Steem And Me - 5 Questions Answered

in #steemandme6 years ago (edited)

@Snowpea has started a new Challenge called The New Challenge I'm Starting. This challenge will make you think. You find yourself thinking back on your Steem journey and reevaluate what is, and was, most important to you.

If you get a chance I would highly recommend you do it. I think you would be surprised by some of your answers. Oh and @Katrina-ariel was so kind to tag me in it too but I still love her anyway.

The Questions

1.) In my opinion, what are the two greatest aspects of the steem platform?

Steem helps you find the real you (again). The one that can write, sing, or make poems that have deep meaning. The person that writes from your heart and soul.

@Mariannewest's Daily Freewrite prompt, as of tonight is 335 days old, began a journey for me that I never would have predicted. A journey to find my voice in writing down all the things whirling in my head. If not for her starting the Daily Prompt I never would have even tried. Scary to think that but oh so true.

The people gathered here are a treasure to behold. Yes, there are some good and bad. Make your choices wisely. Find people you like and have things in common with. People that will stand up for you, believe in you, and hold you when you fall.

The people here, that I have met, are the most creative people to be around. They share what they know with open arms and if they don't know the answer will go out of their way to find it for you.

2.) What are the 2 largest complaints I have concerning the Steem platform?

Wherever large groups of people gather drama will be around. Don't get caught up in the drama. Steemit is a bit over 2 years old. A lot has happened in that time and will still happen as the years go by. The world evolves and grows, even blockchains. The stories of old get lost of the Why something came to be. If you are not part of the original story walk away. It is not yours to speak on.

Make your own happy stories with your friends. Do not live in the past, as some like to do, rehashing old stories over and over again. Make your Steem world what you envision. There is enough room here for all of us to live peacefully side by side.

Quality Content. Two words when put side by side on Steem has a million different meanings. Who is to say a post of a photo of a man didn't make you stop in your tracks. Make you feel something so strong that you kept going back and back, to look at it again, is not quality content.

If something seen, read, heard on Steem brings overwhelming emotions to someone, who are we to judge what is quality content for everyone? We, as humans, are all made different. Why would one think we all would like or love the same kind of posts? It's an impossibility in a place where individuality is to be the prize.

3.) What 2 moments are the most memorable to me?

The night I almost left the playground of The Alliance. That night was a huge turning point for me and my journey on Steem. If not for that night and the talk @ enginewitty and I had I don't think I would still be here. "Thank you @Enginewitty once again!!"

If you don't already vote for him as a Steem Witness you should be. We need more Witness like him.

Meeting, talking to, laughing, and singing with @Surpassinggoogle would be next (Thank you @dynamicgreentk). Surpassinggoogle is the man that came up with the idea for #Ulogs. An idea that made everyone equal on Steemit. An idea that made everyone feel like their lives matter. He came up with an idea to elevate a large portion of plagiarism that has been ongoing.

He gave all of us hope, acceptance, joy, confidence and respect. He is a light for so many in a place where there was a lot of darkness on Steem. If you do not know what an Ulog is Go here and watch the video you will find there. You will see how it has changed my life.

Surpassinggoole is also a Steem Witness under the name @Steemgigs. If you don't already vote for him as a Steem Witness you should be. We need more Witness like him too.

4.) What are the two most important lessons I've learned in my time as a Steemian?

Be me. Just me.

Follow my heart, soul, and instinct when writing posts.

5.) Out of my entire time here, what 2 posts am I most proud of?

Spent and Tired

On day 55 of @mariannewest's daily freewrite, the prompt was 'spent and tired'. I wrote a story that day. I had not known many people here on Steemit yet. No one really knew I had Fibromyalgia.

The story that came out of me that day is a day in my life. It is something I deal with every day. From this illness and other things that have happened in my life before I got sick, I try to take one day at a time. Enjoy each day for everything that it brings to me and everyone it brings to me.

This video is not for sympathy but to raise awareness. What you see and hear is not always what is really going on in a person's life. No one lives another person's life but them. Kindness and bringing a smile to a persons face can go a long way in anyone's day.

ULOG 7: The Fundraising Video Which Became a Birthday Present ~ posted by @Shadowspub

Yes, I know it said "my posts I'm proud of" but this post and video I am so proud to have been a part of. Honored really. Watch the video and you will know why.

My Steemit exam is finished. I'm not sure how interesting this will be to anyone but me but I did learn a thing or two about myself and Steem so to me it was well worth doing it. For that reason and that reason alone, I am tagging some people to do this Challange.

Here we go with the tagging: @alienbutt, @ausbitbank, @artemisnorth, @battleaxe, @carlgnash, @catweasel, @enchantedspirit, @freedomtowrite,, @dreemsteem, @mariannewest,@metametheus, @nathanmars, @simgirl, @soyrosa. You can all thank me later!!

1.) In my opinion, what are the two greatest aspects of the steem platform?
2.) What are the 2 largest complaints I have concerning the Steem platform?
3.) What 2 moments are the most memorable to me?
4.) What are the two most important lessons I've learned in my time as a Steemian?
5.) Out of my entire time here, what 2 posts am I most proud of?

Make someone smile today!! You never know how much good it can do!



Vote for Witness Enginewitty!

Vote for Witness Steemgigs!

Vote for Witness Jackmiller!

Vote for Witness Guiltyparties!

Vote for Witness C0ff33a / Deranged!


The STEEM Engine

Snooks Alliance Footer.gif

Sweet footer made by @enginewitty!


you did an incredible amount of work that on video for my birthday .. it should be one of your proudest posts.

That’s some good advice and a nice piece. I watched a couple of your interview videos and they are well funny. It’s good to finally read a post by you! 😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank You!! I'm very happy you enjoyed it!!!!

You, as always, are so real in what you have to say. I am so happy that you are on Steemit, stuck it out here and are such a shining light for being real!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thank You <3 <3

My sweet friend! I'm so glad to have found you here on Steemit! Like @snowpea said in her comment, I completely agree about walking away if the story is not yours. The past is the past, create something new! Thank you for tagging me!

So glad you're participating @freedomtowrite! I'm looking forward to reading your perspectives. ☺

Thank you! It should be fun!

you are very welcome and now I have to go look for has been a tad busy..........sorry this is so late in reply

I understand! And don't rush too quickly...I haven't done it yet! 😄

Love your last tag :P thanks for the love sis, so happy you decided to stay and even more so - reach out and have a chat :D

anytime :D you will get tired of it soon I'm sure LOLLLLLL

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 8 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 10 SBD worth and should receive 232 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I read this blog and known some unknown question or answer thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

I will thank you later LOL

I agree 100% with your view on quality content.

Thank You!!! that means a lot....not many feel the same way.

This is fantastic! You snuck some serious wisdom in here, too.

The world evolves and grows, even blockchains...

Make your own happy stories with your friends. Do not live in the past, as some like to do, rehashing old stories over and over again. Make your Steem world what you envision. There is enough room here for all of us to live peacefully side by side.

^^ THIS! This bit I especially loved.

funny how something that I usaully can make funny turned out so serious. BUT I DO thank you for tagging me in it!!

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