Daily Steem Price Update 19/7/2020

in #steemit4 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 19/7/2020.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and changes for over 3 years.

I also want to mention incase your wondering that when something changes from the regular " Steem Price Update Posts" that we do occasionally change their format from time to time.

But regardless of the changes made we will carry on as usual and by this I mean knowing the price of Steem.
If your sick at looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just take one look at the average daily price here for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planing to do anything with your Steem I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price change for 19/7/2020.

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Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate19072020.jpg


Ok guys the Steem Price Update is now back, I have been away creating content for the Diary Game contest which I will probably discuss in more detail later, I will mostly discuss some of my thoughts and ideas behind it's plan. But for now be patient while I update some of the other discussions on here. I have updated the intro so that it hopefully reads better and makes sense. But wow you really can't make up the stuff that goes on in this place.. you are probably wondering what happened to all that 23M Steem? From what I understand it is still locked away in the exchange. But atleast one good piece of news from all this is the exchanges are thankfully running as normal again and even more important is that Steem was not removed from it's listing PHEW! This link should help explain the situation: https://steemit.com/witness-category/@softfork22888/steem-consensus-witness-statement-hardfork-0-23-codename-new-steem. All the drama just needs to stop, I understand it's not that simple but if collective efforts were instead put into this place rather than chasing and thinking about easy big gains than the price of Steem would of been much higher by now. The problem is now we have to wait and see what will Bittrex do after being thrown into such a difficult situation. The guy who is dealing with the Bittrex decision put out a tweet sounding very conflicted about the whole situation and even still today we wait in hope that Bittrex can make a decision. 💖In perhaps better news we have reached "💛DOUBLE DOLPHIN💛" with our POWER at over 💕10000 SP!! And with that we continue to collect and lock-up even more STEEM POWER! Speaking of getting things running again let's see if all this covid19 madness continues to get better it's all been abit back and forth with it's announcements don't you think? I mean many seem to of got their 2nd mini waves of the covid attack then suddenly everything is normal again etc.. so what exactly is going on? Well as for us we still continue in a kind of a lockdown but from what I saw people have been basically not following much of the lockdown rules since the 2nd week which was months ago and honestly there seems to be a mass confusion about what you can or can't do. As for me personally I have worked all during this crisis as we are owned by another company who also deals with food. Like many of my colleagues who have already stated it's basically the company using a loophole within the system to keep us all working. We were of course not pleased by this move as we didn't produce or sell any essential products and so it was rather infuriating that we continued to put not only our own lives at risk but the lives of our family members for the sake of their company profits. The company denied that the whole idea had anything to do with making a profit but rather it is a action to keep people's morals flowing so that we can beat this crisis. If that was the case we would of preferred to see the company paying us atleast some extra during this tough period. This atleast would of been a better move than simply forcing us to work or face losing our job and this was despite our government stating that all non-essential work places needed to be shutdown to comply with their rules. When will it all end? Well Christmas apparently..Still we might have to wait on Mr Bill Gates🌍 to create a vaccine that as barely been tested before we can fully put an end to all this social distancing.. while I'm not too bothered with social distancing I rather not have that vaccine. Also some friends I know have received news some of them must fight for their jobs due to many cut backs. Schools still continue to fight with the government about fully re-opening as teachers are scared of having many children in one place as it almost guarantees a spread of the virus.🌍 Anyway the focus continues on with "New Steemit INC" and their "100 days of Steem announcements" which as consisted of announcements as promised yes but also many competitions to get Steemians active on the chain again, this is motivating many by offering possible wins in the form of a large upvote to those who take part. The new ownership of Steemit INC made many users move over to it's sister chain and whether or not it will be the Steemit successor or not.. that I believe still yet remains to be seen as Justin said he would continue working to make STEEM a success. Ned is no longer the owner of Steemit INC but many millions of STEEM remain held by the Steemit INC accounts, the promise at the time was that the main Steemit INC stake would be used for the on-chain development costs only. But now the stake is being used this replaced the balance of power making in-a-way now one account a "dictator" of all thing's Steem. The Steemit account holds a huge amount of Power, anything that account does will eat a big chuck of the rewards and it's mostly drawing Steem all into one place, this makes it potentially more risky to invest in STEEM if in the end Steemit INC decides to sell some of their stake. But also the sell out could be a good thing if enough people actually want that Steem and that means power would be better distributed. This is perhaps a demonstrated that Steem atleast for now is still unfortunately not as decentralised as what some of us would of hoped for, but still I think it's steps ahead 💛 of our current day capitalism.

Many had rightly predicted that the Steem price rise in February, this seemed on track to happen regardless of the move from Steemit INC being sold. The price did rise but it was only a small bump, still those with some SP behind their accounts noticed a difference in benefits for having some skin in the game which is why with Steem so cheap it would be a good idea for those who are below Dolphin to get a little more.

My goal 💕 is to now reach 💛15.000 SP, hopefully before the end of the year, that probably wont happen but lets see how far we can get.As I reckon it could be a close one, plus it will be fun trying to get there. I have been on here for over 3 years and have never powered down once, meaning your votes are safe with me and help retain Steem's value. We totalled 7.841 SP at the end of 2019 and reached 10.000 on May 11th so if you want to help me in finishing this quest to lock away 15.000 Steem Power and retain more of Steem's value please consider leaving your best vote below. Still with everything that is going on with Hive who knows if Steem and even Hive for that matter will still have any opportunity to see the light of some success, but it does seem like some efforts continue towards this goal. Regardless it's still fun to have plenty of SP to play around with and so for fun I would still recommend buying some more Steem at this price if your under 5000 SP.

In 2020 Steem's lowest was already better than in 2019 but due to the events that happened on Steemit it seems like we actually had it good back then. As after the selling of the company and it's crazy events we saw a nasty fall to it's lowest in a long time at $0.09, but that was followed by a mystery spike of STEEM which unfortunately didn't last long, this was on March 19th when Steem reached $0.40💛! Man would of made me very happy if Steem had stayed at that price. As for the mystery spike it could of been people buying up STEEM for the HIVE airdrop but who knows really. Still we are seeing slightly better days with Steem holding around mostly at $0.15 as for example we have not fallen to $0.13 since march 18th.

This still leaves in 2020 the current price of Steem nicely cheap to buy-in a good amount of Power for your account, especially to those who can see it's potential benefits or to those who want to have fun with more SP, just be aware this is not financial advice to make you money it's to have fun and enjoy the site the best you can but at a great price entry.

Anyway as for Bitcoins it was nice to see it reach $10000 recently on May 9 we had not seen Bitcoins this high since back on February 24th, it was then on the same day that it also was the beginning indicator of a Bitcoin downwave which fully showed its-self on March 13th taking Bitcoins down to $4225! But since March 19th Bitcoins had stated to see better numbers we saw them going above $5500. By March 30th the lowest for Bitcoins was $5800 and so far since then it's being going slowly upwards, and yes that is despite this covid19 virus. We can see this with a peak on I believe May 1st with Bitcoins reaching $9460 and so in other words yes Bitcoin are still going upwards. As for the SBD's we had not seen $1.00 worth of SBD's since Jun 28th in 2019 but finally on Feb 13th we hit $1.00, we can't deny SBD's had been doing relatively well since getting past that Bitcoin drop which is when it started staying mostly around $0.70 we even saw them going up to $1.24 on March 19th during the sister site hardfork mess. Now I might of missed something here but since April 3rd SBD's have been holding-up really well and are said to continue to do so for a good while. There were a few people who seemed to know why this was going to happen but I don't know how or what exactly happened for SBD's to stabilise so near the $1.00 mark, but heck it's where it should of been the whole time. This is really great but only a shame that right now it's very difficult to earn any SBD's due to STEEM price being so low.

TRON Owns Steemit INC.

🌍With the development team mostly all quitting what would happen to all the hard work already done towards bringing out SMT's for 2020? From what we can tell SMT's are still going to be in the works and released in the future sometime. If your still curious about the benefits of SMT's the whitepaper is still the most authoritative reference for understanding what they can do for us. But the best way to think about it all is it's like giving users the ability to create their own Steem-like-tokens and so tokennising the internet. As of right now alot of extra Steem is still floating around because of initially the SBD conversions and now the many users who sold with worry Steemit would sell their stake many are still converting their funds to the sister blockchain. In the past projects for Steem could receive a delegation since the change it still seems some older Steem related products are getting support but on a lesser scale. Instead the delegations are to be distributed to other accounts created by Steemit INC with the intention of handing those accounts-out to applied users who wish to curate others. Steemit INC as done away with it's advertising model, this was to improve the users experience on the website 🌍 and while I think this is a great move 💛 perhaps we could do with the money in this current state of low price situation.

If your a business or interested in marketing and finding a community of active users thanks to this wonderful platform I would advice you to invest in some STEEM Power first to gain more trust and viewer-ability withing the STEEM community.

Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

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Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Double Dolphin Powered

Double Dolphin Powered-giphy.gif

Source: giphy.com

-Steem Price-

-Month 42 Of Steemit Monthly Reports-

-I Have Powered-Up To DOUBLE Dolphin!-


-Favourite Prehistoric Sea Monster-



author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
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Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @karenb54 - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @mammasitta - @akomoajong - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


"Done" be go up


Oh so we do get a close-up of this guy an he's baby face.


They sure are scary looking, I don't know why but from afar it looks like a drawing.

it scary dogs yes but what look like drawing

I was saying in this particular image that it looked like the dog was drawn into the game rather than graphically.




What is Cloud is taking what as a yes?


ah maybe it was i not know but when i play it not look like that maybe it only on screenshot

Perhaps yes, I would have to play it myself to see.

ah maybe it was i not know but when i play it not look like that maybe it only on screenshot


Wow this guy sure as alot of screens to look at.

lol yes he do


I think this one here would make a good poster.


Good lore on the area thanks for that.




Who the heck is this guy.



Dont get left behind Cloud, also this scene reminds me of souls slightly.


The details on all those rocks is amazing, also looks like a chest up ahead.

bad guy lol


Looks like Jessie is getting some grilling.


Seems unfair vs cloud with that sword.


Well this girl doesn't look happy or she's about to cry.


yup she not happy with somone

Hopefully we will find out why the girl look's so mad.


ahh you may think that but trust it dogs hard to kill

The guard dogs are difficult to kill?

yest guard dogs take many hits to kill not so easy

I didn't think it would take that many hits to kill a guard dog considering it's so early on in the game.




This reminds me of a phantasy star level

that odd i not remember no level on phantasy start it look like that

That's probably because your thinking about old phantasy star like pso and I was talking about a level on PSU.



Wow that looks like a cool skill.


It's the gang, well kinda we missing 2.

i know baby face guarding path not sure were other guy go


It's your crew.

yup it them all waiting

Then you better hurry and keep up with your squad.

i hurry man i hurry not you worry lol



It looks like cloud is about to cry.


lol baby face guy


It reminds me of another medievil game?

lol i think i see why you say medievil but it not medievil new game

I mean it could of been another MediEvil game, that would of been good, so what's this game then?

it just game for it mobile game just but medievil game be much better

Yeah I forgot he's name, I mean am I wrong he is a odd looking guy.

lol he ok maybe a little fat

Haha yeah I'm sure he is a nice guy just the characters face still looks too young for he's body.


now you mention babyfacy guy do look little strange but i not sure what it is

Haha I'm telling you it's the body slightly not matching the babyface that is why he looks a little odd.


That is looking very dangerous for Cloud hanging around.


On closer inspection the girl looks really angry lol or zombie like.


lol girl not zombie like she just mad she mad that she being ingored by someone lol

Typical, hmm I wonder who is ignoring the mad looking girl.


Hey Jessie again.


Another game, erm I guess it's not red dead is it?

it not read dead i can see why u say that but this is actually rpg game nothing do wild west

I see a rpg in the west.. there really are not that many.. how about Wild Arms?

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