SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

"Reincarnation" in simple word rebirth. Honestly it sounds like a concept of fictional movie story but at the same time I've no intention to hurt anyone's feeling if there people believe in this. It's true that we all going to experience physical death and our soul is immortal but if reincarnation ever come possible then it will be an exception for me.

Well I believe in logic and obviously what my religion logically explained in holy books. There are many people like me who believe in one life and death and there is no reincarnation. After physical death the body will be sent for cremation or burial. The departed soul mostly rest in peace.


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Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

Well I don't believe in reincarnation because I believe in afterlife where there we going to be live forever. Either human will be in heaven or in hell and it will be decided by Almighty Allah according to our deeds. Should be same for other animals too. But everything is possible if Almighty wish.

Once I watched a YouTube video on reincarnation where there some claim that there are many individuals from the history experienced the reincarnation and they can explain what they have experienced in their previous life. Sorry to say but it sounds dramatic to me but if somehow this really happened then as I said Almighty can do anything and it could be a test for we human who doesn't believe in reincarnation.


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Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

Honestly I don't believe in such things and it feels like a movie concept to me only. I watched many movies on reincarnation and had huge commercial success too but I can consider this concept just a fiction as I never saw anyone around me who talk about his/her previous life.

It somehow can be connected with our psychology because a believer of reincarnation will imagine himself or herself as a fictional character from the past and try to make their belief on this stronger and sometimes force others to believe it too. Broken or lost relationships has no second life or rebirth to get back it to repair. Life is one so I believe in take care of our existing relationship.


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Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life;
Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

Human is the best creation of Almighty Allah so I feel blessed to be one. If there would be anything like reincarnation then I would love to be a human again. I believe in one life though one life is not enough to acknowledge everything and not enough long to see the whole world.

Reincarnation believers says every life has a happy ending, if there is a sad ending then there will be reincarnation to turn sad ending to a happy ending. This was a concept of a movie where there actors rebirth to take revenge as they were brutally killed by the villain and they had a sad ending in their previous life. This is nothing more than a fiction to me.


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Countries I guess who practiced this act of reincarnation is actually low compared to others or what do you actually think. Where there are some who think reincarnation exist

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 last month (edited)

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

Honestly I don't believe in such things and it feels like a movie concept to me only. I watched many movies on reincarnation and had huge commercial success too but I can consider this concept just a fiction as I never saw anyone around me who talk about his/her previous life.

I agree with you in fact if there was a reincarnation then I would definitely hear from around like you. Thank you very much for presenting such a beautiful description among us.

Well I don't believe in reincarnation because I believe in afterlife where there we going to be live forever.

It's understandable to have different beliefs about what happens after death. In Islam, we believe in a Day of Judgment where souls will be held accountable for their deeds, leading to eternal life in either paradise or hell, according to Allah's will.

Honestly I don't believe in such things and it feels like a movie concept to me only.

It's important to respect everyone's beliefs, even if they differ from our own. While reincarnation might seem like a concept from movies, it holds significance for many people in various cultures and religions around the world.

Human is the best creation of Almighty Allah so I feel blessed to be one. If there would be anything like reincarnation then I would love to be a human again.

It's beautiful to appreciate the gift of life and the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah. If reincarnation were real, the choice to be human again reflects the unique qualities and potential for growth that come with being part of the human experience.

Good luck

 last month 

Hola amiga @shohana1 respeto tu opinión personal con respecto al tema y es muy válida tu respuesta, cada persona tendrá su propia forma de responder al tema piensas que no existe la reencarnación ya que después de morir nuestra alma y espíritu pueden ir al cielo o al purgatorio dependiendo del comportamiento de la persona

Hola, amiga espero estes genia es asi todos experimentaremosuna muerte fisca y las diversas religiones nos han expresado que el alma es inmortal la esencia emociones y sentimientos de un ser humano no fallecen.
los muertos me imagino estan en un buen lugar descansando en paz
exitos con la dinamica.

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