SEC-s8w2~ The power of dreams

Hello friends,
It’s yet another brand new week of the season 8 engagement challenge. It’s an amazing but yet controversial topic to deliberate on this week. Read along with me as I share my own idea on the topic raised

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Dreams are a normal part of the human experience, and they can be defined as a heightened state of awareness during sleep that includes sensory, cognitive, and emotional events.
Sleep is typically associated with rest and rejuvenation, however research has shown that dreaming during sleep can keep the brain very active. Dreams can be comforting or terrifying, baffling or illuminating, realistic or fantastical, whichever the case, Dreams do occur and Yes, I believe that dreams do occur. Every human on earth actually dreams, but the right question is do we believe every single event that occurs or happens during a dream? Although most lucid dreams are usually caused by stress, or illness, I do not totally believe every single thing that happens during a dream as some of the things dreamt of, could be the exact opposite of what happens in reality.


Dreams are something that occurs every single day of my life. I dream when as soon as I lay my heads to catch some sleep. Funny enough, some dreams appear scary, while some dreams appear as thoughts that I might have had through out the day. Some dreams, I recall the exact events that occur immediately I get up from my sleep and some of them tends to play out in the physical world just the way I dreamt about it. Dreams are a part of my everyday life. I also tend to notice that most dreams that I do not remember physically, I.e when I wake up from sleep, are dreams that usually comes to pass, or happen as a reality.


Like I mentioned above, most of the times, I do not easily remember my dreams, and most times those dreams that I do not easily remember are those that tend to occur in reality, and when these dreams occur I begin to think as to where I have seen such event occur or play out before. Sometimes the things I dream about also play out as dejevu. Dream is something that can be very deceitful if time is not taken. In as much as we might see some dreams as mere things, it would be wise to also hand over all dreams to the hand of our creator as some dreams might be really dangerous.


My strangest dream happened last year October precisely on the 8th. That hot afternoon, I came back from work, feeling very tired and at the same time having some kind of weird feelings. I felt it was stress, and as such I ate, took my bath and decided to rest my head a little. As soon as I dozed off, I dreamt of me losing my uncle to the cold hands of death. I dreamt of him calling my mum to her that he was having headache and was feeling weird. Not too long, my mum called me in the dream crying that her only brother was dead. I began to cry and wail and immediately I woke up from sleep. I woke up from sleep crying. That was a really terrible and strange dream. The most painful part is that, the following week, precisely on the 12th of October, my mum lost her only brother who is my uncle. That is indeed a very strange and terrible dream I have ever had.


That strange dream, took me as a shock, and that was the last time I had a strange and weird dream that came to reality. It was indeed a painful and sorrowful one. Dreams actually come to reality and sometimes they are things that have already occurred in the spiritual that plays out in the physical.

Thank you very much for going through my post. I will like to invite @patjewell @bela90 @Ruthjoe to participate in this contest.


I really agree to the point you raised that dreams are not part of the human experience which they can't do without. Also helping the brain to stay active

Thank you very much.

You made it apparent that dreams are primarily a function of our imaginations and high levels of tension while we sleep.

It was indeed a good read, thank you for sharing

Thanks friend

You're welcome, keep making great contents

You have started the post in beautiful way, yeah dreams are part of our consciousness and we see many things in night dream while physically we are sleeping. It depends on the level of consciousness which depicts the really and occurance f dreams.
Best wishes

Thank you very much for your comment

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga, espero te encuentres bien. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso en esta segunda semana del desafío.

Pienso que los sueños que son aterradores, no son sueños sino pesadillas y eso se debe muchas veces a las preocupaciones que tenemos en nuestro día a día.

El sueño más extraño que has tenido la verdad fue lamentable, ese tipo de sueños que son tristes y se hacen realidad son a los que le tenemos miedo.

Te recuerdo que cada post debe tener por lo menos tres imágenes referenciales propiaso libres de derechos de autor, amiga para utilizar la etiqueta del club100 debes haber encendido durante tres meses seguido el 100% de tus ganancias.

Saludos y éxitos en el concurso.

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 2 years ago 

I've also dreamed about the passing of a loved one with the result that I am familiar how you felt when you had that dream about your uncle.
The beauty is when we wake up and realise that it was only a dream. The relief is priceless!

Thank you for the invitation! I've taken you up on it;

Thank you very much for the comment

 last year 

Pleasure! 🎕

 last year 

Pleasure! 🎕

hola amiga, lamento la perdida te tu tio, murio un dia despues del fallecimiento de mi hermana.
Espero que Dios reconforte el corazon de tu familia asi como a hecho con la mia.
Saludos y suerte en el concurso.

Thank you very much

You have written so well my friend of a truth no all dreams come to pass and most dreams apparently plays out in opposite direction too. You have told us how much you are a dreamer, every day of your life. I truly enjoyed you post. Keep up the great work. Success in the engagement challenge. See you soon in the next challenge #steem-on

 last year 

Lamentablemente, hay sueños que se cumplen, pero de forma tragica, yo tenía unos primos que soñaban que se iban a matar en un accidente de transito, y así como contaron los sueños con lujos y detalles, así mismo sucedió. Y los dos hijos que tenían se los dejaron encargados a esa tía a quien le contaron.

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