Is This What Bird Box Warned us About?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

In the video below, Doctor Sharon Goldberg speaks to the effects of wireless radiation which include DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects, cancer, and heart disease. Dangerous electromagnetic radiation leads to not only out of control health care expenditures but also plays a role in chronic disease and health epidemics like diabetes and elevated blood sugar levels.

According to Dr. Goldberg, if you live close to a cell tower, your chances of developing elevated levels of blood glucose is higher than those who don't. She continues to explain the practice of creating small cell sites and moving them closer to people’s homes is very dangerous!

"And you may not know this, I was shocked to find this out; the way you create a model of diabetes in rats, in the lab, is by exposing them to 2.4ghz and this is not for long-term exposure." — Dr. Goldberg

Sharon further outlines that one of the major dilemmas associated with (radiation-induced) diabetes is chronic kidney disease. This can lead to end-stage renal disease and will eventually cause the need for hemodialysis, a treatment that will automatically qualify people for Medicare.

You can tell from her address to the Energy Policy Committee at the Michigan House of Representatives that she’s appealing to their sense of fiscal responsibility and hinting at the future liabilities they will no doubt incur should they roll this technology out statewide. I think it’s a smart approach seeing as how people in government rarely have a conscience.

This way if the medical facts don’t hit close enough to home perhaps the fact she has put them on notice will cause them to make the right decision. This is all on the public record and will be available as ammunition for future Michigonians to use in their lawsuits against the State as they die off like poisoned rats from these horrible diseases.

In the clip’s end, Dr. Goldberg talks about the psychiatric problems generated by this dirty electricity. They include mental health deterioration, suicide, and homicide. If you watched a Netflix movie called Bird Box, that's what happened in the film. The people’s mental health would deteriorate, and it led to either successful suicides or acts of homicide.


Images were brought to you courtesy of Pixabay! [1] [2]


The problem with this argument is that it isn't factual.

So, we have one side lying, and we have the other side make non-factual statements.

"smart" meters are specifically designed to mess with humans.
Not accidentally.

The new 5G is specifically designed to mess with humans.

440 Hz music is specifically designed to mess with humans.

The human body is an electrical and magnetic antenna.
Thus, we should be very careful when making electrical and magnetic noise. When we start working from this angle, then we will have a much better communications network.

We have not even begun to work on what EM is good for humans.

However, we have a group of people who are attempting to control, dumb down, and limit humans. And these people are behind the "smart"
meters and the cell towers.

I hate bird box as a movie. I hate the things that society seems to be taking away from the movie. The important information is spoken by the guy that "has to be" hated, and so, everyone ignores the important information.

Thx for the feedback @builderofcastles!
I'm curious about what arguments, or
statements, you found to be not factual.

measurements of whether EM radiation hurts you is based on seeing if it adversely heats the body too much. Of course, if it cooks the body, it is very bad, but before that point, it really only matters if the body can shunt the heat fast enough. So, it is a bad measure for damage.

440 Hz has serious impact on people, that they never realize.
432 Hz is far more soothing and uplifting.
But, these are just in the realm of "feelings" right now.
Nothing is really quantified. Nothing has really been studied.

So, a 5G network, properly tuned could help out people.
A 5G network designed to destroy people requires almost any other frequency. (so basically, its easy to be bad, hard to be good)
We have very little knowledge about frequencies.

Lastly, cancer isn't what people think it is.
Cancer is an emotional disease.
If i do not cure the underlying emotion, than there is nothing i can do about the cancer.
Cure the emotion and the cancer will often disappear.
Don't cure the emotion, but physically remove the cancer, the cancer will reappear.

So, the real cause of why 5G is bad, is the same as having uninsulated / uncovered water pipes. The pipes give off a sub-hearing noise, that makes all hearing it tense. Giving people nightmares and causes people to see thing. In effect, something that is outside of human hearing range (and so, often ignored by science) is a direct cause, while those things being measured have no bearing on the situation.

Thx for sharing your thoughts on
frequency, EM radiation, and or 5G!
It's always good to get your take!

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Listen to the audio version, click to play.

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