新手币 NBC 分红条款变更最后提醒+持有者额外福利/The Terms Change of NBC Daily Dividends Last Reminder + Additional Holders Benefit
北京时间6月10号00:00 以下变更将会生效:
- NBC 每日分红只会发放给「持有新手币 NBC,并且于 Steem-Engine内锁仓 (Stake) 的持币者」;
- NBC 持币者若想取消锁仓 (Unstake),取消时期为4星期,每星期解锁 1/4的锁仓NBC;
- NBC 持币者的每日发帖点赞比例,为手持 NBC 并加上 锁仓 (Stake) NBC 的总数。
作为持有NBC的额外福利,我们新建了@sct.teamcn账号用于给sct的帖子点赞。目前这个账号锁仓了820+ SCT,并且会持续锁仓更多的SCT。
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量= 2-9: 4%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=10-19: 8%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=20-99: 12%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=100-199: 16%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=200-299: 20%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=300-399: 25%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=400-499: 30%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=500-1000: 40%点赞
- 持有NBC数量 + 2*锁仓NBC的数量=1000+: 50%点赞
The following changes will be in effective on June 10, 12:00 a.m. Beijing time.
- Only accounts that hold NBC AND stake in Steem-Engine will receive NBC daily dividend.
- The unstake period is 4 weeks. Each week, 1/4 of the total staked amount is unstaked.
- The daily upvote ratio is calculated according to all the NBC amount (staked and unstaked) that the account has.
In order to continue receiving daily NBC divided after June 10, 2019, please stake immediately.
For additional benefit being an awesome NBC holders, we created @sct.teamcn just for upvote NBC holders' sct posts. This account currently has staked over 820 SCT and will continue to stake more.
NBC holders will receive one upvote from @sct.teamcn if the post has the 'sct' tag, the upvote rules are following:
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount) = 2-9: 4% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=10-19: 8% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=20-99: 12% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=100-199: 16% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=200-299: 20% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=300-399: 25% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=400-499: 30% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=500-1000: 40% upvote
- NBC Balance + 2*(Staked NBC Amount)=1000+: 50% upvote
还没锁仓的NBC 持有者/Holders who have not yet stake NBC:
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cnstm.org/team-cn/2019/06/08/%e6%96%b0%e6%89%8b%e5%b8%81-nbc-%e5%88%86%e7%ba%a2%e6%9d%a1%e6%ac%be%e5%8f%98%e6%9b%b4%e6%9c%80%e5%90%8e%e6%8f%90%e9%86%92%e6%8c%81%e6%9c%89%e8%80%85%e9%a2%9d%e5%a4%96%e7%a6%8f%e5%88%a9-the-terms-cha/
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Posted using Partiko iOS
目前你总共有: 4枚SHOP币
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