Travel with Nicole #2 Hong Kong - Disney Explorers Lodge【 跟妮可遊香港「迪士尼探索家度假酒店 」】 by @nicolemoker

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

This article was written by @nicolemoker / 本文由 @nicolemoker 撰写提交

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Hello Steemit friends,

If you or your girlfriend / children are a big fan of Disney, remember to bookmark the post below! 🏰 如果你 或你的女朋友/孩子 是迪士尼的粉絲,就要標籤這帖子了!🏰

Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge 迪士尼探索家度假酒店

Hong Kong Disneyland's latest resort, Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge, had been opening for 3 months! My friend, super fan of Disney, suggested to explore this hotel personally.
Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge is the third hotel in Hong Kong Disneyland, in the middle of HK Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Hollywood Hotel. There is total 7 floors and 750 rooms (unexpected large)!

探索家是香港迪士尼第三間酒店,就在 迪士尼樂園酒店和 迪士尼好萊塢酒店中間。酒店共7 層,共有750間房(真是意想不到的大)!



「迪士尼探索家度假酒店」(Disney Explorers Lodge)正式進入營運籌備階段 (3).jpg

"Ad explorare et somniare" The Latin proverb is the hotel's motto, meaning "To explore and dream". Disney Explorers Lodge's theme is about the Golden Age of early 1920s, pay tribute to the great adventure era. According to the hotel's background story, the Disney Discovery Home Resort is built by a group of explorers from around the world who are based on Asia, Oceania, South America and Africa. The design of the hotel- four wings and four themed gardens all show the unique views and culture of the four continents. The explorers are experts from botany, bird science, cartography, engineering and drawing, and the team is looking to use a spacecraft called "The Dreamfinder" to explore new things around the world.

「ad explorare et somniare」拉丁文箴言是酒店的座右銘,意指「勇於探索‧開創夢想」(To explore and dream)。迪士尼探索家度假酒店(Disney Explorers Lodge)以上世紀20年代初的探險黃金時期為主題,藉此向偉大的探險時代致敬。根據酒店的背景故事,迪士尼探索家度假酒店 是由一班來自世界各地的探索家共同興建,他們以 亞洲(Asia)、大洋洲(Oceania)、南美洲(South America)和 非洲(Africa)作為主題來設計酒店,酒店的建築風格、四個翼樓 及 四個主題庭園 均展現了這四大洲的獨特景致和文化。這班探索家是來自於植物學、鳥類學、製圖學、工程學 和 繪圖 等方面的專家,探索團隊喜歡使用一艘名為「尋夢號」(The Dreamfinder)的飛船出發到世界各地探索新事物。

How to go Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge? 怎樣去迪士尼探索家度假酒店?

You may take Disneyland Resort Line MTR train. No! you should take a plane to Hong Kong first. It takes only 5mins from SunnyBay Station. Mickey windows and Mickey handles, or even plush seats and character statuettes in every car.

你可以乘搭港鐵迪士尼線到達。不!你應該要先乘搭飛機到香港。 由欣澳站出發大約5分鐘車程。您可以看到米奇的車窗,扶手,甚至座位和雕像在每一車卡。


This is the Disneyland Resort Station. ( Feels like Harry Potter... )


The hotel shuttle bus station is just on the left after you exit the MTR station. The shuttle bus is a cycle line for all 3 Disney hotels.



The lobby gives the sense of space. It looks like we are on a wooden boat! The open area is in the middle of the lobby, with sofa, suitcase coffee table, adventure oil lamp, and four adventure wardrobes. You may find the souvenir shop on your left hand-side, and also telescopes, globe decorations. The check in counter is on your right hand-side.

進入大堂是超有空間感的~~大堂好像一艘木船,中間有沙發、旅行箱的茶几、冒險油燈,旁邊有4個探險衣櫃。左手邊有主題商店、望遠鏡、地球儀的擺設。 右手邊是你check in 的櫃檯~

The map behind the counter have hidden patterns of the four adventurers, Mickey, Goofy, Donald Duck and Kevin! (Remember the lobby is already on 3rd floor~)
櫃枱後面擺放了一張世界地圖,地圖上隱藏着四位探索家的剪影,還有米奇老鼠、高飛、唐老鴨以及 彩鳥古雲的圖案~ (記住大堂就是3樓呀~)

You will receive a cute booklet and map after you check in, you may find the activities that you are interested! The room key is Mickey with adventurer-styling! ( A secret for you, you do not need to check out on the next day! It saves lots of time! The key you may keep as an souvenirs!! YEAH! )

入房時會派發小冊子和地圖,可以看看你想參與的活動~ 房卡上都是米奇探險家的設計 ( 告訴你一個秘密,你不需要check out 的,翌日可以直接走掉!!! 超省時 ~~房卡是可以拿走當記念收藏的!! 耶! ~~ )




Travel card is used instead of common room number on door. You may see "Reached Hong Kong" stamp on the card!
房間的門牌用了旅行牌~ 細心一看你會見到『抵港』的印章!


Max 4 peoples per room. Queen size bed~ There is Mickey and Minnie decorations on wall, African stood and also camp light. You may see there is Disney characters's painting too! Washroom and bathroom are separated. The necessities set is so cute!
每間房間可入住4人,床是queen size 的,牆上有米奇和米妮的掛飾,書枱有非洲鼓做櫈,掛燈是野外油燈。另一面在唐老鴨、黛絲和高飛的掛畫~ 洗手台與洗手間分開~酒店日用品套裝很可愛!


Surprise? Ummm, are these Chip and Dale?
這是小驚喜吧? ummm, 這是大鼻和鋼牙吧? (汗)



Let's walk around the hotel! 一起遊遊酒店!

You will need around 1-2 hours to find out Explorers Lodge. (Of course, not included swimming!)
你需要1-2小時去探索整間探索家度假酒店。( 當然這不包括游泳啊!)




Are this Setaria viridis? I am not sure, but I am sure this is a good place to take photos~
這是狗尾草嗎? 我不知道,不過我知道這是拍照的好地方~







Raindrop Pool's review, "View of south China Sea", may not be accurate. There are beach chairs, trees and walkway between the pool and the sea.


OMG. This is the new friend of Duffy - Stella Lou. ( I think it doesn't looks like Disney's character... maybe Hello Kitty? ) She is so expensive! HKD$380? US$50?

噢。 這個是達菲熊的新朋友- 史黛拉兔兔。 (我認為她不像迪士尼的角色... 可能Hello Kitty 吧?)她太貴了吧! HKD$380? US$50?

To conclude, Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge paid lots of details on their design. You may find there is many Disney character hidden on the decorations, they linked up Disney with explorers. They also hold various kind of activities, children may learn more about nature during games. Explorers Lodge is a good choice for family's vacation.


Check out : Hong Kong Disney Explorers Lodge 迪士尼探索家度假酒店
Room per night :Starting from HK$2,200 / US$275 Per Night Excl Service Chg
每晚房價: 每晚由港幣$2,200/美元$275 起 不包括服務費

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Nicole's Steemit : nicolemoker
See you all soon❤️

Author @nicolemoker, Posted By @someone


look like sweeti

fabulous post.

so great photos, the photography is so real that it seems i am with you seeing with my own eyes that fantastic place

Thank you @jakkk :)) hope u will come and visit Disney :p

been there....

i first dont like putting disney land to our itinerary... good thing my friends disagree

when you are there... you will be young, but without noticing it... youll get surprised by how they amaze you.. the whole park, the characters, the rides, fireworks, souvenirs... everthing...

i enjoyed every minute while im in the park... i feel like a child again.. excited taking pictures with mickey and minnie.. and a lot of characters...

oh.. hongkong trip will not be complete without the food tasting and shopping...

Hello @nikolemoke and @someone

Take a break from your exciting adventures and join fellow explorers in this respite surrounded by the wonders of nature and diverse cultures. Be awed by the exotic accommodations with rooms facing and furnished according to the four unique tropical climates of Asia, Oceania, South America and Africa Serving international cuisines from the five continents and a large outdoor pool, this hotel perfectly captures the lodge motto of “ad explorare et somniare” (“to explore and dream”).

Hello @someone I really loved your post with photography and the way you told about honk Kong Disney , it feels fun place to visit .
I'm a traveler to visited Mauritius sometime back had awesome but total different experience. Please check my post and tell how is it:

Thank you @nehachauhan I will try to keep my post interesting :) please follow me:))

Greta photos and never been to Hong Kong - Disney.

It's a really good post with amazing photos. Thank you for sharing. I knew don't, that in Hong Kong is also a Disneyland. It's funny

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