Who am I on Steemit?

in #whoami6 years ago (edited)

This has been a question that I have been encountering a lot lately on Steemit. I think it's a great question but I never know how to answer it in a short and easy way or even a long and winding way so I'm just going to type and let's see what comes out.

Many know why I came to Steemit. For those that don't, it is all my Son @ecoinstant and friend @simgirl's fault.

I have health issues that make it so I don't so well around conflict and strife. This doesn't mean I will be walked over by people in general but it does mean if there is a person or group that likes to cause trouble I will not be around them for long.

If I see an injustice I will speak out but the price it costs me is more then tenfold.

My real world holds enough pressure, bad things and sadness. I don't need to go looking for any more excitement then I already have. There are days where just getting out of bed is a milestone for me to do. I try and make it downstairs every day because I spent more than a year stuck in my bedroom, most of that time alone.

When I first came to Steemit I didn't know anyone or what I was going to do. Many people were very nice to me because they knew my son. To all of those people, I owe you so much. You looked at an older white-haired lady and gave her a break and took time to get to know her while she floundered around trying to figure out what was what.

Jump ahead 235 days and the statement 'Tell us about yourself' becomes something I still find hard to answer. When it comes to how I think of myself on Steemit I still see a little red fish, though I guess by now I am really gold. I just try to make a post that might make sense to a random person that may or may not stop to read something written by a person called Snook.

I think of myself as someone that stays true to myself and what I believe in.

My posts run the gambit from very serious to very silly and all things in between. I have done original songs from words and stories I make up at the drop of a hat. I have written poems, some good and some bad. I have written posts in the same manner. The videos I make also follows in this same vane.

I use Steemit as a way to cut down on taking too many pain medications. With the encouragement offered me from people I have met on Steemit, people that have taken the time to really get to know me, understand this is all part of who I am. They also understand the time I spend here is for fun and to relax.

Yes, I need the money, the income, Steemit gives me. The money has helped lessen a bit of a load on my family. I can now buy something for myself and not feel guilty for taking something away from my family.

Though I say I have made money, in reality, I have only taken 200.00 US dollars out of Steemit so far. I believe in reinvesting in a platform that has given me so much. I delegate to many people and programs that have given me joy. $200.00 US dollars to some is enough to live on for two months, to me, it means freedom to order something just for me.

The ironic thing about the $200.00 US dollars I have taken out of Steemit.com has been reinvested in Steemit by being able to buy the newest expansion packs for Sims 4 that I use for making posts or to pay for a good video editor for a year and be able to make better video's I post here too. The best was when I got to send a gift to a friend and didn't have to ask if we could afford it.

I am not the best writer though some disagree.

I write from my heart and just hope some enjoy what I write.

My posts are not huge money makers but that is okay too because I know I have much to learn still when it comes to so much. I go slow as my body and brain will not allow me to do anything fast. I'm always grateful to people that can see beyond my sometimes fumbling talking and know that a point I am trying to get across has merit if I could just unravel the words in the right order. To those of you who have had the patience to do that I am in your debt.

I have been through a lot in my time here on Earth and can relate to a lot of emotions and feelings I see when reading people's posts. If I think I can help I will offer advice but that doesn't mean I think a person must take it. Advice is just that, advice.

Everyone on this Earth we call home is on their own journey just as I have my own to complete. I will give people the benefit of the doubt but will call out truths when I see a wrong.

I don't like when people lie or try to pull the wool over someone's eyes. I see no need for this to happen if you don't like something then just move on. The world is a hard place for most, I included in that fine mess, but this planet is what we all call home. Why make things harder for yourself by hurting others.

Finding a place where I can experiment with anything I want when I want, and how I want, I have found more of the old me that has been hidden for so long.

Will I ever be the women I was ten years ago? No, but it's nice to see her spirit pop up once and a while. For that, I have all the people I have met while here to thank for that gift.

The long answer to who I am.

The short answer, it's easy now that I am done.

The answer is 'just plain old me'.

The person that loves and needs peace and quiet.

The person that is here needing to laugh and play.

This post was made to answer a question I was asked to answer from the group called
The STEEM Engine

Thank you so much for stopping by!



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I love the way you write and how you open up.
I know you are struggling with much in your life and I'm amazed by the positive spirit you have, and always have time for people 🤗
I know about lies and relationships that drains you and being used and such, I can relate to so many things in here and you know that as you know me better than I knew. That's another amazing thing about you. You read people and SEE them like no other... That's a great gift and the love you share. You always brings a smile to my face with your laugh, humor and amazing personality ❤️ you are a treasure and I'm SO happy to have you in my life.
So many talents and I say you Are a true writer... Writer of heart.
I know that feeling to as I always write from the heart and write as I speak with isn't easy but the only way I know... Lol
You really are True to yourself and genuin.
Does much for others and cares so much 🤗
Can't belive I was there when I ou almost left alliance and now look at you ❤️🌹❤️
Thank you for being you and I love you 😍

Thank you and you made me cry, in a good way <3
I have no words but you know how I feel.

Love You!!!!!!

I did think I knew you pretty well by now, but I have learned a little more about you and it really only enhances my own perception of @snook

I am really quite honoured to know you, and tentatively say you are good friend - you always have time for so many people on Steemit and I constantly know you are thinking of so many - always so thoughtful and kind and you never ask anything in return.

I know from your previous posts about your physical struggles, but it just makes it all the more amazing how much you put into this platform. You have so many talents, from the musical voice overs you have done with @inthenow to the incredible digital art gifs you create and the sims buildings you share - and of course some incredible insightful writing.

And of course you are all over Steemit, and every discord social channel - in one of @crazybgadventure recent Monday afternoon SteemStarNetwork show Crazy about Steem he mentioned promoting your account as a brand - and this you have truly mastered I think anyone I cared to ask would know @snook and have something kind to say about you.

I have no doubt that everyone in @thealliance would join me in saying thank you @snook - for being you...and also being there for all of us. Despite everything you have had to deal with in life, you still have all the time in the world to dedicate to others.


say you are good friend

I would sure hope so!!!!!!!!!

now that that is out of the way......I have tears in my eyes from all you have said. You always have a way of writing that brings out feelings in me and most times make me speechless which we all know is not easy to do.

All I can think of to say is Thank you for thinking of so highly of me as you do. I'm very humbled by all you have written and hope I am 1/10th as you think I am.

I'm going to stop now as I really am overwhelmed and this is the second time I have been here to write a reply and still my heart is so full after reading your words.

Thank You, My Great Friend!!!!!!!!!!

I just put into words what everyone else thinks, you are so much more to everyone on Steemit then you realise and dedicate so much of your time to looking after, supporting and inspiring others - which we all appreciate but maybe don't show you how much as often as we should. Stay safe my wonderful friend 🤗

Thank You <3

Well said brother.

Love you!!! I hear you about being around people and conflict, about opening my mouth and then paying for it later. Maybe not in the same way you do, but it haunts me all the same. I appreciate you for who you are and I am so glad you're here!

Thank you and I'm so happy, once again that WE got to know each other a bit better this weekend. I'm so happy to have been able to help and in that, it helped me too cuz you DO have to laugh at how silly things sometimes get when............parents are parents of older children :D

Yes, a bonding experience indeed. You've been a lifesaver. Laughter is such good medicine, as is sound advice from a wise sister. ;)

HUGS back you hugger! Lol. I'm glad you're you because your awesome and smart and everything fun. And NO I'm not blowing smoke up your ass. I'm glad you're here.

NO I'm not blowing smoke up your ass.

This made me crack up and everything I could reply to this I can not write out in a public place LOLLLLLLLL

Thank You for your wonderful comment. You made my day? night? idk going to bed at 9 pm and getting up at 4 am.........I'm so confused LOLL

Thanks for opening up to us. I like the disheveled look ;)

I understand not wanting to look for conflict and not reacting well after having spoken up. It drains me so much when I am faced with such situations too.

Have you tried EFT tapping? It's worked wonders for me, especially since I can't take any kind of medication.

Anyway, take it easy :)

Thank you!

EFT tapping?

I will have to look it up!!!

thank you for taking the time to comment!! and the advice :D


The answer to that question changes daily, and well you are who you are. You keep doing you and everyone else will figure it out. :-) LOL If not, well too bad... sooo sad... for them! :-D

You are Awesome!

Just Sayin!


Yeah, so @inthenow gets the award for best "hanging out on a badass scorpion" bitmoji. Damn, man, you got style! Also, yes, you be you, Snook. We love you exactly as you are!

LOL :-D Yep, stylin n profilin! The only way to roll. Have a great day!


You are also a person with a huge heart. I feel special, to be able to have you as a friend. Hugzzzzz :) @)-`----

Great answer! I say you are the BEST!!!!

so are you <3

Fabuloso sis. Wish everyone could see how awesome you are! Much love🤗😇

LOVE you too!! Thank you and I think I already have it pretty darn great with the family I have thanks to you. hugs

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