Cutting Fire Wood ~ New Wood Stove ~ Mixed Homestead Work

in #homesteading7 years ago

Working on our nearly off grid homestead and striving to become self sufficient on a budget.

A neighbor called me and said they had a mess of fire wood waiting to be cut so I went over to help out. I got a load of wood for my help. This is the way neighbors should be. People helping people.

I was recently stung by a bald faced hornet which put me in the hospital. A few days later I got stung by two yellow jackets which were nothing in comparison. I am still feeling the effects of the hornet sting though. It comes and goes.

I got an antique potbelly wood stove for only $20 which I plan to use to heat our tiny home this winter. This is actually a laundry room coal stove which was used to heat the laundry water back in the day.

This stove is smaller and more convenient than the monster that I had previously brought home so I think it will work better for us. A friend will weld the one lid for me because it has a crack in it.

We have been eating quite a bit from our own garden these days. It was producing well for us and we have a large variety of plants.

Later a friend came over and helped destroy the bald faced hornets nest and then we also exposed the yellow jacket nest so we could spray some wasp killer in there. With a baby we cannot risk having these things around.

Some packages arrived for our little baby. Thanks to those who sent them.

Later we had a bonfire and burnt the wasp nests while relaxing after a full day of work on the homestead.

You can watch the video here:


Please ignore the comments below.

Trolls from YouTube have found me here and are harassing me.

They spread some horrible lies about me and my wife in hopes of turning people away from us.

Many have believed the lies and joined them.

They harass us in the real world and online.

All we do is share videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Please do not give them the attention they seek.

Please ignore their comments and do not engage them.

They are dangerous in the real world.

Thank you.

A good one wants to get stung...need to treat them in the evening when they are all back in the nest...the vids here are harder to see than on yt. Can u make them full screen? I tried but all i got was a black screen...still had volume just no plantain-good to eat too...yellow jackets r terrible here too...beatiful wild cats...they'll be good outdoor mousers...nice do i upvote your posts? figured out how to make full screen yay...learning how to use steemit

I am going to make more videos showing how to use steemit so stay tuned. I will try to answer all questions I am getting on the videos.

The yellow jackets were so thick here. They were buzzing in the pine trees, eating sap. Thousands of them.

The cats are so far keeping mice out of the mobile home. Very good.

Next to the dollar sign under the comment or post is an up arrow with a circle around it. Looks like you found it on your comment here.

Dont do more than 10 to 15 up votes per day. They have to recharge overnight. There is a diminishing amount of voting power you get which recharges each day. This prevents abuse.

Thanks...i did find the up arrow with circle...still trying to figure out upvotes...working on it now

You did it. Your vote is on there. Next to the number of votes, on the right side, is an arrow pointing down. This shows how many and what people voted. You are on there now.

I see you have some mutual masterbation going on there Troy.

I know you warned your viewers that there will be more Steemit how-to videos coming where you promised to "explain everything".
I know from your history, you Don't explain everything.
Besides, it's more proof there's nothing going on at the "homestead" to film.
You couldn't have spent 3 weeks "hunting" with nothing to show for it.

Now it's more of the same through the end of the year I'm sure.

You tell @lonewolfyoitsu that "the cats are so far keeping mice out of the mobile home. Very good."

But You showed on video you winterized the trailer right after you moved into the chalet.
It was in the video when you drained the water from what you showed as the water heater and water pump pit.

So what you're saying then is the other two cats are in the trailer ?
The 2 cats that we don't see when you film in the chalet?

Plus I noticed the trailer porch light was on in the recent video at night when you showed the truck with the box partially removed.

I know you have a history of not telling the truth,
But it seems to me your whining about needing $15K to reinsulate the trailer and claim to not live there now after winterizing, but the cats are there
doesn't add up.

You best be providing heat for what ever is living in that trailer.

Your so called trolls are good, honest, intelligent people that were victimized by You Troy Reid.

They are not "dangerous".
As a matter of block-chain Fact, YOU invited me here with your YT video,
YOU also invited me to your three season cottage in Lewiston Michigan to fight you.

This warning you type is nothing but deflection of what YOU are.

Remember, YOU told Me I would "piss my pants if I met you face to face".

Then I replied that I would piss my pants from laughing.

See, I don't get angry.
You do.

A passive-aggressive bully that live 100% ON Grid
that is married to a mail order bride, paid for by viewers.

A very good example of the type of lies and filth these guys spread about me.


They are angry because I blocked them on YouTube.

Whaah. Get a life.

When will this thick piece of shit realise we dont want to be part of his channel.
He asked us back and we all declined.
What we want is his channel shut down and Reid permanently off the internet preferably spending time fully on the grid in prison where the whining fuker belongs!!!

"Lies, Filth"?? It's all in the block-chain Mr. Reid. It's all in the block-chain.

When will this thick piece of shit realise we dont want to be part of his channel.
He asked us back and we all declined.
What we want is his channel shut down and Reid permanently of the internet preferably spending time fully on the grid in prison where the whining fuker belongs!!!

He never blocked me. I consider this a public service spreading the word that he is a fraudster lying about his off grid trailer to make people pity him and send money and gifts all just to keep from having to get a job to support his family

you need to call your insurance co. before hooking up that stove. It is not safe- too small for the Michigan winters and not air tight so you can't control the fire well. Then you claim that wood was hardwood when in fact its pine. Never burn pine in a wood stove unless you want to burn your house down. Remember the one just like it in the pinebush trailer ? You froze to death. But you think it will be ok with a new baby in the house? you are an idiot

you never blocked me. I comment because I consider myself providing a FREE public service to unsuspecting people that might think you are just a pitiful little man trying to make it in a cruel world instead of the truth which is you are taking advantage of people and taking their money and gifts for a fraudulent channel where your goal is to keep from getting a job to support your family. You are welcome

You literally begged us to come here and comment on your shitty videos...

You still haven't paid us the money you promised us right there in the title...

Faded comment re-posted.

danmcc (17) · 4 hours ago
You literally begged us to come here and comment on your shitty videos...

You still haven't paid us the money you promised us right there in the title...


If he tried that hard to hide it it must be true...

Where is the money you promised us?

Thats a really good point.
Trog can we please have our money, we have earned it.
If it wasn't for us you would be all on your own over here, there's no one else.

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And THIS is how he got ALL 4 accts! Skirting around the rules on here! 4 accts using family members cell phones! 4 accts! Hes quad dipping. Making $ on 4 accts.

Turd made a YouTube comment the other day that they got 2 new phones in the black friday sale so look out for Babycat and Felix, they will be next.

Troy, is all this TRUE ???? it seems from all the evidence you are a SCUM ball !!

Thanks for promoting steemit on your youtube channel.

If youtubers promoting steemit floats you boat: @fixedbydoc
An off-grid livin' disabled vet, keeping it real. Same genre

You are a hero, I hope to be like you
I wish you every success❤

I love this community and will continue to spread the word. I am hooked :)

Thank you for the upvote.

@thediyworld excuse me but why did you flag my post? I'm happy that other YouTubers are coming over to SteemIt. And that was the topic of this person's comment... 100%! @peaceandlove

It's Christmas time and you're concerned with yourself, why? I know enough about SteemIt to know selfishness doesn't work. Showing that you "love SteemIt" goes farther than saying it. Leave bad habits behind on YouTube and try loving and caring. Why would you begrudge a disabled vet some love on the platform. Thats what baffles me the most.

Examine your priorities, please

Been watching u on yt. dont comment there. Saw your steemit video & came over here. Have a yt channel if u want to check it out to see who i/we r. Havent done any yt videos in a while. Thinking of bringing some over here. I really liked the porch u built on u're NY tiny house on wheels. Your baby Michelle is adorable. Our yt channel is lonewolyoitsu just telling u so u can see we r real people & not trolls. Im not familiar with steemit but will try to follow u here when i can.

Thanks for coming over. You should share your videos on steemit. But be sure to write a separate and new description for each video. Copy and paste is frowned upon by google and the community here.

Thanks. The tiny house was so cozy. I loved it.

Everyone loves Michelle. She is so bright.

If youtubers promoting steemit floats you boat: @fixedbydoc
An off-grid livin' disabled vet, keeping it real. Same genre

It's been some time since we've heard anything from our Michigan Misfit of the DIYW . I thought a proper ' tail ' would be in order . A lot of folks have concerns regarding the status of the homestead and the projects that need completion . This list and subsequent replies from Fruitloops will put everyone's concerns to rest . Let it be known that with winter conditions taking a firm grasp upon the area these projects are of the utmost importance . Let's start with tasks and their varying need of completion .

Both Greenhouses : Status Unknown ?
Chicken Coop : Has it been insulated ? What is the status of the birds ?
Water Pump Bunker : Insulated and Heated ?
Wood Stone Installation : Actually working has yet to be shown . How was the exhaust system installed ?
Fire Wood : 4 to 5 cords of hardwood will be needed , not the Pine strewn throughout the property .

Quite a list wouldn't you say Gilligan ? This would be a great opportunity to put all your followers minds to rest .

PS. Have you informed your insurance company of the Wood Stove installation ?

From what was shown in one of his latest videos the chalet may not be insulated . Insurance company's may consider that Fraud .

So he never installed the first wood stove- the one he cooked soap on. Lie . Did you see that bowl of onions? He didn't say the 3 tiny shallots came out of his garden because his intent was to make us think the large store bought ones were grown on the dumpsite 2.0 That hardwood he got for free is PINE. No one burns pine in a wood stove unless they want to burn their house down from creosote. He is going to kill his family from stupidity.

Striving to become self sufficient for Troy Reid means living off of viewer money to remain unemployable.

Reid insults the average worker by calling them "slaves".

When he got stung by a wasp this summer, he had to depend on those "slaves" to save his life.

Who paid for the ambulance ride and hospital bills Mr. Reid?
Certainly not you.

Back in happier times when the show truck was still running, barely lol.

Was that after he poured the used motor oil in the radiator reservoir to do a attacked/drama fake video?


You are disgusting.....ignorant and rude. Do you need to spend your time trying to bring others down to your level? I hope this site will take you off this site.

Wow, have you folks seen how much money DOC is raking in on the videos that he posts here?!?! He is cleaning Trog's clock!! Doc says thanks a lot for the invite Troy, he's making money while you post your usual vapid content that no one wants to view, and collect a handful of pennies! HAHA

Troy doesn't make videos much anymore for his 103,000+ subscribers (mostly purchased by him). He'd rather re-post old videos to his 180 followers (mostly trolls) here. He spent all summer lying about being off-grid. He says he's been too tired to make videos since deer hunting ended...over a week ago. He doesn't show his chickens because he's embarrassed. He doesn't show his two oldest cats. He doesn't show much, except him opening packages given to him by stupid sychophant fans. This man is a lazy fraud. Do not take anything seriously he says or demonstrates. After all, as Troy says, "It's all entertainment."

Troy Reid enjoys opening presents on his YouTube show.

He shows great delight getting things for free.

In a recent Fouch Family Homestead YT video,
Nick and Ester Fouch asked viewers not to send gifts to their children
to keep them from learning false entitlement.

Something Reid exploits for his personal gain.

Trogs just ruined my day, the filthy scammers back, just when you think alls good with the world!

im seeing several accounts down voting comments like yours only they were created several months ago around the same time troys account was and they have ZERO blogs or comments etc... they are generally still around a rank of 18-27. it seems the ONLY thing they do is down vote anyone who goes against troy. for example @chitown-mountain im thinking they may also be troys fakes...

In his latest video on youtube he told his idiots he is doing well on steemit. He thinks 50 cents a day will support his family

Haha, that video could be remade with angry cats, wild animals, humans and it would still be funny every time.

Spoiler Alert: As of Reid's latest video this December, he ran out of firewood.

Some prepper he is.

More silly lies from the "Nearly" Off Grid liar.

Spoler Alert: No proof of firewood being cut or even being burned in the little house.
The garden failed 3 times this year. Plenty of tomatoes though.

And "people helping people" does not exist here on the fake homestead.
Troy Reid only helps himself.

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