Two truths and a lie; Who am I? Ready. Set. Go!steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello Steemians!

I cannot tell you how eager I am to embark on this journey with you all. If I’m being honest, when my husband first told me about this website I was a little skeptical. I have always been interested in sharing my thoughts with others but I’ve never actually gone through with it; UNTIL NOW! So welcome to the harmonious brain of Selena Welches.

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To make things a little interesting I thought I’d kick it off with a little game. I’m going to tell you three things about myself in no particular order, but one of them will be a LIE.

Can you guess what it is?

Let's Go!


Fitness and Food are my passion

First off, who doesn’t love food? If I was locked in a room for the rest of my life and I was allowed one wish it would be to have endless amounts of FOOD, but don’t tell my husband that… Now just because I love food does not mean I was always good at eating it. Like any child I ate everything in sight. McDonalds, pizza, cookies, ice cream, hamburgers, and candy. You name it, I ate it. Going into my teen years those unhealthy foods haunted me. I struggled with my body image and fell into the narcistic thought of what society considered beautiful.

So what changed?

I stopped caring so much about what people said and decided to become a better me. I learned to incorporate my love for food into a healthier lifestyle. Now my diet is filled with loads of protein, carbs, and healthy fats but you’ll learn much more about my dieting in further posts.


I love to Travel

Your girl is adventurous!

There are so so many beautiful places in this world. There is so much culture, so many people to meet, and don’t get me started on the unique and delicious foods that everyone should try. I may only be 22 but I’ve been to a place or two. I’ve traveled from the Caribbean to the pacific.


My two favorite places were Bali and Sydney. Bali is an island and province of Indonesia. It is known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies, beaches and coral reefs.

If I tell you its beautiful, IT IS BEAUTIFUL!


Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and one of Australia's largest cities. The culture and food is magnificent. Everyone is so warming and it just makes you feel like home!


I’m OBSESSED with Elephants

Did you know that Elephants have the longest pregnancy of all the animals? It takes a female 22 months from conception to give birth. How amazing is that. I’m so obsessed, that I even have an elephant tattoo on my back!

Here are some fun facts about elephants that will make you love them too:

  1. Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.
  2. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world.
  3. Elephant feet are covered in a soft padding that help uphold their weight, prevent them from slipping, and dull any sound. Therefore elephants can walk almost silently!

Okay so we’ve come to the end!

Can you tell what my lie is?

Thank You reading my post and for the opportunity to be a part of an awesome Steemit Community! You guys are GREAT!


Wow, some of the scenery there looks like it was captured straight from heaven itself. That water and waterfall. Unreal! Plus those were such cool facts about elephants, lol (had no idea they purr).

Great post. :)

Thanks so Much!
I'm sorry I had not responded before I was having a lot of trouble with my Steemit account and my post actually uploaded about seven times sadly! Elephants are wonderful Creatures!

Great shots in this post. Spread the steemit word far and wide so we can grow this masterpiece to its full potential. Good luck to you.

Thank You!

Sorry I took so long to respond!

Welcome in to the comunity SteemBrother

Wow, you look great! Welcome to steemit :)
I will follow you for more!
A lot of kisses babe ;)

Welcome to Steemit, Selena. Now, this is a fun introduction post. As you asked,
I’m going to tell you three things about myself in no particular order, but one of them will be a LIE.

It can't be your obsession with an elephant as Bali and Sydney both do have the elephants. So, your love for traveling also cannot be a lie. It has to be Fitness and food. Let me know if am right or wrong. :)

Thanks so Much!

I will be posting an update on my blog revealing my lie! Stay tuned! :)

Funny... Very same day u introduce yourself, same day u stop introduce yourself.... You make as much sence as the Bible. May steem keep you alive...

So Sorry about that! I was having a lot of issues with my steemit account and I was not able to post. Plus my post posted about 7 times :( I will be here now for the long haul! Thank You for Commenting! :)

Your passion is not food and fitness! :) As a travel lover, i can feel that you are also the same that's how you know that much about elephants. Because as it is als written on my info, travelling broadens the mind! Just a guess, you may even got more into elephants once you were in Bali. I should also say Bali isalso one of my favorite places even though I haven't been there yet haha but planning to go ther foe honeymoon if ill be able to convince my girlfriend haha. This is just my guess, but I wouldn't be suprised if you say there is no lie! :)

Lol That would be so clever! Thanks so much for your input!

I don't think it would take much to convince your girlfriend to go to Bali if you showed her amazing pictures! It really is such a beautiful place! I'll be posting an update to reveal my Lie! sorry it took me so long to respond I was having a lot of difficulties with my Steemit account but now I'm here for the long hall!

Welcome to Steemit :)

You will have fun here :)


"Welcome to Steemit!"

I noticed you posted the same thing 5 times. LOL. I guess the fifth one worked like a charm. My favorite three people on Steemit that have really helped me are @inquiringtimes, @mahyidari and @gaman If you go to their page you will find lots of helpful tips. Wishing you much success here.


🎀 @theprettysoul 🎀

I was having a lot of issues with my posting for some reason and I honestly didn't notice it posted so many times until now! And I just recently posted it again :(

But thank you so much for the tips! I really appreciate it!

After finding this posted at least six times... I've decided to remove my upvote.

I'm so sorry that you had to see this post so many times! I was having a lot of trouble with my Steemit account (it wasn't allowing me to post on my end) so I hadn't even realized it posted 7 times until now! please forgive me! I am new to Steemit and it was my first time trying to figure things out! I'm sorry! It wont happen again after today!

well, considering she's brand new, and steemit is so borked atm, I think I can forgive her for posting multiple times... probably not intentional

Well I didn't flag her

Indeed and Agreed


Thank you so much! I was having a lot of problems with steemit atm and it caused me to post it a bunch of times! i just noticed it right now! thank you for understanding!

Ok, so I'm a total newbie. I enjoyed reading the post, I thought compared to all of the content I've been ploughing through it was interesting and well written. I was just about to upvote when I read your comment and now I'm confused. What do you mean it's been posted six times? How do you even do that? Why would someone do that? What does downvoting actually do? I think the Steemit journey is going to be an interesting one. I am genuinely here to find, and hopefully post, great content and I'm feeling a little disillusioned by the amount of people simply here to work the system. I think it's a shame.I love the concept of Steemit but perhaps I'll find new things that restore my faith as I continue my journey. I'm off to find the answers to my own questions!

I didn't downvote.
I simply took my vote back.
I don't think they posted that many times on purpose (there were issues with steemit at the time of posting)...however I removed the vote just in case.

I was having a lot of trouble with steemit at the time and my post posted about 7 times! i'm really sorry if I caused any issues!

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