Steemit's Biggest Problem, The One That We All Pretend Doesn't Exist

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

The idea behind Steemit is a great revolutionary one. The reality of Steemit isn't too shitty either. But nevertheless, there is a very big problem with this platform that no amount of technological advancement could begin to address.

You know what I speak of. All of you do. Though, it seems likely that some of you may have convinced yourselves that you don't.

Beyond the realm of Steemit, so many of us opt for willful ignorance over the acceptance of uncomfortable truths. We have all had times where our intelligence has permitted us to see through the deception before us, only to find denial on the other side.

Perhaps that's what's happening here. Maybe the reason that I have seen no one mentioning this problem, is because so many of us have chosen to remain ignorant of its existence in order to make our time on Steemit more enjoyable.

The biggest problem on Steemit is that you can never know who's real and who's fake.

No. I'm not talking about bots. We might have had some problems with automated voting and spam bots in the past, but bots have also done an excellent job of providing to the efficacy of the platform. I do not mean real or fake in a technological sense— but in a behavioural one.

In an ideal world, upvotes would be determined purely on quality and usefulness. In reality, however, we can see that your ability to network with other users on the platform is far more likely to earn you upvotes than even the highest quality posts.

This in itself isn't a bad thing. Not only can it provide people with an excellent excuse to go and make some new friends, but it is also a huge driving force behind community engagement on the platform. But it can potentially be a source of disingenuity too, and this is the problem I speak of.

There are many obvious instances of this type of behaviour out there. You have probably received more than a few comments on your posts that were in no way related to the subject matter. An ambiguous comment that could be copied and pasted onto any post without looking too out of place. It's obvious that the poster of the comment did not even read your work, yet they're brazen enough to link their profile and ask that you follow them. Chances are, they don't even want you to read their work. They just want a piece of your precious voting power.

I typically ignore such comments. But, I do appreciate their transparency. Some comments, however, you cannot be so sure about.

Take for example a 300 hundred word response on a post, that is entirely relevant to the subject matter. From reading such a comment, I can be sure that the author of the reply took the time to read my post. But, I still cannot know if they read it because they wanted to, and responded because they found it interesting and hoped to discuss it. They may just be hoping that many people see their comment so that they can earn upvotes or new followers.

This uncertainty can effect the user-experience on Steemit. There are so many people I have met on here who seem to be very lovely, very compassionate, and very friendly people. But which of those are acting according to their true character, and which of them are simply acting?

It brings into question, the legitimacy of many interactions on the platform. There are undoubtedly those on Steemit who are playing the role of whatever character will garner the most followers. They act in a way that they would not normally in order to make "friends" who will vote for their shit, and they take on a persona that they believe whales will appreciate, in the hopes of securing some regular, weighty votes in the future.

I don't know who these people are. I have my suspicions about one or two, but that's all they are— suspicions. I don't really know what they're like. I can't.

And that's the point.

As long as there is a monetary incentive to making friends — and there is a huge one on Steemit — one will never be certain if their friend is really who they seem to be, or if they are just acting as such to advance their Steemit career.

I can think of no possible way to fix this problem, but perhaps it doesn't need to be fixed. The world outside of Steemit isn't so different. Each and every second there are countless self-serving acts taking place across the Earth. Money is the real culprit. We all need to survive. We need it to so that we and our kin can live out our days as comfortably as possible.

I wonder though, what would a world be like where there was no need for cash? Where everything we needed was in our immediate environment, and not monopolized by corporations who charge a fee for existence. Would that alleviate any doubts about people's intentions? Would it make Steemit more enjoyable? Or would it make it redundant?

What do you think?


I am now going to write a long and elaborate comment to show you I read your post, so that many people can upvote it and start following me for my insightfulness.

But also!

The world outside of Steemit isn't so different. Each and every second there are countless self-serving acts taking place across the Earth.

This. I have no illusion that not everyone on Steemit is genuine. I do know that this is true for the real world out there aswell. It's just that in the real world, people need more acting skills than just pretty words. In the end, what matters most is that you have fun on the platform and I do think that, the longer you know someone, the easier it becomes to see their true intentions.

And if no one had to worry about money... we'd have way too much time to complain and point out all that is wrong in the world! And then there would always be this little thing called power that people seem to enjoy. I'm sure that would help obscure intentions.

I have part of a head-universe where people have everything they need (more or less) in the immediate environment or easily enough accessible, and

we'd have way too much time to complain and point out all that is wrong in the world! And then there would always be this little thing called power that people seem to enjoy. I'm sure that would help obscure intentions.

that was pretty much exactly what I found in there XD

Haha, yeah, humans are hard to keep happy, even if they have all the money in the world!

I'm with you. I actually wrote a paragraph about it being easier to discern someone's true motivations when you can see their face, but I edited it out in the end. But, yes. It's much more difficult on here. Perhaps though, in time, it will become easier to read people through text, the longer I do it.

Could be. Practice makes perfect, or something like that :-)

This post made me think about several things.

As a rule of thumb I usually avoid following people who do posts without any images, and also people who do a lot of resteems - you do both but I make an exception because you post a lot of interesting stuff, and I like your eyes icon.

When I started using Steemit last August I made a point of getting along with people on Steemit because I've seen the comments Youtub!

So if I agree with a comment or post I upvote it, and if not I just move on to the next post. Beyond that I don't worry about whether people are fake or not - it's the internet, which is just like the rest of the world - some fake and some genuine.

PS - Is Khyra, Amanak a real place?

Well I'm honoured, and if it makes you feel any better about your decision, it's not too often that I do posts without images. It's just sometimes you cannot find the perfect image for the tone of your piece, and I'd rather leave it empty than have something out of place.

Khyra is not a real place, no. It is a major point of interest in a novel I am writing. I'm really from Scotland!

I know you post interesting stuff!

I have a fetish for images and even post one on every comment, so posts without images sort of throw me a bit

This whole post is something I'm really thinking about - On the one hand I'm a "conspiracy theorist" and would like to let rip on a pile of subjects, some a whole step further than most people are doing on Steemit, but on the other hand I can see that will lose me followers rather than gain them, and positive/inspiring content is what gains followers/votes/payouts.

So I'm putting a sock in it about things like vaccinations, fluoridation, zionists, and politics, and have just done a post about New Zealand (only good stuff).

In other words I'm doing exactly what you are talking about here...

Right, that explains it, I was searching around for Kyyra... (and I even mentioned bagpipes in my Kiwi post)

I don't know anything about Khyra but I'm sure her tits are fake.

Yes I also think Khyra's tits are fake - not sure if Michael Jackson was fake though...

Just beat it, sift. Beaaaat iiiiiitt

I just realised if I post one more comment it will be my thousandth post - and it's really important that it's epic and meaningful as it will remain on the blockchain...

Nailed it! :)

I would have gone with something more explicit but Dead Pool is not too shabby.

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

This is much the same as in life. Who can be unfailingly certain?

I think I may be accidentally playing the role of whatever character will garner the least wealthy voters.

Lesson number one

It is just not something I see as a problem. If it is interesting and engaging, I simply don't care. It isn't that it is being ignored. I did at one point get offended about it... And then I got over it. If you can write a bot so well, I can't tell if it is real. More power to you.

I followed a suspicious looking comment back to the author's blog once, to discover that the entire account was automated. It was pulling posts from the internet, and cycling through one of ten or so comments on random posts to get attention back on the blog.

I expect that many don't realise that account is fully automated. There's probably a lot more of them that I haven't come across yet too.

But yeah, I'm not saying it's difficult to deal with, but it certainly does effect my overall enjoyment of the platform. Luckily, I enjoy it here a lot. So, even with the problem I mentioned, it's still fucking decent.

Yes, I hear you. Someone in SteemSpeak challenged me on hating automation for the sake of hating automation. After I challenged myself, I couldn't come up with a reason it is a problem. :) But I do understand that it bothers some.

I don't mind the bots too much. But, we have seen that they can be used as weapons, or as tools of abuse. But, what cannot be twisted into a weapon these days?

it's just not something i see as a problem, if it is interesting and engaging

Well, IMO it stops being interesting and engaging when people are afraid to talk about their real ideas/beliefs and that stifles free exchange of ideas. We don't want people "censoring" themselves, and being superficially nice is kind of just that, which defeats the very purpose of this platform. It might not look like a big problem right now, but it sure as hell is going to be one when it's user base increases, as is always the case when there is monetary incentive, and that might be the "deciding factor" for this site's succes
I've seen threads on the "hot" section that have literally all comments on the lines of "great post" ,"nice post " ,"resteemed and upvoted " , "please follow" etc. It can be a big turn off for potential users in the future

I do agree with that being a problem. To me that is a different issue. Thank you for bringing it up.

New user. I'm a bit turned off by seeing "resteem this" or "please follow" pictures at the end of posts, especially when they can be so big. If I like what I see, I'll do those things, no need to beg.

As far as censoring, I am guilty of that. It's hard to be open. If I can remain engaged in this platform I definitely want to use it as a way to work through that (hence the name). Results, rewards are not going to matter to me (as long as I can help it). If we can build a culture of openness, genuineness then the most important kinds of content will be rewarded without everyone trying so hard.

I am real....not a bot

This is my favourite comment on this post - on a post without images, and in a sea of comments without images, your comment stands out like a beacon!

You should have read the entire post before commenting. This doesn't really make sense...

I think it doesn't matter. Like you said, life is that way. And you make your choice on who to follow, and who to reward. I think on average, good content will win. My 2 cents ☺

The other sibling of the STEEMIT GORILLA in the room is STEEMIT CENSORSHIP of FAIR USE NEWS reporting!


Democrat operative David Brock’s chat shows NSA surveillance used to identify and disable online Trump supporters
Posted on May 31, 2017 by Dr. Eowyn | 28 Comments

David Brock is a Clinton loyalist, apparatchik for the Democrat Party as founder of Media Matters, and the former boyfriend of Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis who, though a “mere” pizza restaurateur, was named by GQ magazine as 49th among the 50 most powerful people in Washington, D.C.

There are disingenuous people on this platform, that's par for the course. Everyone's motivation comes from a different place. The people that demand follows and upvotes for saying "nice post" come to the fore in my mind.

Ignore those that refuse to engage and are simply here to panhandle.

Do I have to understand people to love them ? Shall I be happier if I understand the situation ? Love what it is even if you don't understand it.
ps : don't forget to upvote my answer.

I'm all about the love. But, I have an overactive mind that seeks to understand human intentions. That can be a difficult task when I'm logged into Steemit.

And.. Lol. You can have it for that.

What you speak of is Communism and wherever it had been tried in any society on this planet, it has failed. When everything you need is in your immediate environment, do you ever ask where, who, and what effort was required to put it there? It would NOT alleviate any issues that you mentioned above because we, as people, are greedy. It's not like people are going to stop hoarding material wealth just because they already have enough to survive on.

It is better to know the source of people's intention (which is money) and assuming/anticipating their actions accordingly than pretend everything is good and well and get a nasty surprise at the end.

What you speak of is Communism and wherever it had been tried in any society on this planet, it has failed.

I'm confused. I said nothing about Communism, nor did I describe it, as far as I can see.

hen everything you need is in your immediate environment, do you ever ask where, who, and what effort was required to put it there?

I think it is important to note the italics I used when writing the word "need." I wrote need in italics intentionally, so as to differentiate between necessity and luxury.

Anything we need is in nature. Anything that has to be put there is not something we need, or there would have been no one to put it there in the first place.

It would NOT alleviate any issues that you mentioned above because we, as people, are greedy.

I don't think we are inherently greedy. I believe that greed is born through the illusion of scarcity. If everyone knew there was enough to go around, I wouldn't be so sure that they'd still be greedy. Sounds like an interesting experiment.

It's not like people are going to stop hoarding material wealth just because they already have enough to survive on.

Well that's my point. People horde material wealth because they believe that it's every man for themself, and that there isn't enough to go around. So no, I wouldn't expect someone to part with their shit under those circumstances.

It is better to know the source of people's intention (which is money) and assuming/anticipating their actions accordingly than pretend everything is good and well and get a nasty surprise at the end.

This is kinda why I wrote this. Are you saying that you just assume everyone who interacts with you on Steemit is just doing so for potential future monetary gain?

I think we're just going to argue without reaching a mutual agreement because of our inherently opposite view of human nature. This is always an issue when discussing ideas which is encompassing and vague in scope. You have your valid points and if I came off as condescending, I apologize.

I think it is important to note the italics I used when writing the word "need." I wrote need in italics intentionally, so as to differentiate between necessity and luxury.

Anything we need is in nature. Anything that has to be put there is not something we need, or there would have been no one to put it there in the first place.

Anything you need is in nature. This is true. However, I'll pick foods for my concrete example. Foods are a by product of human effort. You need foods in this modern day but would you go out into a forest 100 miles away from your house to gather berries? Both necessity AND luxury today require effort which comes from someone somewhere. You cannot magically summon foods equally for everyone and all will be happy. Work needs to be done.

I'm confused. I said nothing about Communism, nor did I describe it, as far as I can see.

You did not mention Communism but the idea that everyone has every basic needs satisfied disregarding how much effort one contributes is essentially Communism.

I don't think we are inherently greedy. I believe that greed is born through the illusion of scarcity. If everyone knew there was enough to go around, I wouldn't be so sure that they'd still be greedy. Sounds like an interesting experiment.

Which is why I mentioned Communism because the idea has been and is still experimented. The end result is almost always the same. Given power, almost everyone will eventually become greedy. It is not the illusion of scarcity for the corrupted government officials. It is the unquenchable thirst for power and wealth that drives them. There are multiple cases where people who acknowledge material scarcity and are still willing to give them up, being homeless, beggar, poor. But it will always be the one with power who wants to stay in power to fuck shit up.

This is kinda why I wrote this. Are you saying that you just assume everyone who interacts with you on Steemit is just doing so for potential future monetary gain?

Almost everyone. Others are interacting with me because they see value in my post and want to exchange ideas, even conflicting ones.

This comment just kind of comes out of nowhere, IMO. Communism? Communism is a type of government. OP is talking about culture, particularly concerns of building a culture of fakes. Sharing and openness and genuineness are not immediately equated as evil because some of the Communist ideas might mirror them.

Frankly, all this calling everything socialism or communism as a buzz word to disagree with other's ideas is getting old.

Please let this die because if communism is a buzzword in 2017, then I must be using Internet Explorer.

OP said people without scarcity mentality will not compete with each other because their needs are satisfied. I said that wasn't the case for the last 100 years because communism attempted to achieve the same goal and it was not able to. It's not name-calling but a direct example to support my statement ffs.

Sharing and openness and genuineness are not evil as long as people don't fake them for the sake of earning Steem. That is what being discussed. My point is that even with all the Steem people hold in their bags, they will keep doing whatever benefits their pocket best. You cannot expect people to stop being fake when it brings them money.

Frankly, all this talk could be avoided if Steemit took away all forms of reward distribution for 3 days and just took the money from all the whales and divide them evenly among all users. Just for 3 days, that would be an interesting experiment to see.

You know what, I completely missed the big, bold paragraph at the end of the article. Your reference to communism makes a bit more sense now.

It's cool as long as we can argue a bit and still keep it civilized. I like these bantering much more than other stuff.

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