Less is more - Weniger ist mehr [English/Deutsch]

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

being an artist I very rarely have an intention about what I'm doing.

I more likely see myself as a medium, that expresses energies, that I perceive.

All the more astonishing for me to notice, that certain patterns are repeating in my work.

This may be a consequence of different abilities of being focused, while on the other hand different levels of the intensity of feelings might cause it.

In todays drawings, a certain clarity and serenity has expressed itself and just a few, consciously set lines lasted.

Well, have a look!

Liebe Freunde,

als Künstler habe ich nur selten einen Plan, was ich da eigentlich mache.

Ich verstehe mich eher als Medium, das einer Energie Ausdruck verleiht, die ich wahrnehme.

Umso erstaunlicher ist es dann für mich zu sehen, dass sich bestimmte Muster in meiner Arbeit wiederholen.

Dies mag zum einen an der unterschiedlichen Stärke der Konzentration liegen, zum anderen an der Intensität der Gefühle, die ich wahrnehme.

In den Zeichnungen, die ich euch heute zeigen möchte, hat sich eine gewisse Klarheit und Gelassenheit Ausdruck verliehen und nur wenige, bewusst gesetzte Linien reichen aus.

Aber seht selbst!

You can right-click and open the drawings in a new tab, to get a larger view.

Thanks for watching!

Ihr könnt die Zeichnungen rechts-klicken und in einem neuen Tab öffnen, um euch ein noch besseres Bild machen zu können.

Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit!


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As I read the hint to "open in a new tab" and wanted to give you an advice how to embed this directly into your post, I found out that the whitelist of steemit.com cuts off the target="_blank" attribute.

But this is how it could look like in your posts, too. So you have a little more smooth user experience. Target _blank would open it in a new tab directly but unfortunately that's not possible on steemit :(

Anyway, great art!

Thanks for the hint (and your feedback).
I know about the possibility of embedding an < img src > into an < a href > tag.
It's really a pitty, that you cannot embed the target="_blank" attribute, though.
So I will have wait for the integration of jquery lightboxes and slideshows like fancybox for example.

Is there any announcement about something like fancybox?
It's an interesting approach to give some client side tools to creators.

I've not yet heard about such an announcement yet... Maybe @busy.org or any other coming frontend will integrate this. I'm sure they're listening.

Thanks for linking busy.org, never heard about it!

Schönes Wochenende :)

Kein Thema! Das wünsche ich dir auch.

I love all of your work. BRILLIANT!
I know you mostly do human form, but I came across this.
I haven't drawn cats before but I am going to have a go.
I'd love to see what your mind comes up with.


Thank you so much for your kind words, @girlbeforemirror :-)

I checked the cat contest and upvoted it. I have to admit, that my relationship to cats is a bit ambivalent, but I will see if I can make it, though.

Sending you as much positive energy across the ocean as I can. Stay strong!

I'm with you on the cat thing. I'm not so much as ambivalent as pretty much anticat actually. But I enjoy a doodling challenge.

Good art

Thanks a lot :-)

Kreatives Setup! Die vier "Kleinen" kann man sich derartig arrangiert schon an der Wand vorstellen ;)

Stimmt, das kann ich mir auch vorstellen! Bin manchmal selbst überrascht, wie gut die Sachen zusammenpassen, obwohl sie mit Jahrzehnten Abstand entstanden sind.

Hi shortcut thank you for your support. 👍 Upvoted. 034 i.jpg
I can take photos but I'll leave the drawing to you. 😊

Ha ha, no problem. I'm just wondering, why you donot follow anybody?

Hi shortcut good question. I did it as an experiment at first. I was only getting an average of about 10 upvotes with 300 followers I realized most were just following me for the sake of increasing their following totals. I however bookmark my regular supporters and follow and upvote them. With no following bloggers my feed is clean and only comments are highlighted which is great. It may not be the best or cleverest strategy but I like it. At least those are the main reasons and I hope it makes at least a little sense. 👍😊

In my experience people are more likely following people that have a balanced follower:following ratio, as it shows you're willing to follow back. If people are following much more people than they have followers, it means they try to follow everybody randomly to get as much followers as possible.
It's certainly up to you, but it looks a bit strange. That's why I was asking...

When I get to 500 steem and can set my voting strength I may well re follow every one. There are lots of strange blogger strategies here. I'm sure I am not the only one. 😂 🤣 👍

Yes, it's a great social experiment! Keep it up! 👍

You work similar to Uncle Sid.
If you get the chance check mua out, I very much relate to being the medium and expressing the energy

Thanks, will check out your work!

Good art

I really love this abstract art and I'll be glad to hear your opinion about my work here is the link and hope you'll enjoy it :)

I've to admit, that I'm not a big fan of this kind of selfpromotion in the comments of others. Especially as I saw you do that pretty often...

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