in #fiction5 years ago

@steeminganarchy proudly presents a high seas adventure.

The sunlit dome sparkled like stars.  Smart-nano-dust kept the air quality in optimal conditions.  The dining area was kept spotless and well stocked with the finest foods that the land could offer.    

A wiry character paced impatiently, arms crossed.  A football-sized drone hovered near him.  “Is it time to go out yet?” the wiry bio asked.    

“Not yet, Mister Ventorin.  You must wait two more minutes until your scheduled outdoor exercise will commence.  And please, call me PDX-10.”

Ventorin clasped his hands and continued to pace.  “How long will exercise be today, drone?”

“Based on current available data, your exercise time today is scheduled to be between 58 and 62 minutes.”

“How pleasing,” Ventorin half-mocked.   

A soft buzz sounded and the transparent electronic barrier ceased.  Ventorin stepped out and took a deep breath with his eyes shut.  He was free, for between 58 and 62 minutes.    

Ventorin took long, gaping steps at a steady pace over gray, rocky terrain and past windswept trees.  A green-backed Firecrown buzzed by his ear.  The midday sun was fighting to get through a light gray sky.    

The drone followed closely behind.  “May I ask you a question, Mister Ventorin?”

“You may ask a second question.”

“Why do you not acquiesce with D-1’s request and gain your release from prison?”

Ventorin gave a thin smile as he stopped to admire a macro view of winding waterways below.  He had run this through his mind an uncountable number of times for the past 12 years.  Would his actions prove to have the desired effect? Or was he suffering for nothing?   

“I’ve answered this question too many times, drone.”

“But I’ve never asked you before,” the drone responded, trying to mimic the sound of surprise.    

“That’s because you’ve been here less than a week.  I’ve answered too many drones before you, and I prefer to not answer today.”

“As you wish. Please remember, you have a meeting with Major Torcer at 3pm.”

“Gee, thanks drone.  I had no idea.  I’ve only met Major Torcer every week at the same time for the past 12 years.”

The football-sized drone responded dryly, “You’re welcome.  With all due respect, shouldn’t you remember that...”

Ventorin cut it off, “I was being sarcastic, drone.”

After finishing his hike, Ventorin gulped crisp air and leaned against a stone pillar by the entrance to his luxury prison.    

A buzzing PDX-10 hovered near him, “Your heart rate is higher than it should be.  Are you feeling ok?”

Ventorin clenched a fist, “Drone, mind your own business.  Now open the damn door.”

A force-field buzzed open followed by a large archway entrance.  A rolling service bot came and misted his face, then handed a plush towel.  He dabbed his face, looked at the time, and sat on an overstuffed chair.  The building started to rise.  

“What’s the elevation going to be now, drone?”

“Elevation until sunset will be 812 meters.”

“And this will bring about optimal environmental conditions for me to work? Just enough sunlight, while maintaining pristine air quality, but also being energy efficient?” he questioned in a mocking tone.

“Yes, of course. Have you decided to work today, Mister Ventorin?”

“Not on any scientific experiments, if that’s what you mean.” 

It gave him pleasure to voice his resistance, even in such a passive-aggressive manner.  He knew that everything was being recorded, analyzed, catalogued, and thrown into the general milieu of A.I. algorithmic-control hell.    

“Bring me my headset so I can get this over with.”

A service bot obediently brought his sleek VR headgear.  He threw it on and felt the customary warm glow of the sensors on his head.    

Suddenly, he was on a white-sand beach with crystal clear water lapping at the shore.  This pristine image was then interrupted by Torcer’s grim face.  “Ventorin! Right on time! How are you?”

“Older, tired, and stubborn.  How about you, Torcer?”

The military man’s face looked oily and shiny in the tropical sun.  “Just another day at the beach!”   

“Why do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Treat me like a fool with your half-witted tricks.  You think I don’t know that you’re not at the beach? Or any other exotic or extravagant place every time we meet?”

Torcer kept a firm face.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. How’s Patagonia?”

“I haven’t the foggiest clue.  All these damn machines won’t let me experience it.”

Torcer shook his head with over-the-top disapproval, as if scolding a child.  “All that they give you, and you don’t appreciate a damn bit.  You could be a lot worse off, ya know.”

“Funny how other people being miserable is supposed to make my misery somehow better.”

Two spaghetti-strapped blonds strode by lazily in the background.  Torcer gave them the once over.    

“How’s your son, Torcer?”

“Gifted, lazy, spoiled, and useless, as always.”

“Has he received procreation approval yet?”

This was a sore spot with Torcer.  “No, not yet.”

“They’ll never give him permission.  Why do you lie to yourself?”

“You don’t know that.”

“They just dangle that carrot in front of you to manipulate you.  I used to be like you, but then after a while, I came to realize that that damn carrot was just an illusion they were using against me. Similar to this VR simulation, only much more real, and much more sinister.”

“I’ll be a granddad one day.  You’ll see.”

“Speaking of family, how is mine doing, Torcer?”

“Why do you always ask that?”

“The same reason you always ask me for the results of that experiment. Because you want it.”

“What I can tell you, is that they’re both in good shape and good spirits.”

“Suppose I did give you that information you and your bosses covet so much.  What do you think would happen?”

“I don’t know.  I haven’t thought about it.”

“I’ll speculate for you.  For you, personally, your carrot would disappear, and they would discard you faster than an old block of code.  In the bigger picture, do you really want those monsters spreading to the far reaches of the galaxy? Not only that, but how long do you think they’ll keep humans around? Once they decide we’ve served all possible purposes, they’ll wipe us out in an instant.” 

Slice 3 Coming Soon!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

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