How I Spoke With A Potential Steem Investor Here In Dubai And He Offered To Extend My Air Ticket, For Further Steem Talks!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Today another thing became clearer! Dubai is one country that needs steemit presence badly! Once you get in Dubai and you get to look intently, you will easily see this. 

Dubai is filled with businesses and opportunities for businesses and this is very obvious.

Today started out with no activity and in the evening i was to meet with the owner of a clothing company together with my sisters but today was set mostly for dinner at a restaurant. 

However, potential ensued for discussing steemit. Coincidentally, a banker had discussed with this young CEO about blockchain earlier today and according to him this blockchain is called one-coin. The only thing he really knew related to crypto prior to today was bitcoin; as a digital currency

Infact, he showed me a video about one coin that he had received from the banker in their chat earlier today! It was fifteen minutes long, so i only manage to see it briefly, then i offered that i will do research on the coin in coming days, to give him feedback on the potential of one-coin's technolgy.

Originally, my aim was to bring up steemit as a viable media upon which he can generate more publicity for his clothing business by means of steemit's superb SEO but gosh this guy came in a range rover sport; "all white" and coincidentally too, has started to pick interest in blockchain, so i changed my manner of approaching steemit and we ventured into a time away from meal table and into real discussion, into the possibilities of the steem blockchain. 

Basically, i was helping him see the need to invest in steem and possibly become an outright whale, while i use the knowledge of the steemit communities to manage his whale and see how we can create more value for steem.

Ultimately, this is just the preface but he did show lots of interest for a first time discussion and this is how i knew:

before the end of today's discussion, he started to ask when my flight back to Manila was and if i had any tangible thing to do back there, in a hurry. Ofcourse, with steem ventures, location is no longer barrier, so i told him, i am in for a slightly longer stay and he started offering to extend my flight. 

Hahaha, this costs money as i will also mean hotel-stay extension. 

But i tell you, steem has that much power and for someone who can see, even a layman, the prospects steem holds are very clear to see. 

Hahaha, let me explain to you the power of steem community alone and how it can aid you in creating visions and bringing them into fruition and tell me if you won't see its prospects

Tomorrow is our next meeting. We will finalize time and this time, he is coming to pick me up from my hotel to discuss steem further somewhere in his office. Well, i am not very good in taking pictures of every moment as i don't think there is real need to.

Tomorrow evening, i will have the first meeting with another CEO, who has 2 dance companies in Dubai. Basically, first meetings have informal and casual settings; mostly meals and getting acquainted, then once all parties feel at home and an opportunity presents itself, steemit is always a good intellectual topic to talk about even among the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world.

Today turned out a pretty successful day, as it has create potential for further solid steem discussion and that is a pretty good thing!

Worse case scenario, get his clothing company ( a presence on steemit as originally planned as this will put more of steemit on Dubai maps in the search engines, then as we get that running, the potential for him to invest stays incessantly open. 

I am a motivator when i believe in something, so i will definitely carry his brand along as that leaves room for further networking down the road. There is no doubt that he will look to revamp his brand's social media presence by means of steemit because i tell you, it is really expensive to open a simple office in DUBAI, let alone run a business and business owners pay alot for social media presence,

Best case scenario, he is a able to buy steem as an investor, especially now before the price of steem skyrockets and use his influence to give his brand some presence. This is the best scenario and what i will shoot for. 

Ofcourse, i will let him see further,the power of steem using this post as well as show my sisters who are all visiting Dubai with me, the beauty of steem and finally get all three of them on steemit. 

Sometimes you wonder why, it becomes hard to get your family on steemit but that has been the case in my case. This DUBAI trip changes all that!

The name of the clothing business of the CEO i spoke today is:

and here are some of their wears featuring my sister, lol:

my sister is far left!

My last two sisters will always manage to catch their fun; luckily they did some snapchats of dinners things!

Then some goofing around!

Your boy Terry


 Join us on Steemgigs community on discord:

Everyone has something to offer!


Keep spreading the word! Your passion for the community will pay off for you :)

Yes it will. Thanks for motivation!

Excellent, Terry!
You are completely right: steemit has a lot of power. I've made a similar experience: wherever you go people listen very interested when you start talking about the potential of the platform and the related currency.
Keep it coming, you're surely a great motivator! :)

Thank you for your presence! You motivate me. You saw that point. With some steem knowledge you can stand among geeks in convo!

You can do that absolutely! :)

Keep it up, keep us informed on how it goes. If you need anything from the community ask for that too.

Thank you alot dwinblood and long time no hear but thank you for being here. It took me a long time to be on this course but now i am fully ready and i have an agenda which started recently here:

I will post about every development. Thank you a lot for the reassuring inspiration!

I like toast 🍞

long time no hear

A lot of new people, it can be tough to keep up with everything going on. I am sure you know what I mean.

Dubai is one country

Hey Terry,
Dubai is a city, an emirate, which is a part of the United Arab Emirates.
Steemit is alive & well here, sir
re: @nigelmarkdias @estherdanielle

Nice to hear. Steemit growth is always welcome. So no loss! Is @nigelmarkdias and @estherdanielle in UAE? Nice to hear!

Love her killer heels!!
You have had a better day with the platform. My 3 bestest almost made me shoot myself in the head for calling steemit a ponzi schehe!!
I'll be interested with your research about one coin Terry, 2 friends have spoken to me about it and one is heavily invested on it. Am not convinced with it.

Don't be convinced. Mayb i will do a post about my research but there is nothing there really. its coin isn't listed as an altcoin on coinmarketcap either. i think that is a good place to start. Moreoever all the resources i have read, don't say good things about one coin.

Am very concerned as i've said, this friend have invested a lot in it. I haven't seen any good write-ups about it. For the same reason that, if i want to buy some, I will go thru him.

Interesting. But maybe you should warn your new friend about onecoin, because it's a scam.
Here is just one of many articles:

Is this for real? Ive read of the same thing last week.

Please let me know about tomorrows proceedings, I would love to find out. Great way to make a friend using steemit. I am sure you are very excited :)

Hahaha, i did another post about it already. i will start onboarding gradually tomorrow or next. i have a list and i will start according to this list. the first on the list is brindocorp, a team of young boys who are developers that i mentored when they were much younger, now they are grown and ready. they are in Africa and they have an event centre to their names and they hold events several times a year to spur youths into building careers i software development and that is where i come in, i want to have impact in Africa without being in Africa, and empowering this boys, will count as breakthrough for me.
i have to open these accounts with steem i generate for these people on my list, so onboarding is quick. But the whole process will be gradual and prepped because i want these ones to come in with their readymade vision and begin to have real impact.
danddclothing will join steemit and hopefully another dance school from dubai. My time in dubai was short! and it was to visit my sisters. i am still settling in. Please see my very last post! and two posts before that, is the post about what happened at dandclothing, with videos!

Great move! Keep us update.

Sure thing! Thank you!

You seem to be a great supporter, I really appreciate that.

Awesome! Awesome!! With everyone promoting Steemit, I see STEEM and SBD shooting to the skies soon. Keep up the good work bro.

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