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RE: Are they, bastards or liars?

in #thoughts5 years ago

There is a lot of shouting about what's wrong in general, at the moment. Which is all well and good, because we need to know that there are problems in order to act. However, lately they just keep shouting about the same issues, but with no solution ideas being offered and that gets frustrating. If you're going to complain to me about something that is wrong, then give me something I can do about it or stop harassing me. Climate protests which tell the government they have to act aren't very helpful if they can't even say how they want them to act.

Now I realise you're probably referring to the Steemiverse more than the outernet, but that was the thoughts your piece triggered for me. I have concerns about how the upcoming HF will work, but it's beyond my control, so I'll stick to what is within my control to try and make good experiences for those I interact with, working within the limits of the code, whatever it may be.

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then give me something I can do about it or stop harassing me.

Too often it is just, "do what I say" without recognizing that it furthers my position, not yours.

Climate protests which tell the government they have to act aren't very helpful if they can't even say how they want them to act.

People love to appeal to authority so they have someone to blame for things they nothing about.

Now I realise you're probably referring to the Steemiverse more than the outernet, but that was the thoughts your piece triggered for me.

For me, there is a lot of blur between and I carry thoughts both ways. A lot of life relates to Steem because steem relates to life. HF will be what it is and if most people use it well, things will be better overall.

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