My Adventure Making Oil From Dalian, China's Own Grown Outdoor Supply Of Green Gold. Alchemy?

in #marijuana8 years ago

ALL Original Content and Photos by @solarguy

All around Dalian are hills scattered around breaking the city up into little pockets. On many of these hills I have found marijuana growing. It seems to grow in many places the same you would expect anywhere else I guess.

In Canada if weed was growing outdoors in any major city it sure as hell wouldn't last long. For two reasons, first a an incredibly clever person would certainly find it and take it or secondly the cops would catch wind eventually and remove it.

I remember growing up in a small town in Ontario with about 400 people. The local seniors club (that's old people not mexicans jk) had a nice community garden they liked to take care of and socialize around. The town had about 20 teenagers including myself at the time. They were broken up in to two groups, the kids who went into the bush to party and get drunk and those who went to church. I once got poison ivy so bad from passing out in it I was in the hospital for a couple days and missed weeks of school.

So one night we thought it would be fun to plant our green friend makers in there garden beside the flowers and see what happened. Well as hoped they took care of it. It grew nice and tall, quite healthy. Eventually it was recognizable and one day it was gone. We never knew what happened, smoked or tossed out but it was a fun couple of summer months in that little town watching it get taken care of.

So as I find weed growing in Dalian I cant help but think how fast it would be gone if this were back home.

The stocks were quite strong I can only guess they had been growing for years untouched. I opted to pull of the buds rather then cut the plant down. They will do well next year too.

Some friendly cats came to see if I was offering any treats. Unfortunately I didn't have anything but they seemed to be looked after by some nice locals.

Great view from the top.

Rich peoples houses on the other side in the valley.

I was a nice solo walk to the top of the hill. It was getting cold, it was probably going to rain any minute and the walk back would be 20 mins without the stopping. No hope for a taxi. So I headed back quickly.

It's really poor quality, nothing to get excited about. Its what potheads might call "Bush weed" or "kife" haha. Smoking it would just give me a headache. I had access to literally pounds of the stuff. So I checked online what to do with crap seedy weed. There is actually so many things to do. I settled on making oil. I could get all the stuff I needed cheap and easily.

I will show my adventure from harvest to oil. I swear I didn't smoke it I was just holding it for a friend.

Please do not use my post as a guide to make your own, I left out a lot details. There are countless resources online that can better explain the detail than I will. I chose this method because it was easiest and safest for me. It is generally quite safe; I used a charcoal filtered gas mask as well to breath with.

First I removed stems and seeds as much as I could. And let it air dry a a week or so.

Then I soaked it in 97.8% rubbing alcohol, twice dipped. Then I seperated the liquid from the plant material.

The more fine particles you remove the smoother it should be.

I used rice cooker to boil off the alcohol. It's important to keep flames and sparks away as the evaporating alcohol is highly flammable. There are many photos online of potheads gone wrong.

It looked like tar and tasted like tar. LOL. I blame it on the poor quality of the supply. However it was certainly a fun activity and can scratch making pot oil off my bucket list.

I wonder where this goes? Looks safer than the one I went in on another hill.

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I spread over 1000 seeds in a medium sized town in eastern Canada this year. Just to see what would happen. I was hoping people would find them, that was the entire point. All along the banks of the two rivers going through the town, in community gardens, mall garden (inside lol), the police station garden and library gardens (construction ruined those), and the university and college gardens. After throwing away these completely legal seeds (in that form) I never went to them, just let nature take its course.

The ones in silly places were quietly removed (possibly relocated), the ones at the university were found and cared for by students, and most of the stuff along the river is still out there.

I can't get caught with any again so it will remain there unless someone finds it.

haha, excellent. I'm sure that town is very peaceful. ^^

Thanks. I enjoyed yours too. As gov's realize there is a lot of money to be made from this they will have to be more open.

Whoa.. you use a rice cooker to do that.
Can it still be used for rice?

Yep, no problem. just clean it. It all natural plant extracts. it's really sticky though need really hot water and soap.

Thanks for your reply. interesting to know.

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