in Steem Alliance3 months ago

Hello to everyone in this wonderful community today and on this great steemit platform at large. I greet you all in good spirit and I want to believe that we all are doing just great today and if so we give God the praise for the sustenance of life and good health.

I will like to use this medium to use this medium to welcome you all to yet another start of a beautiful week and I hope we all enjoyed the weekend as well. If so we say praise be to the creator for the things he has done and the ones he is yet to do.

Today I am here again as promised with another powerful discussion regarding the topic Airdrop that we have treated previously. We are looking at the various types of cryptocurrency airdrop distribution and so far we have been able to discuss one among the various types of cryptocurrencies airdrop distribution which is the Standard Airdrop Distribution.

Which we talked about how it this type of distribution is carried out as well as what it entails. Today we will he talking about the second on the list which is the COMMUNITY CRYPTOCURRENCY AIRDROP DISTRIBUTION. So I urge you all to sit tight and relax while I get on this topic for the day. I wish you a happy reading!!

Before we move further, it is expedient that we understand the concept community in the cryptocurrency setting in other to give us a better understanding regarding the said topic for today. So first thing first we have to look at what a community entails in cryptocurrency.


A community based on conventional term is seen as the community together of individuals that are based in an environment and also share a particular norms and believe. So that is a simple definition of a community and as we can point out certain key factors which is sharing a particular norms and believe.

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This implies that for a particular place to be called a community, there have to be an understanding among themselves and this is the understanding that they share common goal. This goal is that they have a particular thing they believe in and that belief is what is keeping them together and stronger.


Likewise in cryptocurrency, it has never been heard that a cryptocurrency project came out and does well without a community. The community are known as the individuals involved during the start up of the project hence these individuals or investors that later came to join the project movement are refer to as the community.

Now the community do not dictates what should happen but rather they are there to support the process and the project alongside as they are called the early adopters. The community are the reason why many projects are known and this is because of the promotions regarding the said cryptocurrency asset project which was carried out by the community.

I believe with the above explanation we now have an idea regarding what a community is all about both in conventional terms and in cryptocurrency terms. Now let us discuss about the topic for the day which is COMMUNITY AIRDROP DISTRIBUTION.


The community airdrop distribution can be seen as a part or type of cryptocurrency distribution that is concern with only the individuals, investors that are connected to the digital currency project prior to their distribution.

Here everyone in that community will be rewarded via airdrop as a result of their participation regarding the project before the launch of the said project.

Users and investors are being given a certain quantity of the airdrop when it is launched because they have been consistently following the project and making it known through several methods such as making promotion post so that the project can gain visibility and also the community helps in boosting the rank and hype of the project.


So at the end of the campaign regarding the project, the users that were actively involved during the campaign of the digital currency project are automatically eligible to receive airdrop from the project and this is on a condition that the users have met the necessary criteria for receiving the particular airdrop regarding that project.


Community are the reason why most projects out there did well or are doing well and this is because of the promotions that were carried out regarding the projects by the community who are also known as the early users of such projects. So they get rewarded for the services they render by being in the community and promoting the project regarding a particular asset.

So the community airdrop distribution is a part of the various types of airdrop distribution and like I said the community helps a cryptocurrency asset to be known through their activities such as using their social media platforms to advertise the projects before the launch of such products and at the end they get rewarded via the project token for their work and sacrifices.

Thank you all for having me today. I look forward to discussing more with you in my next class but for now I say goodbye and have a great day ahead.


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