The Best Poison to Emotionally Kill Someone - Speak Negatively

Sometime back, I found out this rather startling information about Solomon Islands which is a sovereign country comprising of 6 islands and around 900 smaller ones in the Oceania.

Some reports related to the different practices being carried out in the Solomon Islands report that when the islanders wish to cut down a specific tree, they do not just chop it down. Instead of doing this, all the islanders come together and speak negatively to the tree. They say mean things to it repeatedly and somehow transmit the negative energy of their words to that respective tree. In about 30 days, the tree actually dies off and then falls down.

The Best Poison to Emotionally Kill Someone - Speak Negatively

Now I don’t know the authenticity of this information- it may be true and it may be false. However, based on the little knowledge I have, from what I have heard and from all my experiences, I do believe this can be true. From all that I have ready about energy, it does move and transfers to different things so if you did speak negatively to something or someone, your words will affect that thing/ person. Since everything has energy so your negative words are likely to possess a negative energy which when gets transferred to the tree is quite likely to adversely influence it. If you keep doing this repeatedly day in and day out, it is only likely that the tree will eventually die. @michellecarter is an expert on the topic of energy and I believe she could clarify this.

While I am still a little unsure of whether the method described above really works on trees, I am quite sure it does the trick on human beings.

Negative Words Kill Humans too

Negative Words Kill Humans too

I have actually seen human beings succumb to emotional issues particularly depression because of being negatively spoken to.

When you speak negatively to someone constantly, you make him feel insecure, inadequate and inferior to others. imagine if someone repeatedly told you things like: You are a failure, You do not deserve to live, You are of no use, You can never be like your cousin; he earns better than you, Have you ever done anything good in life and other mean things. How would you feel at that time? How would you feel about yourself? If you keep hearing such things incessantly and if you don’t have a strong self-belief, you are quite likely to pay heed to such suggestions and believe them to be the truth.

Affirmations are suggestions you believe to be the truth and usually, you affirm those things to your mind that either you feed repeatedly to your brain or those that others keep saying to you. When something is said day in and day out, you are usually left with no choice but to accept it to be the truth and when something is engrained in your subconscious, it then starts shaping your entire thought process. So if all you hear are negative words, you will slowly believe them to be the truth. You will actually start believing that there is something wrong with you and will build negative beliefs related to yourself. These beliefs will then lower your self-esteem making you hold weak and negative opinions about yourself. What will happen next?

Your low self-esteem will sabotage your self-confidence making you doubt yourself. Slowly, you’ll start nurturing self-hate and will stop accepting yourself too. As a result, you are likely to give in to chronic stress, anxiety disorders and depression. Naturally, when you succumb to these issues and don’t work on them on time, you are quite likely to die from within.

My husband was victimized by this issue since he had quite a lot of negative influences in his life that kept telling him mean and unhealthy things about himself. That behavior made him succumb to social anxiety disorder which soon turned into depression. Fortunately, he is in a much better state now courtesy of the support and love given to him by some lovely people in his life me included (lol).

Negative words never do anyone any good. I am not saying you should not criticize people. Criticism isn’t always bad; it has good results too. However, there lies quite a big difference between saying negative things to people and offering them constructive criticism. Also, if you don’t know someone or barely know them, I don’t think you have the right to say anything mean to them and even if you are close to someone, saying mean things won’t do them any good.

A lot of the troubles in the world are because of the negativity we keep spreading around us. If only we start putting an end to this, I strongly believe the world will become a beautiful place to live in. this is something all of us can try. Just start being nice and kind to people around you and stop sabotaging them with your negative words. Try it and I’m sure others will return the favor too. Hope you have a good week.

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so true! Emoto and his water crystals showed us this so profoundly!
Once I was at a Louise Hay workshop we did an experiment where one person was surrounded by 6 others who ALL bombarded the person in the middle with positive affirmations for a 5 minutes. The person in the middle could no longer filter out anything as there were so many coming in at the same time. In the end everyone who was receiving this ended up feeling quite wonderful! I ll never forget that lesson and the power of positive words.

Wow! I have heard similar stories of people attending such workshops and they have all had good things to say about the power of positive words. I am looking for some similar workshops here in Pakistan that I can attend and learn from. Hope I come across something great soon.

This is a powerful message, to rid oneself of negativity! Sometimes the negativity is so deep that you have to dilute!

I have always liked positive daily affirmations, this way I try to program good, positive and wholesome thoughts into my brain. Its my brain! Like my computer, I want it to do what I tell it to!

I practice positive affirmations too based on different positive improvements I'd like to bring in my life and honestly, it does wonders for me. And positivity is always the best way to dilute negativity. I really like this term that you used 'diluting negativitiy.' Thank you for stopping by :) Always feels good to see a comment by you.

Negative talk is one thing, but the bigger issue, usually arising from that, especially in children and young people because they are very receptive and still working out their identity, is negative self-talk. Other people can spend only so much time in bringing you down, because they also have other things to do, but your inner critic is always with you 24/7, so it is him you have to be most worried about. Nobody can talk you down, unless you let them, unless the inner critic makes the agenda of some critic from outside his own.

I agree with this 100%. In fact, a lot of my posts focus on why you need to talk positively to yourself. If you check out some of my older posts, you'll see some on the topic. Positive self-talk is exactly what is helping me survive and move forward.

I fully agree with how harmful negative energy can be. Interesting story about the trees, I almost feel like I would feel better just cutting it down quickly so the pain is less severe than actually making it die over a period of time. I have been around people in my life that were very negative and all they do is eat at you. You are right, it tears you down on the inside, sometimes without you even really knowing it. This is a great post and a subject that definitely needs to be discussed more.

Exactly! Our words are so powerful and most of the time, we don't realize and acknowledge their power. If only we do that and become conscious towards the emotions of others, we would stop traumatizing people with our cruel words. Glad there are people like you who understand this :)

@sharoonyasir, thank you for sharing this with us. I heard something similar too. I belive in the maxima - what you give that you get so I always try to be positive and polite with people. And if for any chance I did something I regret I ask this person for forgiveness. And it doesn't matter for me if I ask him directly or send the positive energy without meeting him. It works the same! Sending some love to you right now!

I received lots of it :D I totally agree with you. I am not always the ideal person to be around. I have my bad days too but I try to control my negativity and let it move out of my system through my breath. I am still a work in progress and there is a long way to go but I am trying. And I too ask for forgivness when I realize my mistake. Its good to have people like you around to be reminded of what I need and should do i.e. stay calm and positive :)

When I was a child I think I might have killed all my mom's lilac bushes with hatred. At least she blamed me for it. On hot summer nights I needed to open the window to get some air and the smell and pollen from the lilac bushes would come through the window. In the morning my eyes and nose would be all sealed shut from an allergic reaction.

At the time I really hated the bushes but now I don't think it was just their fault. Sometimes by overreacting you can make things much worse for yourself. How you think of things can really effect your health and bodies reaction to things.

In any case the lilacs died an early death. Every last one of them. Who knows what caused it - I hesitate to give myself all the credit, lol.

Hahaha this is such an adorable memory. Nice to see the funny side of you as well cos usually I have seen the philosophical and mature side only :) I like what you said about how we can make things worse by overreacting. That's so true! I often do that with my husband. If I'm a little stressed, I pick a tiny thing he did and fight over it lol. He is so nice to patiently to bear with me at times :)

Thanks! I think I have a tendency to take things way too seriously. I'm try to have more fun and lighten up a bit.

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