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RE: Are they, bastards or liars?

in #thoughts5 years ago

When I step back I find that I can probably do more than I do, maybe if I push just a little harder here, go to bed a little later, wake up a little earlier I will be able to find a way to make a difference.

Well mate, I'm old enough to tell you that sacrificing a great deal of your earthly finite human quarry of only 24 hours a day of what means a well deserved rest, a peacefully good & comforting sleep and also a plethora of healing intimacy with yourself just happily standing still. And then trying to replace these fundamental life's assets by any sort of sprint, rushes, hurries, dashes & hastenings in order to arrive sooner where you wanna arrive to find a way to make a difference in this world. This clearly is not gonna work my friend!!

There is always a natural pulse and beat on this earth that governs our existence to produce lasting results which we won't regret. And forcing these 'out of sync' almost always will come back sooner than later to bite our asses and let us know of our messing up with our physical boundaries for trying to push the envelope just to find out the very expensive invoice at the end.

"From the rushes, is only fatigue what's left"


...and other times just boredom!!

Things in this earthly world tend to be attained & resolved by themselves when we least expect them and especially if we are not observing or staring at them.

Quantum Mechanics "double slit experiment" rings a bell? };)

And yeah mate. I'm a research scientist. And a pretty old one. I've already experimented all this myself. And as you know, rarely I talk about anything which I haven't went through in person myself and hadn't tested it on my own flesh before. :)


I see that it has to be an ongoing process of observation and adaptation cycle to improve, as no matter whet we do today, the condition will be different tomorrow. My Sync is always out, never N.

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