Hello to everyone in this wonderful community today and in this great platform at large. I greet you all in good spirit and I want to believe you all are doing just fin4 today.

I welcome you all to yet another great week of the steemit engagement contest which will be the last week of the season 8 steemit engagement challenge. The purpose for the engagement contest is to build interaction among users in this great platform.

Today, I will be participating in the engagement contest that has been organized by this community team in respect to the steemit engagement contest and has been titled what's on top of your bucket list. I urge you all to stay put as I drop my entry regarding this contest today.

Top 3 in your Bucket List

Talking about the top 3 things in my bucket list is so interesting and as such, they are so important to me. The most important 3 things on my list are as following.


My mum's birthday celebration will be coming up by next month and I have been trying to do something special for her to commemorate that day and so a friend of mind gave me an idea to throw a birthday party for her since she never celebrated her birthday in a big way or even had a birthday party.


So this has been on my mind and I have included it in my list and as the top on the list. She is all I've got and I have to make her happy by celebrating her birthday openly.


This is also among the first things I have in mind to do. I am currently a student and in no time, I will be graduating from school. I don't want to start scouting for white-collar jobs for too long, for that not to happen I need to begin something now that will keep me busy.


I am currently running a business but one need to diversify one's income, and that is why I have chosen to complete my business with that of shoes. Business is great and all I think about is how to make it, so this is an important aspect in my bucket list that I need to achieve.


This is also part of the top things in my bucket list. As a student, it is expedient that upon graduation that I come out with a good result in other to secure a better spot and having an edge in the labor market.


Getting good grades and graduating with a brilliant result is fantastic and necessary. As such, it is expected of me to do the needful by reading my books and attending lectures always. Those things will help me to attain good grade and graduate with a nice result.

The above are the top 3 important things in my bucket list and I hope to accomplish them soon.

Why did you choose these three

I picked up these 3 because they are so important to me. My mom is a special woman and she is the only parent I have left in this world and on that note, it is expedient that I take good care of her by making her happy always.

Also getting another business is a way to diversify my income so that when one of my businesses isn't going well then the other can bridge the gap for me, for with that I do not have to worry about having some money on me since I now have two businesses running effectively.

And lastly, my priority now is to get good grades and graduate with cool results. As a student, I have placed my focus on working hard to succeed else I fail. This is an important aspect that demands my attention and I am sure working on it.

As you all can see, they are all important to me and I need to work so hard to accomplish them in no time.

When do you hope to accomplish it.

For my mum's birthday, I hope to accomplish it next month as though it will be on her birthday that the surprise will come. Next month is her birthday month so by next month I should have accomplished that.

As for my business, I have a target and it will be by the end of this year. By this year ending, I should have executed the necessary plans for the business to start running effectively. One do not rush when we talk about business, you need time to plan, think and execute too.

Lastly, I will be graduating next year and as such, I should have accomplished my goal of graduating with good grades by the end of next year if God spares my life.

Did you have plans on how to achieve it?

In no doubt, I do have plans to achieve all the things I have as the top 3 in my bucket list. I have spoken to an event planner regarding my mum's birthday celebration and she is currently planning for it.

For my business, I have spoken to certain people who runs that same business and I do know where to get the goods at a cheaper rate. The only obstacle for now is the funds and that, I am equally planning on how to raise it up.

And last, talking about my academics and coming out with good grades. I am currently working twice as hard to read and do the needful that is expected of me in other to come out with a good result. Reading and scheduling my time has been set in place and it has been on the play ever since I decided that.


Bucket list is good foe this will guide and prepare you to do the needful as soon as possible. It helps to prioritize and rank the important things and it also helps in setting plans to accomplish them.

Thank you to everyone who took out time to read from me. I Want to use this medium to invite some users to also participate in this contest and they are @great-grace, @jenny281, and @mclem.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hola amigo excelentes deseos veo que tienes buenas aspiraciones para el futuro, espero que algún día logrés recibir a tu mamá con un cumpleaños sorpresa sería muy especial, saludos y éxitos en el Challenge.

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