Welcome To Your Demise

in #freewrite6 years ago

{Ba-a-a-ah! A more common noise than people tend to give any ounce of thought to. Said by goats, pained by humans, useful for onamatepeia for the species of writers (which is unrelated to the homosapiens, as writers are the homofictius but shh about that) and when you just don't know what set of fluffy four-legged animals really say... Today shall contain a co-written co-posted entry with mój Ukochany, @calluna, starting with her flooferific alpaca plushes and closing with me ending with... wait, that's spoilerly and I shall not spoil any further, hmph! Anyways, this is for the @freewritehouse We-Write Contest as linked in green o'er there... Today's music-aides: A Smile Beneath Your Skin [1.] and You can't be serious? [2.] from Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion.}

- Welcome To Your Demise -

- Starter by @calluna -


The plush alpacas were gathered in the bedroom for the latest meeting in their quest for total domination. Dipper and Miyu were playing sheep games again, while Mikhail and Mareta were back to arguing about what they felt was the most vital point.

“It’s called the Coalition for the Alpacalypse!”

“No, it’s always been the League of Disastrous Intent!”

“Thankfully, history is written by the victors, a little editing can always set it straight in the end.” Herbert interjected, bringing a swift end to the debate. No one argued with Herbert, not only was he far too experienced in ending worlds for that, his sheer size was a little off putting.

Edwin, their leader, took the stage, the soft pink of his hoofs dimpling the duvet as he commanded attention without a single word.

“The test run of operation Wild & Wooley has been a complete success, our brother Mao, under the codename Rainbow Cuddles, has fully accomplished his mission, blending seamlessly into a little girls bedroom, winning the trust of every plushie there.”

Bleats of approval echoed around the group, a glow of pride dancing Edwin’s brightly striped fur.

“We identified 40 bedrooms, positioned in the houses of world leaders, ready for the arrival of our comrades. Our gratitude still rests firmly on your hanches Mikhail for the extra time you endured in the factory. Your army of misleadingly cute assassins have been making their way to their target locations, wrapped in the tight choke of shipping cellophane.”

Edwin paused for a moment, as each alpaca present remembered the great journey they had made. Shipped across the ocean in a parcel, from the alpacasso factory, to the bedroom in which they - the core of their revolution - resided.

“And Dipper, I believe you got the first delivery notification from amazon this morning?”

- Closer by @theironfelix -


"Indeed! Indeed! Let's turn on the tele! On! On! They should be there now!"

Edwin's hoof pressed on the remote, a soft click emitting from the remote. A light sparked from the tele, revealing multiple scenes; here the alpacas' fluff pressed up hard on each other, the cuddliness ignored for these moments.

"Well, now begins the true operation, may the World succumb to the flames of revolution!"

As the seconds flew by, their plush eyes waited to see their efforts begin rolling into action. With multiple scenes, a chorus of only alpaca stomps began noising the air. Soon even big Herbert joined in, almost shaking the whole crew off the bed-side. By now all where singing with their alpaca qualities, plush they were still.

"Finally, after so long we are doing it. The assassins are nearing their target destination, children convinced by their toys to carry out the deed with their plushes, Herbert with Mareta planning the best city-ending strikes and Dipper with the first ever experimental robo-plushes!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Go robo-plushes, go get them and snap them!"

"Finally, the weapons utilized not for humanly æsthetics but something of danger for once!"

"Brother Mao would be proud to see this, too bad he's in China as the children are making head way."

"Look, Herbert, can you see the telltale signs of disaster from here, they're gonna blow!"

And waiting in anticipation, their clopping reaching its max for noise pollution and now competing with their cute voice-boxes. But with the ecstasy, a giant shake flung them to the air as big Hebert huffed and puffed through those plush nose-holes.

"What is happening here, the people are laughing and rejoicing in the streets! They should be asphyxiating while the plushes dance over their corpses!"

"Well you probably screwed up, I have a bigger problem that my assassins are hugging and making central figure heads cool-headed. They should be gutting and mauling on their corpses by now!"

"Quiet Mikhail! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Your 'sassins' were Hugsassins, I even told you but you just kept ignoring me. Look at my screen, they're hacking entire systems to free animals and prisoners alike while overtaking the spots where corrupt politicians stood! B-a-a-ah!"

"Quiet, all of you! Clearly Brother Mao didn't stick it in right to these plushes because the kids are encouraging their parents, World leaders mind you, to do good- wait, there's something on the news. We need to see this, maybe something good for once!"

With Edwin's hoof smacking the "force all screens" button, as the button screams in oscillating terror, the tele finally flicked a light that solely displayed the news. On display was the recent leader of a country stepping up to the podium, a leader of the country they all were made from. Their eyes glued to the screens, they bunched their fluff closer.

"Hello, in the recent hour, indeed all around the World, we have seen majorly positively developments. There will be some minor difficulties to reset certain things, but they shall be fixed. However, plushes, don't laugh, have made a force of change unseen in the history books! And this is their leader, Mao; indeed, as I stand here, I laughingly joke that the spirit of Mao Zedong giving humanity one more chance-"

The tele sparked off, the image of Mao burning in the memory theatre of each alpaca. Herbert's plush eyes staring down on the now fizzing and buzzing remote broken to all hell. Dipper was furious at the seems as he bounced about and crashing to places no alpaca nor plush should dare venture too. Finally, Edwin spoke.

"Herbert, execute plan Z. Hopefully, we made preparations for an event like this. I know you've done your part, and many times over. If we can't get it the easy way, we'll win it the hard way. Just like all good fairy-tale stories, right?"


#TwoThingsTM: I officially unofficialy made this my own without ever branding it (TwoThingsTM) and also that I am releasing the final day of the 16 days of literature on Thursday. Wanted to take a slight pause and write something fun (so let's say this is 15.5th day of literature here).

Anyways, see you there for the 16th day and the QITR!... wait, yah don't know what the QITR is? Well lemme tell yah so Sonny Jim!

So, wanna hear about a lil' thing called the QITR? Consider ever having something interactive and fun to read without being a UI eyesore? Consider ever wanting a chance to earn big and working together with people to get mad dough? Consider ever just how screwed up Steemit is that contests can only support writers nowadays? Consider ever wanting a prize for reading?

If you said even yes to one of those, then thou art in luck! QITR, Quest in the Realms, hoisted by the great @bananafish is an upcoming project to kick-ærs-n-chew-bubble gum. I only make headway for it since I helped contribute through writing and being a treeline consultant while organizing the daily Cthulhu chants. Anyways, QITR qua contest shall make all these other contests feel sad that they haven't harnessed the power of Steemit Blockchain mechanisms!

We got @curie, @crowdmind, @steembasicincome and so on and so on support that it just doesn't stop for our Pot of 30 Steem along with 30+ SBI Units to hand out to the winners. We've a chance to make Steemit fun and enjoyable and to see the beauty in fiction-craft. SO PLEASE LOOK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION!


I hope that we don't have to execute Plan Z in the near future - sadly, the signs are saying that we might have to!!

Thank you for participating in the WE-Write project. You might consider turning this into a freeread - author reading when you have time.


And, you are a winner!!

You two did a fabulous job writing together. We are so happy that you are writing with us.


Hope you will join us again this coming Wednesday for the next WE-Write adventure and also look into our other contests. I think you might be interested in the Literary Award.

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