The Truth Will Set Us Free - Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest III

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

“I don’t buy it.”

“And what do you think happened, Mr. –“

“Jacob. Jacob is fine. Well, I’m not the brightest bulb Mr. Basil –“

“Just Drake.”

“Whatever, man. I just think an entire city – the most troublesome city in the world, for that matter, doesn’t just “naturally” sink into the ground and get flooded. Something weird is going on there, Drake. I’ve lived my fair share of years; I’ve seen my fair share of cover-ups. Trust me; the US government had something to do with it.”

We drove down Dulles Toll Road. Supposedly, a nice lass named Susan was supposed to come pick me up – Instead, I got Mr. Jacob, a middle-aged african-american Über driver convinced that the Russians had rigged the presidential elections. We talked. I talked way too much. I was nervous – So much so that I’d ended up derailing the conversation towards The Sinking of PyongyangThe first event I “covered” at the beginning of my mind-melting adventure into the underworld of supranational power struggles.

“What’s that over there, over to the left?”

“That’s Hutchison Park.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“My daughter loves it when we drive by it too, for some reason. She says it’s quite –“


I could almost feel the sun’s radiant rays washing over my cold body, still stiff from the flight, warming me up from the outside in, seeping through my pores. Regrettably, this daydream only lasted a couple seconds, and I was yanked back to the chilly, new-smelling back seat of the Tesla by my ringtone and vibrating phone.

“I thought you said you were out of batteries.”

“I am… was.”

I knew what that meant. I reached into my pocket, took out my smartphone and, sure enough, there it was. Dark blue screen, hidden number, bold font: “44”.

Made with resources from Shuttershock and Freepik

I took the phone’s battery out and put it back into my pocket, along with the now dead phone.

“Angry girlfriend?”

“Much worse, believe me.”

“I won’t butt into your business…"


" Well, actually, I do have something that’s been bothering me ever since I picked you up. You told me you were going to the National Press Club, but you’re not carrying equipment and you sure as hell don’t look like a politician. What’s waiting for you there?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Something to do with that call?”

His respect for my privacy lasted less than the Sultanate of Zanzibar. I wasn’t sure how to answer. I couldn’t just tell him the truth, at least not yet. That was what the press conference was for. Representatives from most major independent news outlets had been called to what they thought would be a big reveal from the world of cryptocurrencies. I looked at my briefcase, laying beside me. Inside it, two files. In the blue folder, certainly, was an extensive report on the shady business surrounding Venezuela’s new cryptocurrency, the Petro, which was interesting in and of itself. However, in the red one…

“I’m a journalist, traveling the world on the trail of the rich and powerful. I’ve got a really juicy scoop and I thought that, since I had to come to D.C. anyway...”

“Sounds like a journalist’s fantasy.”

Journalist... Am I really much of a journalist anymore? I haven’t published a single thing since that day. But, how could I have? I’ve had my hands full with the work my employer gives me, following Esperanto-speaking bigwigs around the world, recording everything like some glorified tape-recorder. And it’s not like I can just write an article on my “adventures”. No, the contract was very clear on that – Everything must be kept hidden, under wraps. Secret journalism… Crypto journalism? Well, it does have a nice ring to it, but...

No, definitely not. Cryptozoologists, cryptohistorians and everything else starting with crypto- has always been met either with skepticism or outright dismissal, just because of six words meaning “fake”, “fantasy” and, ultimately, “bullshit”. I’m different; I will not be dismissed. What I’m carrying in that briefcase is the truth, and the truth will-

“You’re looking a little pale, Mr. Journalist. Look out the window. I took a little detour, in case you like sightseeing.”

We were crossing the Potomac River, which extended several miles in both directions under the Arlington Memorial Bridge. This wasn’t, however, what he really wanted me to see. Far ahead, on the horizon, I could see a monolithic block of granite and marble, drawing all attention from the surrounding areas towards itself, towards its history and meaning.

Source: Washington Plaza Hotel (Slightly edited)

“This is my favorite view in all of Washington. The Lincoln Memorial, a Greek-looking temple to the man who freed the slaves and made America great in the first place.”

I chuckled at his joke, the best he’d made all afternoon.

“It’s amazing, imposing, truly a work of art.”

“Yes, but that’s not really what I like so much about it. Some miles further away, behind the marble, and the statue, and the river posing as a mirror, there’s another famous structure.”

“The Washington Monument, right?”

“Just so. Did you know it was built by slaves? Ironic, I know. But it does make for great effect.”

“I don’t think I’m following.”

“It’s simple. In theory, the truth is right in front of you, somewhere, way back, over there. Our dark past, so to speak. But from here, you can only see the glorious Lincoln, responsible for truly making America the land of the free. It reminds me never to take anything at face value, it reminds me to always dig deeper, to see beyond the white marble and inspiring inscriptions. There’s always someone hiding something, trying to erase uncomfortable truths from history and replace them with whatever suits them. Slavery, foreign intervention in our democracy, the sinking of a major Asian seat of power… There’s always something.”

We spent the rest of the journey in silence. I looked out the window, then at my briefcase, then back at the window. I thought, I pondered, I analyzed, then I decided. There was no stopping me. I took out the red folder and reviewed its contents. A highly detailed, well documented report on a sinister plan being quite effectively conducted by a shadow council of powerful men and women seeking to establish a supranational fascist government. The New World Order, The Illuminati, The Bilderberg Group… All one and the same, seeking to destabilize governments worldwide by destroying the public’s trust in their ruling body through orchestrated conflicts, scandals and alternative facts presented by big media controlled by them, so that they may introduce their own puppet leaders who will eventually come together under the wing of the NWO. To put it simply, the biggest Psy-Op ever carried out in the history of man. And I would expose them, bypassing their Big Media control by going straight to the independent, engaged news outlets followed by millions online.

“We’re here, Mr. Journalist.”

“I told you, Drake is fine. You’re wasted as an Über driver, Jacob; I think you should seek a more… creative path, so to speak.”

“Well, I do some writing on a certain site… I have an audience and it helps pay the bills; that’s enough for me.”

I paid the good man his due, put the file back in the briefcase and got off the electric car. I watched it silently drive farther and farther away until it made a turn and disappeared from sight, then I got going. I walked into “The Place Where News Happens” through the front door. I’d memorized every hallway, every turn, every elevator and every staircase I could go through to get to the hall where I was going to make my formal address to the free world, and I decided to take the most direct, obvious one. What I’m carrying with me is the truth, and the truth will set us free.

I somehow reached the podium in a sort of daze consequence of the almost fanatical furor my noble mission had awakened in me. I didn’t greet anyone, I didn’t acknowledge anyone – Hell, I didn’t even see the people around me as I got to the place where I would make my stand for freedom. I set my briefcase beside me, took out the red folder and set it on the desk. I was ready.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press –“

I carry the truth, and the truth will set us free.

“The conference will now begin –“

The truth will set us free.

“With you, Drake Basil –“



Source: National Press Club (slightly edited)

Only then did I look up, my face contorting into something only a cryptozoologist might be able to describe. Like a basilisk surprised at its own mortality, I stared at the dozens of microphones and cameras laid out before me. Instead of the independent news outlets I had carefully picked and discretely invited, CNN, Fox News, the WSJ and many more news giants had sent their minions to witness my execution. I had lost.

In the back, I could make out the figure of a middle-aged black woman accompanied by a certain Über driver. They smiled at me.

I took my phone out of my pocket, replaced the batteries, then bent down towards my briefcase.

I grabbed the blue file.


After several days of hard work, postponing the post two times and a lot of Photoshop (for someone as inexperienced as me), here it is, my entry into @v4vapid‘s Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest (which you should totally join). As you may know, this is the second time I participate and, since it was probably the moment that really got me hooked on Steemit, I’ve decided to continue the story I wrote for last contest.

This short story is meant to work as a standalone piece, but it’s part of a larger series of slightly absurd conspiratorial shenanigans I’ve decided to call The Drake Basil Saga, in honor of our Cryptojournalist-with-a-secret protagonist. What’s this secret? You’ll have to find out yourselves! Perhaps I could throw in some STEEM for whoever figures it out, but only time will tell! En fin, you might want to read the first chapter if you're confused about some things, and if you enjoyed this one, of course.

I loved writing this, and it was the first time in a while I really put so much time into a post. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I think it came out great! Hopefully, you’ll like it too. What did you think of the ending? You never know what is and what isn't product of a Psy-Op, and realization might hit you at the worse time possible.

Steem on!

Header image made with resources from Amazon, Xèia Martínez Ribot via The Noun Project and Foucault Design.


That's a great story @steemedchitty
I particularly like the idea of crypto-journalism, I think you should trademark the term buddy!
This story is eerily close to the truth IMO and in the future the only way to get out the truth will be anonymously on the blockchain.
Great work mate.

Well, I sincerely doubt Drake's story is done. Who knows what the crypto-journalist will uncover in the future? Plus, I haven't even gotten into his "adventures" with the NWO so far.

In regards to whether I hit the nail on the head in regards to what's going on behind closed doors on the higher echelons of power, I wouldn't be surprised at all if I did. Just looking at the shady business with Bitcoin and big banking may give you a clue.

Blockchain is a revolution in more ways than one.

@steemedchitty, This is something special and I'm honored to have this as a submission to my little contest. There's a certain subtlety to this piece and an all too familiar sinking feeling in the end. This piece, and your previous entry to my last contest, is well crafted and let's our imaginations take us beyond the page. High quality submission, you guys are making my job choosing a winner truly impossible. LOL.

Yet the best that I could ever hope for with these contests is that people are telling me similar things as you have. That the process was thoroughly enjoyable. I even got @tremendospercy to come out his early retirement to participate.

This is what it's all about for me. Thanks for such an incredible entry, I mean that.

It means a lot to me that you've found this to be that good. I've read some of the other entries and I believe there are some great ones in the mix. Contests from influential people with a large audience like yourself go a long way to dig out those pieces from among the many posted every day on steemit, and for that, I thank you once again.

Congrats on inspiring @tremendospercy, too! Creators of quality content are vital to steemit's environment, and I think this man has a thing or two left to tell!

This was engaging writing, and more than likely based on a true story.
Thing is we can only guess that but who am I telling that ;) I have long stopped taking seriously what comes out of these media power houses, poor Drake.

I still believe that the intent is more important than the immediate results. It's like this cosmic battle and one day people like Drake can be proud of themselves for having chipped away at the artificial structure long before it became self-understood how corrupt everything was. Hindsight is always 20-20

Keep writing <3

I abhor big media as of late. Everything they say seems to be tainted by political agendas; every one of their words seems hell bent on convincing you that their narrative is the only, true one.

I'll definitely keep writing, as long as you guys keep reading! Thank you!

I find it's not only about the specifics so much - about who to hate and what to like in terms of say politics - but more often about the general underlying approach to reality, where certain cultural assumptions and prejudices are snuck into the propaganda without us even noticing it anymore.

Like that one could ever hope to be free by delegating his VOICE to someone he has never met in his life. The questions any kid would ask when first confronted with an MSM BS article.

Great style of writing. I can see why you won! I entered the competition as a way to get inspired to write my first post and although Steemit is different than I thought it would be, I am glad I joined.

The platform allows for a lot more interesting ways to be creative with posts and the community element is probably the best aspect that I didn't expect. Steemit isn't just a blog and every day I discover something that makes it even more special. Well done, I am looking forward to reading more.

Thanks! Certainly, Steemit surprised me as well in many ways. Thanks to curation projects and contests such as this one, great writing is encouraged and cultivated. It's not only about who makes the most posts or has the most followers, but who makes quality content, who really believes in the platform and who's willing to put in the effort not only to develop himself but to help others do the same. You'll be hearing more from me, and I certainly hope I'll hear more from you now that I followed you, haha!

I loved this story, probably my favorite out of all the psyop entries. You put me right in the scene, in the cab, with the visuals and outer and inner dialog. Well done @steemedchitty

Oh and it reminds me of a comment you left on a post of mine about entering a competition:

"Hope to see you in the next one! It would be fierce competition."

Well, we both got a prize in this one, though I went with the humorous angle. Hope to see you in more comps man.

I'm sure we'll go toe to toe again in the future! I'm glad I managed to transport you into the scene; after all, it's what I always try to do. At times I even worry that I'm writing a scene rather than a short story, but it always works out in the end (after some thinking, rethinking and editing).

Thanks for stopping by!

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