Travel with Tara : Stop the Hate! Pretty Please?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Today I was going through the trending page and noticed a post by one of the best Steemit Bloggers ( @sweetsssj, whose content is amazing by the way), getting trolled by an imbecile!


Just check out her latest blog and you'll see for yourself. He constantly kept spamming everyone's comment saying she is fake, and she pays someone to write her blogs. The worst one was when he kept writing everywhere that she has to post a video of her speaking English. Are you fucking kidding me ?

I don't understand why a person have to get so jealous of another person's success! She obviously works very hard on her blogs, posts amazing contents with cute little cats everywhere and seems like a very lovable person. If you put that much effort for a long time, I'm sure it'll pay off. It did for her.
So this creep has the audacity to call her fake and demand a video where she is speaking English. It's borderline racist!
I've never seen hate like this on Steemit before. The people who troll others need to understand that there are people who are watching your asinine behavior and flagging the shit out of your posts. You are doing more damage to yourself than the person who is probably earning more than a 1000$ on a post. Think on it!
He also posts about cyber-bullying on his page. He is one of a kind, really. Oh, the Irony! He actually thought he was right and when people corrected him, he puts up a post on cyber-bullying.
Being a woman, when I see another woman get attacked by a troll, I cannot tolerate it and that is why I'm just writing this blog to let out some steam!

I joined Steemit in October, last year and I have received nothing but love and support from people close to me and from people I have never met before. It is always so awesome to interact with the people here and read the amazing contents/photos they post!

Please stop the hatred! Stop the trolling! If you don't like what you see, just Unfollow or at least comment something sensible saying why you don't like that particular post!You don't have to be a total fucking ass about it!


There's enough hatred in the world. Let's spread love here and support each other!

Tara Out!


Tara!!! Oh my gosh! You are soooo sweet 👼 I really appreciate this sooo much. I can't believe this kind of thing happens on here. Everybody is so nice usually! Anyway I can't express my thanks enough for this i'm really really touched!

Thank you so much! :) We need to shut these people down! Steem on!

are you on steemit chat tara?

just messaged you!

@sweetsssj met the co-founder of Steem, @ned, in Hong Kong, and took pictures of their meeting. One can easily find the post about it in her blog here. She is definitely a real person!

Nice post!! I wish i can Upvote this a million box! Cheers..

Thank you so much! :)

Sounds like noganoo.. am i right?

I wasn't going to "go there" but someone else did, I see. What do you expect from a scamming "typo squatter" who whines when he gets called on his own actions?

Yea I been seeing a lot of this type behavior lately. Shit is pretty sad
I don't see why folks are that worried about someone else's profile earnings anyway...oh yea, they jealous because they're making money smfh

Yes! Thank you!

Nothing wrong with making money on here. And why are these people downvoting another member so they don't earn money? Isn't that also worried about someone else's money?

this sucks. I just made a blog about jealousy.. it's cancer

Thank you :)

I completely agree with you and how about stop the downvoting and flagging too!!! Isn't downvoting my post hateful? Oh, the irony!

Thanks, have a nice day!

Spread Love, my friend <3

I always try too...

Steemit Ettiquies

Don't flag content just because you disagree or don't like it

This is a big issue and I'm sure some people will disagree with it but I think the majority of the community agrees that the flag issue is for posts which are harmful or abusive and should not be used as a dislike or downvote button. Don't like something? Post a comment explaining why or if you can't be bothered to do that or don't have the time move on.

For now I can't upload any photos until my score gets back up to 10. Thanks so much.

Happy 4th of July <3 :)

Thank you! Happy 4th to you too!

I have found one thing that really helps me enjoy my time here more: I stay off the trending page! I find a bunch of small accounts like me that support each other and have fun and forget the drama! :)

I need to to follow your lead! I can't totally abuse the f*** out of that creep but I'm just trying not to stoop to such a low level.

Oh, the irony!

Steemit Ettiquies

Don't flag content just because you disagree or don't like it

This is a big issue and I'm sure some people will disagree with it but I think the majority of the community agrees that the flag issue is for posts which are harmful or abusive and should not be used as a dislike or downvote button. Don't like something? Post a comment explaining why or if you can't be bothered to do that or don't have the time move on.

Sounds like someone to flag.

Yup! Thanks for commenting :)

Agree! why can't people be more supportive and friendly towards each other... hate and jealous will not bring you far in life. Let's spread the love ღ ღ ღ

True that Amy! Well said!

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