I went to adopt a dog and this is my first experience

in #dogs6 years ago (edited)

I am pretty sure most people here loves dogs and some have had a pet or have a pet. Surely, people who do have a pet or had a pet which they loved and adored will agree that it is an amazing experience and also instills a sense of responsibility. Dogs are definitely pets that people adore and would love to have one as a pet at one time or the other.

His teeth is whiter than mine...

After a few months of thinking about this topic and managing to work the topic at home, we (rather, I) decided to adopt one. I had seen many advertisements and read articles about pets being up for adoption and their stories were sad at times. All this influenced my decision to adopt a dog rather then get a pup from a breeder. With this in mind, a friend and I made a first visit to the CUPA (Compassion Unlimited Plus Action) Second Chance Adoption Center in Bangalore to see what kind of dogs they had up for adoption.

Our first visit to the place was met by the loud welcoming barks of the many dogs housed in the large compound that CUPA owns on the outskirts of town. There were over 40 dogs, some in cages because they were a little badly behaved, and some in separate enclosures because they were unfriendly with other dogs. Most of these enclosures had Rottweilers, giving weight to their unfair reputation as aggressive and unfriendly dogs. There were a couple of St. Bernard dogs, some Doberman, a beautiful, but handicapped German Shephard named Hope, a couple of Cocker Spaniels. There are more, but these are some of the dogs that come to mind.


Handsome hair model and doggy playboy Hugh Hefner.

We looked around, to see which dog would connect with us. I am quite partial to cockers myself, having had the opportunity to go on hikes and outdoor walks with one particular Cocker over the last two years. And there were 4 of them. The youngest one was also the most handsome, with a hairstyle that would probably put any model to shame. The other two were a little older, and the last one was the oldest, at 12 years old. It was really, really sad to see a dog of that age being abandoned by the owners. It is such a heartless thing to do, abandoning a dog at that age after having it as a pet for so long. It is beyond my understanding.

The model dog was also the most active, and it was evident that he was also the dog who believed in "a dog's grasp should exceed the length of his penis", in that he tried to get it on with a Rottweiler. It was funny, to see him reach to her height and be unable to do the deed, but did not give up for a second. It was amusing, and we named the dog Hugh Hefner, just for laughs.

A dog's grasp must exceed the length of his paws or what is his dingus for?

We spent a lot of time with the dogs, but mostly with the Cockers and one particular Rottweiler who i took to calling Goofy, but later found out she was called Shawty ( or Shotty, I don't know). We found out through the volunteers that all the Cockers were already adopted or had been confirmed for adoption, which was a little disappointing at first. But Shawty was the one who really connected with us that day. The way she came and rested her head on my lap and just lay there asking for a belly rub was the moment of instant connect. I got to know her story later (I will write about it in another post).


Shawty 's like a melody in my head...

We left the centre with mixed opinions on which dog to look at for potential adoption. I was partial to the Cockers, but did not have an option on them, and Shawty was the other option. But the fact that she was a Rottweiler was a little difficult to get across with the people at home.

Some more shots of the Cocker Spaniels




A hairstyle like no other.


Looks like he also has the mane of a lion.


The grand old Cocker Spaniel. It is beyond understanding to me why people abandon such beautiful creatures after spending more than a decade with them.

My experience after my first visit to CUPA was to have a good long look at people buying specific breeds of dogs such as St. Bernards or a Rottweiler and then abandoning them later when they either become too big or too aggressive. It seems to me that such people are misinformed about dogs and have specific breeds just for the heck of having so-and-so as a pet.

Now, I am looking actively at having Shawty adopted, and hopefully work more details out in the coming weeks. One step at a time.

Ps: If you are looking to get a pet home this year, I would recommend looking at adopting one. It makes a large difference in the lives of these animals than you can ever imagine. Check with your local adoption centre once before you get a pup. You will be surprised in ways you will not expect. in Bangalore, the CUPA Second Chance Adoption Centre is a good place to go if you are looking to adopt a pet.

Some more dog tales to be read here:

Hiking with Django in the Western Ghats

My roadtrips

Motorcycling India

A solo backpacking trip across the UK

Cycling 500km across Europe: Dtube

500km of cycling across Europe - A photolog

Exploring God’s Own Country on a Motorcycle – Dtube

About Me:

Introduction Post

Motorcycle Stories - How I got into Motorcycle racing

A high-speed crash and life lessons

Until next time.



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