THE SECRET TO A BETTER WORLD - Become a Hemp Advocate Today!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #marijuana7 years ago

REMEMBER, it's up to you to inform your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers that we have been lied-to, cheated, relieved of freedoms, happiness, privacy, civil rights and liberties by the WOD.

Hemp prohibition is a political issue driven by big business interests and it's damn well time we turn these policies around through extreme civil-disobedience. Grow it everywhere, they can't get it all...

Stop political prison sentences in our time.
Stop the promotion of poisons and the prohibition of medicines.
Stop the lies.
Tell the truth.

"Legalize it!" - Bob Marley

20 years ago, I wrote a book, and uploaded it to the internet for free:

                     The Joys of an Herb Garden at Home

So I guess that makes me a Hemp advocate.

The first section is here, and I've updated it for LED lamps:

The other 2 sections you can find on my blog.

Then, I found Rick Simpson on the documentary, Run From the Cure:

When I came to understand that hemp will cure cancer, and this knowledge has been hidden from us, it changed my life.

I've ran into Chris Harrigan on Steemit(!), an indie filmmaker, who made many independent documentaries. He created a documentary called Fighting Cancer with Cannabis Oil, and HE met Rick Simpson, and his community members.
He has several great videos up on steemit he's posted too. I hope to work with him in the future! See him at @xhrgn

Another Hemp advocate, Adrian Nantchev (@nantchev ) asked me to be on his Entrepreneur Podcast, so I said ok:
12:30pm PST - Wednesday, August 16, 2017

More to follow on that...



So much misinformation out there to make people feel afraid... pot saved our daughter's life when she was in high school; she went from depressed and anorexic to being not only functional (graduated 4th in her class) but she started developing and appetite and started eating again. Without that? No telling where she's be today... she's now 25 and a well-adjusted adult, and not "some perpetually baked stoner," as many people still seem to assume.

So true is been a blessing to me!

I'm glad to see this information going mainstream. It was a long time coming. I began filming this topic 7 years ago and people just really weren't ready for it then. However now more and more you see it coming out. You hear it in the communities. Once you see the results there's really just no denying it. Altough I work in the documentary industry I have not made any money on this film and put it online for free so that people would know. I have more projects I would like to do on this topic. Thanks so much for the shout out and hopefully others will hear this important story. I'll post a link to the film for those intested on this thread.

True story here:
I grew up in a household that reeked of pot 24 hours a day. My mother and her friends all smoked a ridiculous amount. (Seriously, I tell people how much I witnessed personally and they don't believe it)
Suffice it to say, I grew up with a strong bias against it.
It wasn't until my oldest daughter developed a rare form of cancer when she was 12 that I relaxed my stance on it after her doctor told me that he wanted to give her cannabis capsules as part of her treatment (She wasn't taking the chemo well). The change in her was massive. Her pain level had decreased significantly, and I did a 180 on my thought process. I immediately became a "legalize it" kind of guy.
Now, I am on disability for knee injuries sustained, and my case nurse recommended it to me. My first bottle of cannabis oil arrives next week.

(I may have to share this story on my own page, come to think of it)

WE would love to read about this in further detail.
Please post a link here when you get it online!

Thanks. More or less the same, a few details added. But here's the post

I can't wait to try medicating with cannabis. I really want to see if it helps with my episodes of depression. I'm actually taking a road trip to Colorado in a few months so I'm doing more research on strains that can help me. Do you have any strains that you recommend for anxiety, depression, and stress?

I think in general, if you want something to keep you up, excite your appetite and be able to stay functional (do work, or think), think Sativa strains.
If you need to sleep, want to make medicine (hash oil) or if you are sick, in bed, probably almost pure Indica strains.

Keeping in mind, most strains today are a mix of these "features" because Indica plants grow faster with less light (broader leaves) while Sativas are often more sought after for recreational strains.

Easy to find strains that are pure Indica, or you can find strains that are 80% Sativa/ 20% Indica (grows fast, Sativa like properties). Keeping in mind strains will vary from grower to grower, so it becomes important to find suppliers that can speak knowledgeably about what they sell/grow.

Often, suppliers have no clue what they have. You can become a good judge yourself over time, by going to dispensaries and buying several strains; get to know how to recognize each type by sampling a single hit in a pipe.

Often an excellent sativa will go straight to the head (headrush, exciting) and an indica may make you feel relaxed about 1 minute after taking a healthy hit.

So, depression, maybe a Sativa?
Anxiety, maybe an Indica with lots of "couch-lock" so you can just relax, and chill, ignore stressful issues for a little while.

It becomes very difficult to name strains. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of names, some stoner made up.. Talk to some real dispensaries that sell many strains, see what they say ;-)

Yea I really need to find a place that is very knowledgeable so I can get what I need. I will try a few strains to see what works for me. Thanks for all the info. I really appreciate it.

or come to Washington ;)

Colorado is alot closer to where I live. But I do plan on going to Washington at some point.

I always am amazed that the clear, safe and persistent effect on pain is not enough to sway people. Why...why do you want to see people suffer, when a plant can help them? Seizures... chronic issues... palliative care...this plant is kindness. It honestly hurts me inside to think about it. Thanks for writing.

It's important to spread the truth. If everyone starts doing it, we will have our freedom !

Wow, @surfyogi!!💥 You are a storehouse of excellent content, and deeds! I am grateful for your advocacy. Resteeming, for sure! 🌿

what is WOD?

I know what you mean, here are some before and after photos of a tumor my dog had. She loves cannabis.

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