Are they, bastards or liars?

in #thoughts5 years ago

Do you ever get tired?

I don't mean physically, I have a young child, run a business, work another job full-time, and write a great deal for Steem - physically tired is the norm. I don't mean mentally either where the brain just says No. and a break is a required. I mean, well, I mean in your soul.

Sometimes I look at the state of the world and just sigh and ask myself WTF is wrong with us? There are so many issues, so much suffering, such a huge volume of blah and so few of us willing to do anything significant about it. Most just turn away into distraction or perhaps worse, complain without offering a solution.

It tires me out, but it makes me question what I do in my own environment, it makes me look a little more objectively at how I act. When I step back I find that I can probably do more than I do, maybe if I push just a little harder here, go to bed a little later, wake up a little earlier I will be able to find a way to make a difference.

I wonder if this is my distraction, a way to keep myself busy so I don't have to acknowledge all of the flaws I possess, the ones I am too lazy or stupid to fix. The list is long. Yet, I don't think this is the case, I do work on my issues to some degree, I do try to close gaps but, it is impossible for me to close them all, as I am just not that talented.

There are three core building blocks to human creation with creation being a shift in the environment, change. Thought, word and action. These three things are in a constant cycle feeding each other, learning from each other, challenging each other to evolve to think, speak and act a little better than the last round to be better suited to the environment.

For me, I have been developing myself to pay attention to each piece, layer and round so as to observe if the process I have is well-suited to the environment in which I operate. For me, this means that it works towards satisfying my goals by helping some others to satisfy their own.

Steem has become a large part of this process, it is an incubator of sorts between thought and word, a place where I can get ideas that are in my head in front of me in words. This process is not just an outlet for my thoughts though, it is a development process and one that I have found to be the leanest and most efficient for me.

As I write, my thoughts organically grow and their roots fill the cracks of my mind to split apart what I thought I knew and raise more questions to grow into. It is messy, dirty work at times and like the jobs that have the same attributes, most are unwilling to do it.

Most a raised by society to value cleanliness, clarity of thought, marketing polish and have become accustomed to getting their information delivered in neat little packages tied with bows. When they come across disorganization and blur, they criticize, condemn and complain yet almost without exception, fail to offer an alternative, fail to add anything of real value to the conversation.

They know it is wrong, but are unwilling to commit themselves to trying to improve it into something workable. These are the real scammers of the world, the ones who are holding us back from advancement. Those that claim expert knowledge yet fail to produce anything of substance to work with. But, under closer inspection, their expert knowledge has come out of the pages of a book, the regurgitated thoughts of another.

What they continually seem to ignore though is that despite them holding the supposed solutions, the problems persist. If they have so much faith in what they know, how come they aren't acting upon it?

Are they bastards or liars?

It tires me, how about you? It tires me to take criticisms for my poor thoughts from experts who do not seem to have any thoughts of their own, experts whose expertise hinge on the information of others. What happens if the well of ideas dries up, are they still the experts pushing boundaries or are they the flaccid members of society waiting to be saved by some authority or another? Perhaps by a real expert willing to think outside of the group.

There is definitely a lack of action which is why we have so many problems in this world with so few attempting to improve it. As said though, if action is the end of the chain where are the expert thoughts? If they have them, why are they guarding them, shielding them from the light of day? Perhaps they are looking to capitalise, make the next killer app or unicorn startup company?

Bastards or liars?

Perhaps they are both bastard and liar where they lie to themselves that they have what it takes to make their ideas a reality whilst bastardly protecting them from the minds of people that could possibly develop them into action. Who knows, I cannot say as it is for them to objectively look at themselves.

For me, I have my own path, my own methodology to move forward and I do not have the time or energy to work on all of the ideas I have and I do not have the skills to work with many of them. So, I throw them to the community as best I can. Not just at Steem.

The thing with the process of human creation is that we are social, the thoughts, the words and the actions need not all be performed by an individual, they can be collaborated on by many, even millions of people these days. It has always been this way though, it is how we evolve as a species as thoughts of an individual are passed down over time through words and actions that become catalysts for new cycles to begin.

Perhaps the words I create from my thoughts fall on deaf ears, perhaps nothing will ever be created from them but, I know that I am unable to create them all so, at least the opportunity is there that they will catalyze into something for someone else. In the real world though, that is where I can act with more than just words, that is where I can make a difference, if only at a local level.

There are so many people who talk big games here, so many experts on all manner of things yet, it seems that many are unwilling to put their expertise to use. Unwilling to make this space any better, unwilling to add their specialised knowledge to even try to make it a valuable place. With all of their self-reported skillsets, does this make them bastards, or liars?

I should get some sleep.

[ a Steem original ]


Was it you previously writing about how the brain will always do its absolute bestest to choose comfort over truth? XD

Could have been on Narrative as well or maybe there was a wave and a few people were talking about the same things around the same time

I was just talking to the oldest yesterday about the brain preferring comforting lies over truth which is always harsh and ugly and that is why people get so enraged sometimes when you point things out which is why you have to be careful with how you point things out.

There are so many people who talk big games here, so many experts on all manner of things yet, it seems that many are unwilling to put their expertise to use.

Guess they don't want to "waste" their own precious time on it? :D

Though if that's the case I'm not sure why all the whining about other people feeling exactly the same way no one else stepping up to do this clearly extremly important whatever it is.

I have spoken about it before, so probs.

Guess they don't want to "waste" their own precious time on it? :D

I wonder what constitutes "precious" these days - gaming?

Timewise as far as I can tell any time you don't have to do something for or think about things for other people (which is pretty sparse these days for a lot of us). I know I get pretty resentful when I "have" to do something else and it's fully expected that I'll be giving up more of what time I don't have (because clearly I have nothing better to do because obviously other people don't place the same worth on my things as I do XD).

We each have a universe, and that is where we focus. The funny thing is how many people believe that what is important to them, should be important to others. At the end, we all have to live with the outcomes we have received through our behavior.

There is a lot of shouting about what's wrong in general, at the moment. Which is all well and good, because we need to know that there are problems in order to act. However, lately they just keep shouting about the same issues, but with no solution ideas being offered and that gets frustrating. If you're going to complain to me about something that is wrong, then give me something I can do about it or stop harassing me. Climate protests which tell the government they have to act aren't very helpful if they can't even say how they want them to act.

Now I realise you're probably referring to the Steemiverse more than the outernet, but that was the thoughts your piece triggered for me. I have concerns about how the upcoming HF will work, but it's beyond my control, so I'll stick to what is within my control to try and make good experiences for those I interact with, working within the limits of the code, whatever it may be.

Posted using Partiko Android

then give me something I can do about it or stop harassing me.

Too often it is just, "do what I say" without recognizing that it furthers my position, not yours.

Climate protests which tell the government they have to act aren't very helpful if they can't even say how they want them to act.

People love to appeal to authority so they have someone to blame for things they nothing about.

Now I realise you're probably referring to the Steemiverse more than the outernet, but that was the thoughts your piece triggered for me.

For me, there is a lot of blur between and I carry thoughts both ways. A lot of life relates to Steem because steem relates to life. HF will be what it is and if most people use it well, things will be better overall.

When I step back I find that I can probably do more than I do, maybe if I push just a little harder here, go to bed a little later, wake up a little earlier I will be able to find a way to make a difference.

Well mate, I'm old enough to tell you that sacrificing a great deal of your earthly finite human quarry of only 24 hours a day of what means a well deserved rest, a peacefully good & comforting sleep and also a plethora of healing intimacy with yourself just happily standing still. And then trying to replace these fundamental life's assets by any sort of sprint, rushes, hurries, dashes & hastenings in order to arrive sooner where you wanna arrive to find a way to make a difference in this world. This clearly is not gonna work my friend!!

There is always a natural pulse and beat on this earth that governs our existence to produce lasting results which we won't regret. And forcing these 'out of sync' almost always will come back sooner than later to bite our asses and let us know of our messing up with our physical boundaries for trying to push the envelope just to find out the very expensive invoice at the end.

"From the rushes, is only fatigue what's left"


...and other times just boredom!!

Things in this earthly world tend to be attained & resolved by themselves when we least expect them and especially if we are not observing or staring at them.

Quantum Mechanics "double slit experiment" rings a bell? };)

And yeah mate. I'm a research scientist. And a pretty old one. I've already experimented all this myself. And as you know, rarely I talk about anything which I haven't went through in person myself and hadn't tested it on my own flesh before. :)

I see that it has to be an ongoing process of observation and adaptation cycle to improve, as no matter whet we do today, the condition will be different tomorrow. My Sync is always out, never N.

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