in #funny5 years ago

Short satirical script of "Ghost Busters"....

Main Characters – The Gang-Busters

Liegone – Male, high hair, coke bottle glasses, rail thin, jumbo truth-plasm pack on back

Rayzon – Male, gangly, wears high-tech goggles (like night vision, only cartoonishly jumbo).  Shoots green truth rays.

Solrisa – Female, thin and fit, long, curly hair, smiley.  Throws glowing green truth energy discs from purse.

Scene: A tranquil and sunny day at an urban, seaside park.  Birds are chirping.  Children and dogs are happily playing.  Some people are even frolicking.  A group of friends, who call themselves “The Gang-Busters” are playing chess on a wooden table.   Nearby, next to an old oak tree, there is a little old lady happily soothing herself with a natural medicine known as Cannabis.

Liegone:  Checkmate!

Rayzon:  That fast!? That’s not possible!

Solrisa (looking at chess board):  Wow, are you that bad, Rayzon, or is Liegone that good?

Liegone:  Probably somewhere in between.

Rayzon:  Probably true.  

Solrisa (gets whiff of the wafting herbal smoke):  Mmmm! (looks around, trying to find source) Is that the new air freshener they’ve got in the park these days?

Rayzon:  Dare to dream…..

Liegone (pointing):  Uh-oh, we’ve got some unwanted company!

There’s a big dude with a butch hair cut, cheap shades, and a silly costume and badge approaching the old lady.

Big Dude In Costume:  Excuse me, lady, what do you think you’re doing?

Old Lady:  Soothing my glaucoma!

Big Dude In Costume:  Well, that’s against the law.

Liegone pulls hose from truth-plasm-pack out of his nearby backpack, runs over and shoots truth-plasm on the big dude in costume.

Big Dude In Costume (shaking fist at Liegone):  Ew, hey! What the….? I’ll deal with you next!

Big Dude In Costume (to old lady):  Well, that stuff is against the law, so I’m gonna have to confiscate it, fine you, and possibly send you to jail.

The truth-plasm makes the old lady actually hear and see the truth, though, so to her it went something like this…...

Old Lady:  Did you just say that you’ll have to rob me and throw me in a cage? How dare you! 

Big Dude In Costume:  Huh? What? No, that ain’t what I said!

Old Lady:  And who do you think you are, young man, running around in an extortion-funded costume, threatening to violently rob people and throw them in cages? Shame on you! Shame!

Solrisa pulls glowing green truth disc of light from purse and throws it at the old lady.  It lands softly on the crown of her head as she takes a puff from her medicine.

Old Lady:  Oh, that tingled! 

The green disc of light allows the cop to see the truth of what the lady is actually doing.

Big Dude In Costume:  Hey, uh, what a minute…...You’re just someone smoking a plant, and leaving others alone.  You’re not doing anything wrong.  (scratches head) So what the heck am I doing? Sorry, lady.  Carry on.

Cop walks off, still scratching head, and thinking about quitting his immoral job.

Cop (to himself, wiping plasm from face):  I’m better than this, aren’t I?

Liegone, Rayzon, and Solrisa high-five each other and continue playing chess.  Freedom and peace are once again in the park.  


Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay

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