUSION. It's a MYTH. It's that CUTE LITTLE PAIR of "SPIRITUAL TRAINING WHEELS" which protect us from realizing that NOTHING is really "okay" in the GRAND scheme of things. We've all got a ONE-WAY ticket on the "EXPRESS TRAIN to the GRAVE", and so you can EITHER start to face the HARD REALITY of things, or live out your days chasing after the ILLUSORY STATE of "okayness" which DOESN'T friggin' EXIST. I know it sounds HARSH, but if you REALLY, REALLY ponder the LARGER PICTURE of this "reality" I think you will AT LEAST be able to CONSIDER that the BEST ANYONE can REALLY do is STRIVE EACH DAY for HIGHER STATES of "mildly "not-okayness"". There IS NO "okay". There are only LEVELS of "not okay". If you can TRULY come to this REALIZATION then you will be ONE GIANT STEP further along on the path to knowing A BIT more of "the truth" - EVEN THOUGH you can't ULTIMATELY know that "truth" in its ENTIRETY anyway. But I guess "PARTIAL truth" is AT LEAST a LITTLE BIT better than "NO truth". This is what I PERSONALLY have realized at this point in life. You may NOT agree, or CHOOSE NOT to agree, or CAN'T agree, with what I am saying here, and that is FINE. There are PLENTY of other SELF-PROCLAIMED "SWAMIS" out there who will be MORE than HAPPY to "PUMP your head" with their own "pipe dreams" of NON-truth, and you are free to STOP reading my stuff and MIGRATE over to SUCK the "nectar of DELUSION" out of their BOSOMS. I just call things as I PERSONALLY see, and experience, them, and what I ULTIMATELY see is that this existence is a PERPETUAL STRUGGLE to remain within a HEALTHY RANGE on the GRADIENT of "mildly "not okayness"". There IS NO "okay". There are only SHADES of "NOT-okay". If you can swallow this JAGGED PILL then you will be ONE GIANT STEP closer on the journey towards SOME SORT of "sanity" and REALISTIC perspective in this HIGHLY "insane" and DISORDERLY world. It's your choice, of course. I'm just here to PROPOSE some potential directions.

Today's Dreaded Homework Task

If you are still reading this, and are willing to FOLLOW ME in the LABYRINTHINE JOURNEY through the REALMS of "not-okay" then simply take 10 - 30 minutes each day this week to CONTEMPLATE the DEGREE of "not-okay" the things in your life REALLY are. Is Steemit, or Bitcoin, or ANY OTHER blockchain technology REALLY going to save you? Are the aliens going to land and open up a can of INTERGALACTIC WHOOPASS on the "Rockefellers" and the "Rothschilds", and "George Soros", and the "Illuminati", and ALL of the other ANTAGONISTS in the "GRAND cast of characters" who are presented to us as being the MAIN OBSTACLES to our ultimate attainment of the MYTHICAL state of "okayness"? Will the ROBOTS finally TAKE OVER and turn us into their BITCHES? Will the hidden "black ops" life extension technologies REALLY make you BETTER OFF? Or will they simply EXTEND the time you have in this CURRENT INCARNATION to be "mildly "not okay"" on your BEST day? Is TECHNOLOGY FINALLY going to save HUMANITY from OURSELVES and PULL us out general state of ABJECT IGNORANCE? I have my serious doubts. Sure, all of these above things are NICE concepts, and WILL alleviate SOME of our current suffering to SOME DEGREE, and for SOME PERIOD of time. But in the end they ALL fall SHORT of the MYTHICAL state of "okay". They are ALL subject to the ULTIMATE force which LIMITS ALL THINGS down into the range of "MILDLY to SEVERELY not-okay" - in the BEST-CASE scenario.

I am NOT saying that there aren't FLEETING moments of "ALMOST "okayness"" which we can experience if we live according to certain PRINCIPLES which INCREASE their CHANGE of MANIFESTATION. I am ALSO not saying that we SHOULDN'T ENJOY those fleeting moments when they do arise. But what I AM saying is that living our lives EXPECTING to achieve "okayness" is a recipe for DISASTER. If we "strive EACH DAY to be as "mildyl "NOT-okay" as possible we AT LEAST cultivate the POTENTIAL to RIDE those FLEETING WAVES of "ALMOST OKAYness", and this makes us a WHOLE LOT better off than the HORDES of DELUDED OPTIMISTS who waste MOST of their time here CHASING after that ILLUSIVE state of "okayness" which simply doesn't exist.

Now take a piece of paper and draw a BIG, FAT line down the center. Label the left column "okay". Then label the right column "mildy-to-severely "not-okay"". As you meditate on ALL of the various issues and circumstances in YOUR life - and the lives of OTHER people in the/your world -- BOTH ON and OFF of Steemit, and BOTH PAST and PRESENT - decide whether these issues ultimately fall into the category of "okay", or SOME DEGREE of "not okay", and put each one into its appropriate column on the page. Then spend a few minutes contemplating the results of your experiment. The most important thing is that you be HONEST with YOURSELF, as that honestly is the ONE THING which will enable you to ASCEND from the DELUSORY STATE in which things SEEM to be ultimately "okay" INTO the HIGHER REALM where you become CERTAIN that they are UNDENIABLY "not okay".

As usual, feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, challenges, insults, threats, etcetera, and as WE ALL continue moving ONWARDS and UPWARDS on this TWISTED ladder of EVOLUTION - climbing each step CLOSER and CLOSER to that MYTHICAL STATE of "okay", but NEVER actually quite GETTING there - just ENSURE that you achieve SOME small SPURTS of "progress" by PERPETUALLY striving to take life (both ON and OFF Steemit)...

"One nervous breakdown at a time"



It's like when people say they're fine. Fearful Insecure Neurotic and Emotional. FINE! Sure, I'm fine, I'm very fine, because I am indeed fearful, insecure, neurotic and emotional. Am I ok? I'm all right. Some aspects can be better, others keep getting better. I am happy, but today I am tired an glum and bloated (that time, can't wait to start because then I'll feel emotionally relieved).

People like to make out everything is fine because they have been programmed to believe that talking about such things is wrong. My mother grew up in the 50s and 60s, where it was Pleasantville all over the place. Everyone had to keep up appearances that they were fine and stand up straight, even if you were completely depressed, tired, and unmotivated. You had to fake it! My mother used to insist that I fake it. Not too much, but it was sometimes annoying. After my burnout, when CPTSD symptoms got worse, I stopped faking it. My mother stopped insisting. I may put on a persona in certain social gatherings if public and not among close family, but I still won't fake it. I'll be honest. How are you? Healing, better, but still having rough days. That's honest, it's not saying I'm completely ok, and it's ok.

Love this post btw!

Right on! I was concerned that many people might be turned off by the INTENSE nature of this post, but luckily, I am PLEASANTLY surprised to see that it is resonating with the RIGHT people.. EVEN JUST ONE new, interesting person who is drawn in by these more edgy posts is an accomplishment according to my grand mission. Here is "third world" Asia people will allow themselves to literally be PHYSICALLY and/or MENTALLY and/or SPIRITUALLY HARMED in order to save face, and they STUFF those emotions down into the depths while it eats away at them. I totally resonate with the PTSD stuff, as I deal with it each daily myself. Most days I need to SUPPLEMENT my diet with BEER and SEDATIVES just to get through the day without killing myself and/or others.... but that's okay. That SAME PTSD is what has made me into what I am. The bottom line is that life is TOUGH. The problem is that most people CHOOSE to NOT ACCEPT that reality that life is TOUGH, and they ULTIMATELY do so at their own peril.... Since you and I have some mutual interests (ex. filmmaking) I have given you a BIG, FAT, JUICY follow for such a heartfelt comment, and for sharing your struggles and continuing the fight. Keep on keeping on.... "one nervous breakdown at a time".... You are valued... @transcript-junky

Thank you so much. Followed you back :)

Yup, one breakdown at a time, one panic attack at a time, once small victory at a time, and eventually, we will triumph, because we are fighting on not letting other control us.

Intense! I agree with everything you say here pretty much although the tone of your piece is somewhat overwhelming and a tad depressive. I might even say that having read and appreciated your article I feel less than OK :) However, that is fine as we are human and here to experience our emotions and grow - and truth is truth, well at least from where a person is standing eh. The real shame is that most people would be unable to relate to your points which is the real root cause of all the not OK in our world! Keep on keeping on xox

A clearly not "okay" post. :) You nailed! Greate summary of the social state of mind of the present world! In Portugal we say "so-so", "more or less" "okay". Usually less. We have this trend of complaint. That's a good thing. The bad one is that we are utterly passive. We conseider the act of complaining an end in it self. This post, on the other hand, calls for an "not-okay" active state, as a begining for transformation and metamorphosys!

Hey @martusamak! Whoa! Thanks for "stopping by" and leaving your uber-JUICY "droppings'. Considering the high-quality of your comment I decided to wait one full day to meditate over your PROFOUND words, whilst ALSO filling up on BEER and SEDATIVES in order to give JUSTICE to my response. It's nice to see the CALIBER of people who are POPPING out of the ETHER as a result of my recent "no-holds-barred" post. It just gives me EVEN MORE reason to continue PLUMBING the EXISTENTIAL DEPTHS of this HIGHLY "not-okay" reality. Yes, "mas o menos" is the REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT that we HEART-CENTERED, "hot-headed" Mediterranean FOLK apply to the current state of CHAOS we are all swimming in. Many SCOFF at those "hangers-on" of the E.U., wasting "productive" time on their siestas and long Sunday brunches, while the WORKHORSES run HEADLONG into a future which is TOTALLY "not-okay". As if Galileo and Divinci are not ROLLING OVER in their graves watching us FUTURISTIC BAFOONS continue DESCENDING further and further into the ABYSS of FALSE hope that this is existence is ULTIMATELY anything LESS than TERMINALLY "not-okay"...

a very nice post salam from @mizi23 and hopefully happy always

If someone comments on your post will vote for him.

one of my best friends just told me about his panic attack, it's really hard to hear it, but as long as I'll be here talking about it gets him better. I'm a dude, some sharing my issues was a no go. Only recently I started to talk with my closest friends about things that are on my mind and it opens up a space for freedom, don't keep it in share it and someone can give you an advice or an answer, never underestimate the power of sharing your emotions to someone close to you. They will tell you the truth :)

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