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RE: Cutting Fire Wood ~ New Wood Stove ~ Mixed Homestead Work

in #homesteading7 years ago

It's been some time since we've heard anything from our Michigan Misfit of the DIYW . I thought a proper ' tail ' would be in order . A lot of folks have concerns regarding the status of the homestead and the projects that need completion . This list and subsequent replies from Fruitloops will put everyone's concerns to rest . Let it be known that with winter conditions taking a firm grasp upon the area these projects are of the utmost importance . Let's start with tasks and their varying need of completion .

Both Greenhouses : Status Unknown ?
Chicken Coop : Has it been insulated ? What is the status of the birds ?
Water Pump Bunker : Insulated and Heated ?
Wood Stone Installation : Actually working has yet to be shown . How was the exhaust system installed ?
Fire Wood : 4 to 5 cords of hardwood will be needed , not the Pine strewn throughout the property .

Quite a list wouldn't you say Gilligan ? This would be a great opportunity to put all your followers minds to rest .

PS. Have you informed your insurance company of the Wood Stove installation ?


From what was shown in one of his latest videos the chalet may not be insulated . Insurance company's may consider that Fraud .

So he never installed the first wood stove- the one he cooked soap on. Lie . Did you see that bowl of onions? He didn't say the 3 tiny shallots came out of his garden because his intent was to make us think the large store bought ones were grown on the dumpsite 2.0 That hardwood he got for free is PINE. No one burns pine in a wood stove unless they want to burn their house down from creosote. He is going to kill his family from stupidity.

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