PROOF I Served My Country ~ You Cant Fake This

in #blog7 years ago

Some people say I never served my country, turning some against me in hate. They state as FACT that I never served my country no matter what evidence I have shown.

I make YouTube videos since 2010. Some people get jealous and attack me.

But the one thing that caused me a lot of harm through the years is when people started to say I lied about my military service and am guilty under the Stolen Valor Act.

Sadly many people have believed the lies and actually join forces in hopes of destroying my life. People come to my property to vandalize the place, thinking they are doing good.

The one thing that sickens me the most is when someone believes the lies and thinks I did not serve my country.

In 1994 I joined the US Army and went to Ft Knox, KY as a 19K tanker. I went through the entire 3 month AIT training because I was scrawny and failed the push ups the first time. I was recycled to the beginning.

This made me tougher though and made me an expert. I was expert in hand grenades, expert in the M16 and an expert tank driver. I was one of the top two drivers in our battalion. I shot expert at the tank shooting range as well. I had a lot of training since I did it all twice.

During my service I received awards and medals. I went to the boards to compete with other soldiers for recognition in the battalion.

A few years ago another person on YouTube, also a Veteran, made a video saying I am a fake and a fraud. He said I was guilty under the stolen valor act. He said he did a background check on me and found that I never served. He stated these things as facts. People believed him.

He is even here now on steemit turning people against me.

I showed my military photos from my years and experiences. He said I faked them.

I showed my military awards and medals. He said I faked them.

I showed my DD214 and he said I faked it, bought or stole someone elses records.

He still makes videos stating I am a liar.

People believe him.

Even just this morning I was having a conversation on steemit with someone who doubted that I had served.

This prompted me to make this current video.

I have a Veterans status mark in my Michigan drivers license.

I have a letter of recognition from the Governor of Michigan.


If this was fake I would go to prison.

I challenge anyone who doubts me to turn me in. Certainly some already have by now.

I will remain a free man.

I served my country!!!!!!!

See the video here:

Here are the other videos I mentioned above.

Showing photos of my time in the military:

Video showing my awards and medals:

Video showing my DD214:

NOTE: There are some people who are out to do me harm. They are out to destroy my life.

They will certainly be spreading lies in the comments below.

They edit videos and photos as "evidence" against me. They turn me in for crimes I did not commit.

Please do not give them credit for what they do by even looking at them or their links they spam my blog with.


  • I have a perfect, clean record (anyone can do a background check).
  • I served my country from 1994 to 1998.
  • We make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.
  • Anything else is a lie.

Please ignore the comments below.

Do not give them credit for the filth they spread.

Thank you.

What kind of discharge did you have? Honorable, general under honorable conditions, other than honorable, bad conduct, or dishonorable? No one claimed you didn't serve. They questioned where you served and your type of discharge.

Honorable. Doc always said I did not serve. He made videos saying I lied. Actually right here on steemit some sucks members stated and ranted as FACT in FAT letters that I did not serve.

if thats the case. how come this cocksucker gets no va benefits? this asshole is a liar!

Well, I don't know Doc, and I haven't seen those other claims, but I will take your word for it. I think all you have to do is show the paperwork proving you were honorably discharged and then the trolls will have egg on their face. Until you do, the burden of proof will be on you.

I see you answered as I was writing.


Ugh. You don't get it, do you?

It is not understanding issue but rather he is hiding something and not being truthful. Samo samo deceitful.

I just made a long apology video to sucks members and an open invitation to come back to YT.

I answered the point by point requests made on this video.

It will take some time to process and upload.

I will put a copy here.

Actually that was for those who still deny my service. Not you.

I just finished an apology video to sucks members and an open invitation to come back.

I also answered bettyswallocks point by point questions/demands on video.

I am really trying.

How many people have you got blocked Reid? You are a just had to throw in the "/demand" word didn't ya!

This proves nothing about your service or type of discharge. Show Box 18 of DD214 please.

Of course. i already said I will. Next video after the apology which is processing now.

The short form DD214 that you show has the discharge info blacked out. Show member copy 4, long form with discharge info. You knew people wanted to see discharge info, yet still show nothing. What are you hiding?

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

Only to keep my comment on top because you guys flood the comments with garbage.

Leave and I will stop voting my comments up.

Nobody else will vote for the loser so he has to do it ....

I will ask you as well.

Would it make a single bit of difference if I show my DD214 again to prove my honorable discharge status?

Would you then stop harassing me?

I am totally willing to do so in order to end this.

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

And I know that some sucks members will harass me until the day they die.

It is very sad though that you guys feel the need to harass us.

If I was guilty of all the crimes you guys accused me of, I would be in jail now.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you dont like us, just leave.

I am not harassing you about this. You served your country, and thank you for that. But there is a track record of instances where you have given pause to people who want to believe you. Show the paperwork that proves you were honorably discharged and you can at least turn one of your detractors (i.e. Doc) into a fraud, and that will help your cause overall, don't you think?

Not saying I believe or not or care about the DD214 but I would like Doc to become a distant bad memory.

I make mistakes. I am chaotic.I am disorganized. I dont have the right tools, skills or materials.

But I never mean anyone any harm.

I don't think people believe you mean to harm them, but at times you can be your own worst enemy. You are hypersensitive to those who offer critique you disagree with. You don't accept advice well. You are worried about looking bad so I think you often sprinkle some bullshit on a situation (just a little) but before it is all over you have needed to sprinkle more and more to masquerade your initial cover-up. Just tell it the way it is. There's no need to "entertain" your viewers. Just be you. And do what is necessary to provide for your wife and kid.

This is why the Sucks forum exists. Troy does not take criticism well. Nor does he take advice. Subscribers only meant well with their advice. He banned them from his channel and called them trolls because he didn't like what he saw written. He also deleted those comments.

If your going to put your life on Youtube and expect people to watch you have to expect criticism.

No one has questioned your miltary status. Only your discharge.


Except for being dramatic on my explanations of things, I never intend to make anything up.

I often sound like an idiot though and sometimes seem to contradict myself in the words I say. Then it looks like I am trying to cover it up when I try to explain what I meant.

I was never good at communication.

I was not made for the entertainment industry.

It just happened and it turned out to be popular.

Your YT channel sucks

That's what the delete key on the keyboard is for. It's not like you're making a 2 hour movie every day. Watch your own stuff before you post it. If it opens you up to criticism and you aren't delivering the message as you would like, start over. Simple.

you didnt show your DD214 in the first place troy! you had it all covered up except a nae and job title which could of been faked and you know it! you never proved a thing. you didnt show anything of importance to prove you were in the Army beyond basic and AIT. the veteran affairs department requires you to have served 24 months to be a veteran and you have never proven that you did. you also must have been honorably or general with honorable to be a veteran. you have not proved any of this! your drivers license just means all you did was check a box on the form that the dmv does not background check!

Actually they needed a copy of my DD214 in order to put the stamp on my drivers license.

Please feel free to turn me in for fraud and making a fake ID.

Anyone doing such a thing on video would go to jail or be fined. There would be a police record for sure.

It would only take 24 to 48 hours to be arrested.

Go on. Do it.

Then shut up forever when I am not arrested or accused.

no they do not troy. i have he same stamp on my license and all you have to do is check the box to get it. they do not verify it unless someone contests it. i claim you never served beyond basic and ait because you never showed proof of it. you never showed a dd214 except the one you covered all the info on. you have lied repeatedly about things you did in the army and receiving awards that do not exist. you can print any award and write on it what you want and you know it. the va and dod still show you dont exist in their systems. your name does not appear on any of the unit rosters you claim. how do you explain these facts? anyone can go check these facts out themselves! it isnt secrete.

I served from 1994 to 1998.

I was trained in Ft Knox, KY

Sent to FT Hood, TX

Then to Friedberg, Germany where I stayed another 9 years and served our soldiers overseas.

dont lie troy you know your original comment said 1994-1996 and you just changed it to 1998. admit you did so! a REAL VETERAN would NOT have made that mistake!!!

see troy this is WHY people find it hard to believe you. in previous comments you claimed 1994-1998 but in this comment you claim 1994-1996. a true veteran would not make mistakes that way.

secondly the armed forces does not discharge you while overseas. they bring you home FIRST then discharge you. it is international law that they do so.

thirdly there is no such award as "best tank driver in the army" such as you claim you got.

fourth you claim the army lost ALL of your records and that was why you couldn't get into VA

fifth you claimed you got soft bones disease from driving tanks despite that disease DOES NOT EXIST!

sixth you originally stated you tried to get the VA to acknowledge you for years but then LATER you claimed you NEVER tried to get VA to do anything.

seventh you saluted with your LEFT HAND then when confronted about that disrespectful salute you lied and claimed that was how your unit did it. no unit salutes left handed and all veterans and soldiers know this.

eighth you claimed you completed basic with a busted collar bone (clavicle) and that you managed to be the best at pushups despite. news flash troy you cannot do pushups with a broken collar bone. the muscles need a point to attach to that is solid in order to pull on to do a pushup. if it were broken you would not be able to shoot a gun, do pushups, wear a backpack, etc... thus you would have been discharged and re-enlistment pending medical review only.

and much much more...

ever hear of beyond reasonable doubt troy? because you have given BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT that you NEVER SERVED beyond basic or ait based on your inept statements that are proven to be false.

The thing I find sad is that you claim to be a vet but you treat another vet like this.

you are not a legitimate veteran troy. the veterans affairs has no record of you. your so called unit has no record of you! you must have served active duty for 24 months to be considered a veteran by VA LAW. the thing i find sad is that you CONTINUE to blame me for going to your home and destroying things and physically attacking you despite i have NEVER done so and you have NEVER proven so. you started this war because you were jealous that i got a tv show and you didn't. you proceed to attack me by making up lies about me vandalizing your crap nightly. all this can stop if you tell everyone you LIED about me EVER doing that stuff! but you wont because you are A FRAUD and A COWARD!

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

Only to keep my comment on top because you guys flood the comments with garbage.

Leave and I will stop voting my comments up.

We aint going anywhere Poly, squawk all you like.
And we aint coming back either.
We are united, we shall not be moved.

@thediyworld. Did you ever stop and wonder why you need to make so many "sit down drama" videos Explaining things?

If you would tell the TRUTH,
the ENTIRE TRUTH the First time,
instead of omitting relevant information,
you wouldn't have these problems.

Example: You write on every Steemit article, that the "trolls found you here" when the Truth is, YOU made a video Inviting your viewers here!

It's stuff like that Reid.
Zero credibility.

Actually before that video was made, oldcodge and another were here harassing me to no end. He told me he is the moderator of sucks.

So I invited some of my friends to come and help.

Only fair I think.

Mr T,

What happens when those friends you invited over tire of helping you? You're expecting them to spend their free time here clicking buttons, to earn you an income? Whats in it for them? You click their buttons? Big deal. Not everyone is going to take SteemIt as seriously as you have.

The SteemIt abuse people are tired of hearing it. They have real battles to fight on this platform

However, the people who have issue with you aren't tiring at all. The videos and stuff they're posting are years old! 2014 and stuff?

You should also keep in mind that the money you tie up in Steem Power is at risk. This is why they force you to withdraw it over 13 weeks, not all at once. If panic hits the community and everyone tries to remove their money all at once the price will drop to pennies. Just like it did for 7 months last year. By the time two weeks pass your Steem Power could be worth diddly-squat. So like the stock market, you haven't made a dime until you sell your holdings through an exchange.

BTW you can at least UP-vote me for taking the time to give you some real-deal commenting and not dog piling you

Woooooooo! King of Freedom baby! Custom Made!


You know, after writing that, I read your comment again.

One thing I find so off is that you tell me to stop reporting harassment against me.

Have you been telling the other side to lay off me?

I am sure you can see for yourself that it is one sided.

I am not harassing anyone.

I believe I have the right to defend myself against attacks and false witness.

Especially on MY OWN BLOG.

Just consider ....

Have you told them the same thing?

Everyone knows the king the baby!

I commented to you because you appear on the verge of total implosion. I don't see anyone else stressing this situation like you are. You seem to be the one with everything to lose. Make sense? I have to ask because I don't think you took anything away from my post at all. You read it but you don't understand. But you did spin it! Your comment doesn't even seem likes its a reply to what I wrote!

Aw well, good luck with that

The king entertains all BBWs in his new jungle room! Woooooo!

The best in the business baby!

I am doing just fine. My job is working on the internet.

Those guys have been harassing me for 5 years now and I am still going.

I did read your post and asked you some questions as well.

I am on my own blog. I am answering comments on my own article.

You say this is not good for the steemit community but yet I ask you what about those who are harassing me?

You can ask baby but the king explains himself to no-body! Woooooo!

You need to define "harassment" first.

Also define "destroy" because I've heard you use that too.

(The king has to clarify your terms)

I'm cooking some chili in a big pot to-night, inside the Lisa Marie! Wooooo!

Just read the comments. Its all there in the open.

There are people saying I never served in the Military right here on this post.

There are people trying to get me in jail for things I did not do. Its on steemit.

There are people who are trying to get my wife deported for things she did not do.

There are people trying to get our baby taken away.

That is harassment.

And its all on my blog posts on steemit.

Want screen prints with time and date stamps?

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

I have watched you from the very beginning. Since you were freezing to death in your little trailer. I've given you advice and sometimes criticism only to be blocked. The arguments over whether you served or not was never in question. It was how you were discharged. You have always pushed the story in the other direction claiming it was that you never served. If you want to keep your discharge private and make it no one's business then you should have said that and stuck with it, instead of making up lies about what people are saying. You are disgusting.

I dont make up lies.

The things sucks members say incite people to vandalism and harassment on our land.

You must see how words can incite unstable people into doing bad things.

They people doing this are probably silent sucks members.

They are most likely unstable and think they are doing the World a favor by harassing us.

But the harassment and vandalism is real.

I dont share much of it online because my subs dont want to hear it.

But that does not make it any less real.

I have never mentioned names without hardcore facts or screen prints.

I dont know who you are. Not even a clue.


Have you ever wondered if I was guilty of all the accusations - how on Earth am I still free?

Just consider all the crimes I am accused of.

There is no way if I was guilty of even a fraction of that stuff that I would still be a free man.

I watched Doomsday Preppers. Its a dumb show mostly. But entertaining. Mostly what not do to.

Anyway this one guy was ranting how during a collapse he and his friends would take their guns and rob preppers of their preps. He said that was his prep. His guns.

Well that guy was on probation. He was on video showing a rifle. He is in jail now. It was pretty quick.

Get the parallel?

If I was guilty of all that was said about me - and living on YouTube - on video - I would be in jail.

Lets see photo copies of the DD-214 with out anything covered up
Photos mean nothing as anyone can play army.
The company photograph is blurry as hell, and no data there...

Your still a fraud reid

Trying to steal a Black mans Valor

your a piece of shit

I will not show my social security number. That would be stupid.

Your demands are impossible.

I will do another video proving I served.

Would that shut you up?

So cover social security number only and show everything else. This should have been done the first time. This is why you are not trusted.

Will you stop harassing me when I do that?

Is it worth the trouble or just for nothing?

Me? Why?

I am here on my own blog, minding my own business.

Where are you?

Excuses... as usual

Your lier

You hiding the number is what is needed for validation

Just proves your lying yet again.

The letter can be changed and recopied and then look authentic, is crap

You using the name Troy William Reid and asking for the letter is void cause it only belongs to a Black man that served with that name.

Your facts dont add up show the uncovered DD-214

Then turn me in.

Please go ahead.

You cannot fake this drivers license. It is a real Michigan State drivers license.

But I expect an apology when I come through clean.

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

I used to work as a bouncer at bars. You certainly CAN fake a driver's license. Underage kids do it all of the time.

Lots of things are faked. A web developer coworker I knew was arrested at work one day, hauled out in cuffs for making fake driver's licenses. He used to make $300 to $500 for them. CDRL was $500 cause had holo images but those are faked too. He used to make them at work too, on company time with really nice color printers. Nobody snitched at work but a female CDRL client was arrested then snitched on him for better treatment. Lots of people warned him.

Yeah, but he went to jail.

Only an idiot would fake a license and then show it on YouTube.

Sure but there are punishments for that.

The new Michigan ID is so much harder than back in the day.

I am sure that if turned in, there would be a punishment for a fake ID.

And certainly for the Stolen Valor Act.

I stand here open and fearless.

Turn me in.

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

Troy, just show your complete DD-214, except for the SS number. You could also provide some real links to your army documents, instead of just saying “google it”. If you do that, then this issue will be over. It won’t stop people criticizing you for all the other dodgy stuff you do, but at least they won’t over your military service.

Well, not sure about any documents. I really have no idea where to look for them online.

If someone gives me a link I will be happy to dig them up online.

I am dead serious too.

I would be happy to do so.

@thediyworld, YOU should apologize to the good folks at .sucks for Falsely Accusing them of putting waste oil in the radiator overflow bottle of the white Dodge truck.

I said that they incite people to act against us.

The harassment and vandalism is real. I dont share even a tiny fraction of it.

I have seen some people bragging about what they stole or did to us.

But since its on the internet nobody wants to help.

You must be honest with yourself and admit there are some unstable people out there.

People who think they are doing a good thing by helping you guys out.

I just saw comments from doc trying to incite someone to kill us with poison or broken glass hidden in food or something.

He is saying he would not do such a thing but it sure would be good if someone does.

He is a member of sucks.

That is inciting someone to do harm to another person.

Words are not just empty.

Words have repercussions in the real world.

Show entire Box 18 on DD214 as proof of discharge status. Absolutely NO reason to cover anything in Box 18. What are you hiding? If nothing then SHOW IT!!!

Would you then stop harassing me finally if I did?

Would it make any bit of difference if I did?

Because I am willing to do so in order to stop this.

Just cover SS number and show everything else. Covering discharge info is suspicious.

Please answer my question.

Showing your discharge status would help to disprove the stolen valor claim. Yes it makes a difference. I am not harassing you.

Honestly this is the nicest conversation I have ever had with you.

Tomorrow I will dig it out and show it. I will cover my SS number only. And the address of the people I lived with at the time. They are kind people and I dont want to cause them any trouble.

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

And you?

What do you say?

Will this change anything?

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

here is troys left handed salute he claims never happened now but at the time he claimed it was how his unit did it...

left handed salute.jpg

That was a direct insult to YOU!!! Show it with the proper context instead of editing my stuff all the time.

Why are you always editing my videos to make evidence?

@thediyworld What a freaking liar you are... It was not meant as an insult to Ryan. You made the salute with the left hand and then claim it was how your unit was doing it... You can't stop lying can you?

And there you are lying and fabricating false information.

I did NOT say anything about my unit.

It was a blow off to Ryan. An insult. Nothing more. In the full context of the video you will see this.

But you dont want anyone to see that stuff now do you.

Go right ahead and please "Show the World" that left handed salute... You are a liar and you can't stop lying... Just like the tale of the hamburger under your sister's bed that was there for "years" right? You accuse hundreds of people to make fabrication about you? ROFL

If you were such a "great person", why is it that freaking everyone dump you like the bag of shit you are? Look at all the people you managed to turn against yourself... That's YOUR handy work... not other people.

Good morning Troy! I can’t find the video with you doing that left handed salute. Did you private it for some reason?

not edited troy. it is a screen capture direct from your video with nothing edited. go watch it yourself. you are the one who edits my videos and others...

Yeah and what about the fact that this was an insult to you?

Please also share the context of the video.

It was me blowing you off.

A wave off.

An insult.

Reid I for one could give a care whether you served or not,
It has nothing to do with your non existent Off Grid Homesteading scam.
Your service is not a get out of jail free card.

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sorry troy reid i am having trouble finding your name on the duty roster for 2-67 can you please show us where it is listed here:

it is a complete list of names for this unit. all you need to do is pick the dates to search. please show us troy where your name appears on it because we cannot find your name anywhere...

Desert storm was before my time. You always try to make me look bad to subtly twisting the fact just a little bit.

you conveniently left out the part where i said all you have to do is PICK THE DATES TO SEARCH! just punch in the dates you were assigned to the unit and the proper roster list will appear idiot! nice how you neglect to mention any part of that!

There is no space for dates. That is desert storm. Before my time.

then you didn't bother to look or you are trying to keep others from finding out. we know the truth...

your DD214 says you were in 2nd BM 37th Armd and not that you were with 2-67 or 1-67 so even your own DD214 proves you LIED!

Read it you bullhead. I was transferred for my last months of out processing.

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