'This Platform Returns Value To Those Who Create Value' - That Was The Original Idea Of Steem According To Ned Scott (Amsterdam 2016) || Are We Still Following The Same Vision?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
We've created a technology that is so powerful that it inspires our creativiy, our freedom and our relationships. - Ned Scott

I loved listening to your keynote speech at the Steemfest in Amsterdam @ned, because your vision was truly groundbreaking, and many of us were definitely willing to share it.

The ones that joined Steemit early were amazed by the opportunity given by this new environment, so we started to follow the ones that had created this revulutionary blockchain.

More and more supporters joined.

Now a bit more than one year after the above mentioned speech, I wonder were the vision has gone. Obviously, when you look at today's situation on Steemit, there is few room for that original culture of value. Self-voting, vote buying and flag wars are the dominating elements in that culture now.

There is zero solidarity and team spirit on Steemit. Constructive debates do not exist anymore. Most users send out their voting bots in order to allocate their contribution while the real conversations between human beings take place on discord.

And then when a supposedly unimposing little voting application like Steemvoter failes, the whole rewards distribution is turned upside down.

Now ignoring all these problems and focussing on the launch of new tokens looks a bit as if we decided to have a baby in order to fix our broken relationship. That strategy hardly ever worked.

Picture kindly providad by pixabay.com

The vision pulls us

Any great culture starts with a vision or mission statement - like the one that Ned introduced in Amsterdam.

According to the previously mentioned speech, Steem was created to reward people for their attention, and to give value back to those who contribute to the system. The idea was to build an independent eco-system that was able to constantly nurture itself by the creation of valuable social interaction, the production, consumption and curation of valuable content.

It was meant to set THE example of tokenized social networking and like that attract investors.

Steem was one of the first currencies whose value wasn't simply based on speculation. The social network run on this blockchain provided the token with real value, fed by an inspiring, creative and freedom-loving community.

Now how much of that vision is still valid?

Ned Scott's speaking at Steemfest 2016 in Amsterdam

Do we even have a common vision?

It seems that everybody has their own version of it.

There was a comment pusblished by @benjojo in @dan's Proof of Governance article I appreciated a lot and that pretty much hit the nail on the head:

This economy should be on a journey to being for everyone or it's for no-one. Can you imagine Steem becoming a globally accepted unit of exchange, store of value etc with some of today's whales holding the power they will have, wielding it as they have been?

To be honest, from today's point of view I don't believe that this economy is for everyone, unless you buy yourself in with 100K+ Steem, start blog posting about cryptocurrencies and close some voting agreements with other investors on discord.

Please excuse this little hint of sarcasm.

On the 5th of December 2016 I wrote an article about Steemit's missing identity and cheekily asked:
Who are you Steemit?

@surfermarly trying to identify Steemit's brand values (original article)

Funny enough more than one year later this inquiry still seems to be unsolved.

I could copy and paste my article and it would be still contemporary.

Isn't that a bit strange?

After having published that article, other users told me that one of the ideas of decentralization was that there were no rules or presettings regarding the identity or purpose of the platform. Even though I was completely new to the whole crypto world and decentralized concepts, I strictly disagreed about that.

Decentralization doesn't mean that there is no coherence required. Also a decentralized brand is still a brand that needs an identity, a story, a unique selling proposition.

You may build a decentralized environment where people enjoy freedom of speech and self-governance, but hey - you still need a common vision, an idea towards which harbour this ship is navigating.

Now what is Steemit's final destination? Or don't we need Steemit anymore now that we're going to have Smart Media Tokens?

Independently from any future projects, Steemit will always be the very first application launched on this blockchain, and it'll always be the main reference for the community, for new investors and for the media.

This no. 1 reference is of inestimable value and we should all treat it as such.

Now if we wanted to create a culture for Steemit - that common belief system -, what would we exactly need to talk about?

The following list is inspired by Six Components Of Culture:

  1. Values: Values are the core of a community's culture. While a vision articulates a team's purpose, values offer a set of guidelines on the behaviors and mindsets that are required to pursue that vision. Especially in decentralized environments, values are key to ensure stability.

  2. Practices: Obviously values are of little importance until they're put into practice. It's important that these values are especially lived by established members of the community, setting a good example for the new ones who join later.
    Shit rolls down hill.

  3. People: No community in the world would be able to establish and live a coherent culture without people who either share its core values or possess the willingness and ability to embrace them.

  4. Narrative: Every community has a story. Steem has such story (see quote in the headline). The ability to unearth that story and craft it into a narrative is a core element of culture creation. Steem is one of the first crypto currencies that is backed by real (social) value. Damn, that's not just a story, that's a revolution!

Theoretically Steem and the Steemit community provide the perfect basis to create and live a culture that is strong enough to change the whole understanding of the internet.

The big question is: Are we still aware of that great potential?

Do we all possess the willingness and ability to embrace the same core values in this community? Or are most of us rather interested in following their own personal vision here?

Getting back to what I said in the beginning of this article: Steem was created to give value back to those who create value, thus to those who contribute to the system.

So the one million dollar question is: how do we contribute? What does value mean to us?

There may be uncountable answers to that one question, and they could be all valid. We only need to agree on them.

As long as we don't talk about how we want this place to be, there will be people coming to abuse the system we have created, and step by step this great invention will lose its glory.

If we stopped backing Steem by its unique narrative, it would become just another token, and its value would be simply defined by speculation.

This revolutionary concept requires a community with a healthy and stable culture, shared values and common practice. Otherwise it'd be just another website.

Now I'd like to repeat the initial quote:

We've created a technology that is so powerful that it inspires our creativiy, our freedom and our relationships. - Ned Scott

Creativity, freedom and relationships - are these still our core values and aims?

What is your understanding of today's Steem vision and culture? @ned it'd be great if you shared yours as well.

I'm looking forward to reading your statements.
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.

Original content. Quote found on canva.com


Very helpful and thought provoking @surfermarly! This platform has so much potential. Creative freedom and relationship building is a noble and excellent goal. Would be amazing if we keep striving for it!

Doug!!! First of all: Happy New Year! I know it's quite late already, but I guess it's never too late to address some warm wishes :-)

Thanks for your comment. I guess Steemit Inc. is already on their way towards a new project. Steemit.com was their testing area, and now all eyes are on Steem and SMTs. From my personal point of view that's wrong, since Steemit is the no. 1 reference for users, investors, media and competition - and it will always be. It's the store sign for Steem.

If they couldn't find enough investors for Steem having Steemit, how would they find them building some new tokens on top of Steem?

If I were in charge, I'd give Steemit.com top priority. I'd make it a shiny desirable pilot project before launching anything new on top.

Wonderful post Marly. You really touch base with a lot of things that needed to be said. It has felt like Steemit has become a crypto echo-chamber that is only inclusive to those savy enough in the crypto world. I'm not sure what the solutions are but I think posts like this that make people really question the future of the platform are a good start.

As time goes on and the platform gets more users and becomes more diversified, we will see a healthier more complex ecosystem here.

Thanks for your great support, @arqetype!

As time goes on and the platform gets more users and becomes more diversified, we will see a healthier more complex ecosystem here.

I don't think that this is ever going to happen. If you read my article from the 5th of December 2016 that was exactly my point: Is Steemit a social network or a cryptocurrency forum?
In more than one year this hasn't changed. Logically most of the big stakeholders are crypto enthusiasts. What do crypto people blog post about? Food? :-D Not really...

Shit rolls down hill. People with money will determine what's trending on Steemit and what's not. As long as they upvote their crypto charts, this is going to be a crypto website.

I'm guessing you might have read this thread already from a while ago.


In the comments two posters highlight a lot of the problems and how hardfork 20 won't solve any of them. Bots won't be dealt with and new users will continue to feel like upvoting and curating content is either a waste of their time or impossible to do without buying in. They say that trending to find content is laughable, which it is, and hot is just dominated by a handful of big wallets or those on big loans using botnets to write about the same things over and over, which it is. They go way more in-depth and it's a good read for anyone with an open mind on the subject such as yourself. Thank you for making people think about these kinds of issues, as it's very needed for steemit to ever be taken seriously by anyone other than early investors or those hoping to get rich quick.

Yes, I did read the post about the next hard fork, but that doesn't address the need for a culture on Steemit. How could it? Culture is lived by people (human beings) and can't be regulated through technical features.

Behind any bot there is at least one human being who implemented it. This is a social network whose culture and values can't ever be defined by algos. It's something people need to agree on.

I always remember the case of Matt Trainer @mattrainer. It perfectly showed that this community is a real community that stands together when necessary. People recognized that he was pretending to scam the system, then all of the whales cam to downvote him and he disappeared in a few days.

Now - half a year later - a lot of other people try to abuse the system on a daily basis, but nobody cares. I wonder what happened between then and now.

Dang! you very well may be right. I hope that changes, but I see your point. Either way keep up the work. You have inspired me to post my snowboarding videos here on steemit.

We are lacking a Leader who is willing to share a vision for the SteemIt Platform. It is because he is no longer focused on the SteemIt platform, they haven't been dishonest about that.

They are focused on the Steem blockchain and SMTs, Fabric before that.

It will be interesting to see what happens to SteemIt after communities and SMTs are released.

It is because he is no longer focused on the SteemIt platform, they haven't been dishonest about that.

I know :-(
Still the fact that they haven't been dishonest about it, doesn't really justify the action. Steemit.com is the most valuable application built on the Steem blockchain. It's the unbeatable no. 1. We all know that it's still a baby that has their childhood diseases, but as long as nobody wants to fight them, how might it ever start to grow?

Now my question is: why not addressing these issues first, make the no. 1 reference (the store sign for Steem) a shiny, successful, desirable, fast growing pilot project - and THEN start building new ideas on top of it?!?

It's as if Steemit.com had become an annoying albatross around the neck.

Beautiful post @surfermarly and I agree with you, things has changed since last year. Upvote and Resteem ;)

Muchas gracias, guapa!
Those of us who joined early kind of miss the good old times now. Hopefully we're finding a way to re-establish the community spirit we had once.

Wahre Worte! Es gibt immer noch viel Gutes auf Steemit und zahlreiche Autoren, die ihr Bestes geben und tolle Artikel abliefern, aber eben auch genau die von dir angesprochenen Probleme ... Jeder Einzelne, dem die Community am Herzen liegt, sollte versuchen, die von dir angesprochenen "Creativity, freedom and relationships" aktiv vorzuleben.

Danke Dir!
Mit gutem Beispiel voran zu gehen hat noch nie geschadet. Aber die Zugkraft kommt von vorne (bzw.: von oben) - von jenen Accounts die mit einem einzigen Vote die Erde zum Beben bringen. Da es hinsichtlich der Curation Rewards jedoch nicht lukrativ genug ist auf kleine Accounts zu voten, wird das Geld immer an dieselben ausgeschüttet. Dadurch verliert die Plattform regelmäßig neue User und es kommt keine Retention zustande. Das führt dazu, dass die Plattform langfristig niemals in einem relevanten Maße wachsen wird. Und dieses nicht funktionierende Konzept soll nun das Aushängeschild für neue Tokens (SMTs) werden. Wer kauft denn einen Tochter-Coin von Steem, wenn die Mutter schwächelt?

Blockchain Technologie ist in ein paar Jahren sowieso wieder out aufgrund der mangelnden Umweltverträglichkeit / Nachhaltigkeit. Insofern einfach mal abwarten :-)

Aber die Zugkraft kommt von vorne (bzw.: von oben) - von jenen Accounts die mit einem einzigen Vote die Erde zum Beben bringen.

Ich denke auch, dass sowohl 'Whales' als auch Witnesses eine große Verantwortung tragen.

Da es hinsichtlich der Curation Rewards jedoch nicht lukrativ genug ist auf kleine Accounts zu voten, wird das Geld immer an dieselben ausgeschüttet.

Ich selbst vote z. B. nur manuell, nur was mir gefällt, und in der Regel ziemlich unabhängig vom zu erwartenden Curation-Reward (ich vote z. B. oft ganz am Ende, statt zu versuchen, schnell zu sein). Langfristig würde sich das auch für die großen Accounts mehr auszahlen (weil die Community zufriedener wäre), als auf jeden Cent Curation-Reward zu achten.
Es kann aber gut sein, dass es nicht reicht, auf den guten Willen aller Beteiligten zu setzen. Deshalb wären die Witnesses gefragt, Konzepte umzusetzen, die z. B. Selbstoves (die über ein normales Maß hinausgehen) durch entsprechende softwareseitige Implementierungen unattraktiver zu machen. Beispiele beschrieb ich hier und hier. Unabhängig davon, ob das jetzt der Weisheit letzter Schluss ist, müsste insgesamt (und zwar auf der Ebene der einflussreichen Accounts) viel intensicer darüber nachgedacht werden, wie die Probleme zu lösen seien - im Moment sieht es aber noch eher so aus als würde nichts Ernsthaftes unternommen, um bestimmte Privilegien (z. B. regelmäßig immer von denselben gevotet zu werden) nicht zu verlieren ...

Blockchain Technologie ist in ein paar Jahren sowieso wieder out aufgrund der mangelnden Umweltverträglichkeit / Nachhaltigkeit. Insofern einfach mal abwarten

Ach, das glaube ich nicht ... es werden ja nicht alle Coins so energieintensiv produziert wie der Bitcoin. Konzepte, die nicht auf dem "Proof of Work", sondern "Proof of Stake" basieren, sind (zum Glück) deutlich umweltfreundlicher ...

Ich werde auch wieder auf manuelles Voten umsteigen, alles andere ist einfach nicht konstruktiv. Das Problem an den Vote Services ist ja auch, dass man total die Kontrolle über die Verteilung der eigenen Votes verliert. Wenn jemand mehrmals pro Tag postet, den ich z.B. auf 100% habe, kann ich mit meiner eigenen VP schnell mal in den Keller geraten. Zudem blockiert das gezielte Voten auf spezielle Accounts natürlich auch die Freiheit einfach mal über die Seite zu surfen und neue Talente zu entdecken und zu fördern.

Langfristig würde sich das auch für die großen Accounts mehr auszahlen (weil die Community zufriedener wäre), als auf jeden Cent Curation-Reward zu achten.

Tja, das erklär denen mal :-)
Am Anfang war dieser Spirit noch da. Als wir alle bei Null gestartet sind, war die Euphorie und der Zusammenhalt groß. Das ist komplett verloren gegangen.

Ach, das glaube ich nicht ... es werden ja nicht alle Coins so energieintensiv produziert wie der Bitcoin.

Braucht man nicht per se zum Minen Serverleistung?

PS: Deine verlinkten Artikel lese ich mir nachher mal durch :-)

Ich kann allem nur zustimmen, was du bezüglich manuellem Voten schreibst.

Es werden gar nicht mehr alle Kryptowährungen 'klassisch' gemined ... Nehmen wir als Beispiel unseren 'geliebten' STEEM. :)

Die Idee war sicher "net" von "ned".... und irgendwie lebt sie ja immer noch..... aber ich denke es schreckt so viele "neuen" Steemians einfach ab, wenn sie sehen was im Trending verdient werden kann. Und ehrlich? vieles im Trending ist sicher kein Mehrwert sonder das ausnutzen von Beziehungen und das abziehen von Geld aus dem Pool..... Aber da alles das zulässig ist, bringt es nicht sich deswegen aufzuregen. Ich mag die Idee immer noch und werde auch weiter hier bleiben........ PS: wurde an meine Wand verschoben......

Erstmal danke ich Dir fürs Vorbeischauen und Teilen! :-)
Im Grunde sehe ich es ja ganz genau wie Du. Wir drehen uns mit all diesen Diskussionen ja auch seit Monaten (beinahe schon Jahren) im Kreis. Man sollte sich einen Post-It auf die Stelle am Monitor kleben wo der "Trending" Button ist, damit man nicht aus Versehen drauf klickt :-D
Eigentlich hatte ich mir fest vorgenommen nie wieder darüber zu schreiben, aber wenn man 1,5 Jahre jeden Tag hier unterwegs war, kann man nicht immer wegsehen und die Klappe halten.

Dein Winter Wonderland von heute (#landscapesaturday) war übrigens Weltklasse!

danke für deinen Vote übrigens......naja und der Rest...werden uns langsam zurückziehen.....der Spass bleibt langsam etwas auf der Strecke.....

Gern geschehen :-)
Das Problem ist, dass Steemit nur ein Versuchsprojekt war und der eigentliche Fokus nun auf Steem und nachfolgenden Tokens liegt. Der eigentliche Wert von Steem beruht meiner Meinung nach auf dem Produkt (Pilot) Steemit.com. Es ist die Nr. 1 Referenz und wird das auch immer bleiben - für Nutzer, Investoren, Medien und Wettbewerb. Daher kann ich einfach nicht nachvollziehen, wie man ihm so wenig Priorität einräumen kann.

Wie immer gibt es ja von Steemit Inc. kein Statement. Das ist in dem Fall aber auch eine Antwort, denn sie haben einfach keine Vision :-)

Ich bewundere Dein Herzblut und wie Du Dich einsetzt und Meinung vertrittst - Chapeau mal wieder.

Ich denke es gibt viele Sachen die besser laufen könnten und wo die STINC sich einschalten sollte, aber ist eben nicht mehr so, du beschreibst ja gut weshalb dies so ist.

Wobei ich sagen muss, die Vision am Anfang hab ich eh nicht mitbekommen und ich halte mich auch zurück in den Diskussionen über welche Inhalte / Contributions wertvoll oder nicht sind, gibt ja unterschiedliche Ansätze und Meinungen. - Zeit wieder einen alten Post dazu auszugraben bzw zu schreiben.

Diskussionskultur geht zurück, das stimmt, zumeist wird eher gestritten bzw alles persönlich genommen, viele haben Angst zu diskutieren vor möglichen Konsequenzen wie Flags.

Danke Dir mein Lieber!
Du hast Recht, es gibt keine konstruktive Streitkultur - und die ist eigentlich elementar in jeder gut funktionierenden Beziehung. Führung durch Angst ist ein Führungsstil, aber sicherlich nicht der, den sich hier viele wünschen. Man hat vieles gepredigt als die Plattform an den Start ging. Die großen Worte wie Freiheit und Dezentralisierung sind nun allerdings nur noch Schall und Rauch. Inzwischen ist Steemit der perfekte Spiegel einer Gesellschaft, in der die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich immer weiter auseinander geht, weil die Reichen sich immer mehr Geld in die Taschen stecken, während für die Armen immer weniger übrig bleibt. So klar muss man es einfach mal sehen.

Steemit ist nichts anderes geworden als ein schlechtes Abziehbild einer kaputten Realität.
Man hätte vieles draus machen können, wenn man es anders gewollt hätte. Oftmals wünschte ich mir den Spirit von Dan zurück - der hatte wenigstens eine richtige Vision.

Es gibt eben keine Führung im klassischen Sinn - evtl. war das Dan aber der war vor meiner Zeit, hab ihn nicht wirklich erlebt ausser dem Streit mit anderen Walen.

Steemit ist eben ein Abbild der Realität. Freiheit und Dezentralisierung sind evtl. ja nur paar Schlagwörter. Langfristige Vision ist schwer aktuell, wer weiss wann the next big better thing kommt - wenn wir nur mehr wissen würden über die Pläne der STINC - oder würde das was ändern. Ich weiss es nicht.

Wenn man möchte, das Menschen ihr Geld in ein Projekt investieren, ist Information über die Entwicklungsschritte eine Pflicht und keine Option.

Ist natürlich nicht die beste Werbung für SMTs, wenn man schon bei Steemit keine besondere Führungsstärke bewiesen hat.

Ich bin heilfroh, dass ich niemals investiert habe!

Das es ne Community ist magst Du Recht haben, aber Investoren kaufen ja idR Coins auch einfach mal so auf diversen Exchanges ohne Link zu Steemit - siehe Korea Pump. Bitcoin wird ja auch so gekauft. Wobei es durchaus andere Projekte gibt wo dies passiert wie EOS, Waves oder IOTA.

Ja, aber warum kauft man Steem? Doch sicher weil man an das Produkt dahinter glaubt - oder nicht? Ist ja kein klassischer Day Trading Coin.

Winn Du Steemit User bist korrekt, aber wenn Du nur Coin kaufen magst über ne Exchange und denkst die Linien und Kurven klingen interessant dann eher nicht - glaube ich :-) - wobei manche sich zumindest White oder Bluepaper durchlesen, wäre zumindest angebracht :-). Aber ich bin auch kein Trader.


True stuff.
Most of the comments in any popular post are of people asking for upvotes or followers. Either that, or poor quality comments like 'nice post', 'great information' or such other generic "compliments" with the underlying goal of increasing their post count.
I feel like this is partly due to the misunderstanding of 'beginners tips' like:

  • Engage with the community more
  • Comment more on others' post
  • Make yourself visible in the community

I guess it must also be said that value can be added not only through quality posts but also through quality comments on the same.
In other words, impart the belief that it matters not how many followers you have, but how you gained whatever number of followers you have.

Right now, the vision/culture seems to be making maximum use of bots as possible!

There is no onboarding strategy, that's the problem.
I wrote an article about that 9 months ago and called it the "Theme Park Idea":

From my point of view, the welcoming is absolutely essential for the platform's development. Just take Steemit's welcome page, it looks like a website from 1980 but not like the arrival hall of a platform that is based on leading technology in the 21st century: https://steemit.com/welcome

Where are the video tutorials, the first-step-trainings? It'd be so easy to turn this site into a great first contact point, teach people the basis rules and etiquette on steemit in different languages there. But I'm tired of repeating the very same ideas over and over again.

Sometimes I really don't understand Steemit Inc's priorities.

I agree on the Welcome page being bland. There's way too many links for a layman to have the patience to go through. The presentation of information could use a revamp.

The 'Theme Park' idea you had proposed looks promising. Among the 5 weak points, 1st and 5th seem to be main ones. The search function is poor and there's no easy way to find and read old posts that "disappear" after a couple of months.

One solution I thought about for that is - what if there's an option to segregate posts in our 'Blog' into categories, similar to pins in Pinterest, to add a visual touch to it while making posts more accessible. Posts about steemit could be in the 'steemit' pin, poem and drawing in 'art' and such.

That said, Steemit still is in beta so we could implement new features and suggestions listed by you in the future, more final version of the website. Let's be optimistic!

what if there's an option to segregate posts in our 'Blog' into categories

That's covered by tags (#art #poetry #steemit etc.).
What we need is a general design makeover. On Steemit content needs to be pro-actively searched, instead of being actively offered. There is no user retention, no incentive for staying on the site. On YouTube content that is related to the one you clicked on is actively offered for instance.

Yep, but since the tags can't do much about old content getting buried in our Profile, pins in a user's Blog could make it somewhat easier to find posts according to category.
Youtube-styled curated suggestions will definitely keep the users hooked. However, there's also the disadvantage of lack of diversity in opinions consumed by them. Meaning, they would be shown only one 'side' of the story. If the content suggestions are constantly shuffled, then it could be a great add-on.

Being a newbie I still have kind of an outsider perspective and even though I see some posts like yours, that are critical about the development, I have to say, that I´m overwhelmed by the culture and different communities here. Maybe you as a veteran got used to these community spirit, so that you can´t see it anymore? Maybe in a year I will also see it different, but for now I´m falling in love with Steemit more and more every day.

New relationships in their beginnings are awesome, enjoy the butterflies! :-)

haha Right, I enjoy the romance and let´s hope it will become a serious relationship once^^

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