SEC - S8W2. "The Power of Dreams"

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Dreams are a subconscious experience that occurs when our limbs are resting or sleeping soundly, dream events will usually also involve spontaneous feelings that give the effect of happiness or excessive fear, so many people try to find the meaning of the dreams they experience.

Do you believe in dreams?

I am a realistic type of person, I don't easily believe in unreal things like dreams, even though dreams are often presented by imagination related to something we think or do in real life, but still dreams cannot be controlled, so that all Events that happen in dreams will never happen in real life.

Although some experts have concluded their theory scientifically, such as generating creativity. Someone who is dreaming can produce unlimited creativity, we often hear this statement from a number of artists or musicians whose work or song lyrics are inspired in dreams.

Apart from all that, for me dreams are only limited to sleeping flowers or brain illusions that will disappear when we open our eyes.

How often do you have dreams?


Since the last 10 years I have experienced insomnia which resulted in significantly reduced sleep quality, so it can be concluded that I have very few dreams. Even if I dream it's only of a very short duration and doesn't leave any impression.

As for when I was little until 10 years ago, I very often had dreams, ranging from pleasant, sad dreams, to scary dreams, like meeting a giant human or about to be killed by scary people, to the point that it made me not dare to sleep alone and ask my sister to accompany me to sleep.

Do you easily remember what you dream?

I almost can't remember every dream I had, 5 minutes after I woke up usually nothing I could remember anymore, I don't know why there wasn't a story in the dream that I could remember well, maybe one of the reasons is because of the long dream duration. I experienced it very briefly so it didn't leave any traces or impressions.


However, there was one dream that I had as a child and I still remember it to this day, at that time I dreamed that an old grandmother came up to me, I still remember very well, at that time I was playing hide and seek in the yard with my friends. another friend, in the right hand of the old grandmother was carrying a black plastic filled with meat and she called my name while walking towards us playing. Spontaneously I ran over to the old woman to get the meat she was carrying.

Strangely, I suddenly cried very hard and the next day my mother told me that last night she found me lying on the floor because I had fallen out of bed.

I still remember that dream to this day, but I couldn't realize that I had fallen out of bed at that time.

What's your weirdest dream?

As far as I can remember, the strangest dream I've ever had was that suddenly a bunch of bamboo moved to life and pulled out a human head in the shape of a monster at the end, a human head in the shape of a monster that came out of a bunch of bamboo ends kept chasing me and luckily I woke up before the monsters it got me.

Have you ever had the same dream several times?

I can't be sure that I experienced the same dream because almost all dreams I can't remember properly, but there are some dreams that I experience that seem familiar to my life, I don't know if it's a sign that I've dreamed the same thing or instead exactly what I live in real life, or maybe even I'm repeating events in another world dimension.

Awh... I can't conclude anything about this, but I certainly can't remember very well every dream I had.


On this occasion I will also invite @heriadi @irawandedy @patjewell and @f2i5 to take part in this challenge.

hopefully it will be useful and thank you for everything.

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No friendship is good, except for a conversation that never ends

 2 years ago 

Karena bg iyan lahir tahun 88, maka saya memberikan upvote 88% pada postingan ini. 😊

Banyak hal yang terlupakan dari mimpi, misalnya bangun-bangun, eh... lupa. ada satu mimpi yang tidak terlupakan, saya yakin bg iyan mengingatnya, apalagi para yang masih jomblo, mimpi itu selalu terngiang-ngiang dalam ingatan mereka.

Kita mah sudah punya 2 dan bg iyan hampir 3 malah, jadi wajar jika telah melewati fase mimpi yang harus basah-basahan dari ujung rambut sampai dengan ujung kaki.

Saya senang jika sobat kita @klen.civil ikut berpartisipasi dalam steem engagement ini karena saya penasaran loh bang tentang ceritanya.

Kita tunggu saja ya...? atau harus kita kirimkan dia pesan khusus untuk menulis tentang topik ini, ga seru tanpa cerita yang menggelitik.

Hallo @klen.civil... ayo.... kamu bisa

 2 years ago 

I would also LOVE to see a post from our friend @klen.civil (•ิ‿•ิ)

 2 years ago 

He is probably nostalgic, maybe he can introduce his partner to the public.

 2 years ago 

Oh wow!!!! At last!
I will even pay to see that chapter (•ิ‿•ิ)

He will be posting soon along with the introduction of his partner

 2 years ago 

Haha! I cannot tell you how curious I am!

Mimpi basah hanya akan terjadi pada lelaki yang sudah berusia balik, sedangkan dek @klen.civil dia masih dibawah umur, maka akan sangat mustahil jika dia mengalami mimpi basah seperti yang bapak maksud diatas.

Dan kalaupun dek @klen.civil pernah mengalami mimpi basah, itu berarti popoknya sudah penuh sehingga merembes ke seluruh kasur.

 2 years ago 

Okay, you have triggered my curiosity with your post.
The experts say that dreams are unconscious desires. I cannot help to wonder what your desire was with this old woman and her bag of meat.
Maybe she was trying to tell you about the Covid pandemic and that you must stock up over the years to come. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Good luck and thanks for the invite!

When I told my mother about the dream, her face turned tense and until now she doesn't want to talk about the dream.
It is also a mystery that has not been solved to date.

Thanks for the comments and support, looking forward to your entries coming soon...

 2 years ago 

I've entered and I've invited you... to read (•ิ‿•ิ)

Hello friend,
Thank you very much for sharing your post with us. I believe and respect your opinion about not believing in dreams, but I believe that most times dreams come as a warning to us and also sends powerful information as to things that we should try as much as possible to avoid for our own safety. Thank you very much for sharing your ideas with us.

Please do well to leave a comment and a like on my post.

Thanks for the valuable feedback, as soon as I do this I will visit all of the other friends entries.

As far as I can remember, the strangest dream I've ever had was that suddenly a bunch of bamboo moved to life and pulled out a human head in the shape of a monster at the end, a human head in the shape of a monster that came out of a bunch of bamboo ends kept chasing me and luckily I woke up before the monsters it got me.

This is a very scary dream, I couldn't imagine how you felt after waking up and realizing that it's just a dream.

You've made a great post, thank you for sharing

Of course it was very scary even I still remember it to this day, especially since the dream happened when I was little.

Thank you for your valuable comments and support.

Thank you, friend!
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 2 years ago 

Hola @sofian88.

Al igual que tu también he escuchado que la letra de muchas canciones de los cantantes nacen de los sueños que tienen, pienso también que todo depende de la creencia de cada persona, yo respeto tu opinión en cuanto a lo que dices que los sueños desaparecen en cuanto abrimos los ojos.

Quedé impresionada con tu relato del sueño más extraño que has tenido, soñar con un monstruo no es para nada agradable, por suerte despertaste antes de que te atraparan.

Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso. Saludos y bendiciones!!

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mimpi juga dapat memberikan pengalaman yang sangat realistis dan bahkan dapat memengaruhi emosi dan perilaku seseorang setelah mereka bangun dari tidur. Misalnya, seseorang dapat merasa sangat sedih atau terkesan setelah bermimpi tentang seseorang yang mereka cintai yang telah meninggal, atau mungkin merasa senang dan bahagia setelah bermimpi tentang berhasil mencapai tujuan hidup mereka.

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