10 things I no longer buy 👞

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Life has been evolving fast for me since 2012 when my awakening began and many of my spending habits are different now.

So, let's just dive right in...

(in no particular order)



I was brought up with the idea that our natural smell needs to be masked and in my teen years I started using a deodorant/body spray called Lynx which would be applied multiple times throughout the day to keep myself smelling 'good'. There has been a gradual move away from anything which contains chemicals and for a while I used the natural crystal stick until I realised that the woman I am spending the rest of my life with enjoys my natural smell!

Goodbye deodorants.

Sun related products (sunglasses & suncream)

Since I stopped wearing sunglasses five years ago my eyes have adjusted back to how they should be and I no longer find myself automatically reaching for them just because the sun is shining. The more we wear sunglasses, the more we need to wear them as our eyes grow less and less accustomed to being in full sunlight. Which by the way is extremely good for us and it is important to get as much natural light going into your eyes as possible.

Rather than apply suncream I am simply more conscious of my sun exposure and careful to move into the shade when I feel like I have had enough. Most suncreams are toxic and the real question is 'would you eat it?' because if you put it on your skin it is going into your bloodstream, which is ultimately the same as eating it.


Unconcerned with brand I would buy the cheapest thing to wash my hair. I have been learning about hair care just in the last few months and no big surprise, most commercial shampoos are terrible for our hair and scalp, due to all those chemicals. Going natural I have brought a big bottle of Castille liquid soap which works perfectly as an alternative.

In truth, to keep our hair healthy in most situations all we have to do is leave it alone and let it take care of itself.


I learned about the effects of fluoride years ago but struggled to replace my classic Colgate toothpaste until recently when I started making my own out of coconut oil, sodium bicarbonate & peppermint essential oil. The above shot is from my last batch I mixed up a few weeks ago and you can read how to make your own here


I stopped wearing them completely around 5 years ago and for the few occasions when I have needed them since then I still have a pair of boots and a pair of flip flops which due to their serious lack of use are still in great shape after 5 years.

If you want to know more about why I don't wear shoes this article will enlighten you.

Gift cards

I still enjoy giving people cards but I will always take the time to make them now.

This is my latest effort in which you can see how I am working from a picture I like.

Of course it takes longer but the energy around it is much more powerful and I have been surprised over the years at how many people I have reduced to tears by giving them one of my cards! Apparently not many people make their own anymore, so the experience of receiving one can be quite intense.


If I am needing to send someone a home made card, I simply create a digital version of it and send as an email. Yes, it isn't as personal as the physical thing but there is still a great feeling attached to it for the receiver, knowing I have created it from scratch rather than just buying one.

All that energy around sending a small piece of paper from one part of the world to another feels unnecessary to me.


In the past my TV was always the centrepiece of living room and I would have sworn that I couldn't live without one, but when I learned of how the way we think is being influenced by them I started watching them less. Particularly the news, which I haven't watched since 2012.

We recently lived in Bali for two years where we didn't watch a television even once. And we didn't miss it! Computers are the way forward here, but don't forget to turn your wifi off if you are going to sit it on your body.

Here in Fance we have a television again because one of my neighbours saw I didn't have one and insisted I take his spare. The kids seemed really excited about this so I said yes and we use it for around 30mins a day to watch French cartoons!


I have given up many types of food & drink over the last five years and I am a (mostly) raw vegan now but milk is the only one I have not relapsed on. When I eat cereal it is with water and when I drink coffee it is black. I do still eat meat & butter from time to time but for some reason I simply don't drink milk any more, even when it is in the fridge.


There is something far too special about sex to ruin with a condom. Sabrina has an app on the ipad in which she follows her cycle and even makes notes to remember the exact days when that magic moment happens.

While I really want to tell you this has been an effective birth control system I would be lying if I did as both our kids arrived unexpectedly.

Of course, now that they are here I wouldn't change it for the world and I am conscious how their presence in our lives has reduced the amount of sex we have... by a lot. So, I am (fairly) confident we won't be having any more... for now ;)


So there you have it. 10 things I no longer buy.

Let me know in the comments below if any of you have a similar list to mine. Or even if you don't!

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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Interesting. First time I have ever heard about that. Where did you buy yours? I don't remember seeing one when I was in the health food store last. There is some pretty good aluminum free deodorant not that that matters to you anymore. lol

I think it's ok to watch a few hours of TV a month.

I have to use about 1 stamp a month to pay my bills. I don't trust online bill pay stuff.

You can buy fluoride free toothpaste.

It was a long time ago when I last bought a crystal deodorant and I really couldn't remember where it came from. You should be able to find them in health stores?

We were buying the fluoride free toothpaste before a few months ago. Making the stuff is much more fun when you have kids and also it seems to make the tooth brushing experience more enjoyable for them knowing where it has come from ;)

Great list! No shoes would be a huge problem for me because I live in Finland. But as I live in Finland, I never wear shoes inside. That would be awful. Most Finns don't wear shoes inside. Socks on or bare feet if it's warm enough.

Bu they, I guess it's only a matter of time when your family will get bigger. ;)

Interesting to learn this. Here in France everyone wears shoes all day long, inside or out, winter or summer. And the slippers go on immediately as they get out of bed, so their feet never even touch the floor. From my perspective it's a bit strange!

Obviously I get plenty of funny looks walking down the street with my bare feet, but am pretty used to this now.

Sounds strange to me also. (Shoes always on.) And to most Finns. Of course if it's public space we keep our shoes on, but in people's homes it's almost always shoes off. And some schools also. Going in to a classroom means shoes are left outside the door. If people wear shoes at home and when they visit people, doesn't that require more cleaning?

In super dirty situations the shoes would come off outside the house and clean shoes would be put on inside the house. But if I am going to be honest many people here seem addicted to cleaning and any excuse they get, they will be pulling out the products!

So much has been lost since we lived in on the land.

Am looking forward to making it to Finland one day!

Am looking forward to making it to Finland one day!

If you come here during those 9 months when I think it's impossible to walk outside without shoes, let me know and I will follow you everywhere and when the time comes, instruct you to the nearest store to buy shoes so that your toes don't freeze and fall off. :D

That was not meant to sound creepy at all. It was meant to be a warm and friendly advice. :D

haha! Thank you :)

I can see how it was warm & friendly advice ;)

Hi Sam,
Superb post! - Many things for people to think about there! I agree with all your choices and would urge every one to find how they too can be less of a burden on the planet while improving their own health and well being dramatically as you are demonstrating so well!

Upvoted and resteemed :D

Well said my friend. I didn't mention the benefit for Mother Earth without whom none of us would be here.

It has been so fun over the last five years re-educating myself and it is always such a pleasure to share what I have learned with those who resonate with the ideas :)

Hi Sam ... you may want to edit this post - your first picture/thumbnail is not showing! :D

Seems okay from where I am viewing it. Could be just a glitch in the matrix of your device?

Thanks for looking out for me!

Ah good! Perhaps it is coz I am on Mac and iOS devices - have a great day :D

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wonderful! - BIG thanks for sharing :D

Posted using Partiko iOS

I use magnesium for deodorant and what are condoms? Lol. Well done and #steemondude

haha! Yes indeed. Back in the day I wouldn't leave the house without one!

Great to see you are a rep 70 already :)


My list is kind of the same I use a salt crystal stick for under the arms, mostly when at work but dont often during the day. And I am guilt of buying hair wax I don't like it but my hair is so straight I have to do something with it. Everything else is the same apart from condoms have seen the the app but dont' want the risk currently and were not officially together currently although seeing each other, so dont' have a need ( we'll get back :( )

Yes I'm on the hemp milk and oat milk wonderful stuff 💯🐒

Funnily enough I took out the hair wax point moments ago in place of sun related products (sunglasses & suncream) which I had forgotten to mention. Felt like this was more important than wax, so you're off the hook ;)

Hemp milk & oat milk sound AMAZING. Not much hope of finding them around here though!

Oh yes sunscreen that's one to and sunglasses much to my mothers disgust irresponsible is the word I think she uses. Read a lot about sunglasses stopping he enzymes (is that the right word?) in the eyes so they produce a natural chemical in our skin to protect from the sun 💯🐒

Wow. I love your list and I would have to agree with you.
Since I was introduced to doterra essential oils, my life changed and I have learned so much and I got rid of most of the things in my house too like: all my sythetical medicine in trash and replaced it all with essential oils, my homemade deodorant, my skin products and my essential oil shampoo and conditioner.
I also got rid of all the cleaning supplies and make my own with essential oils, baking powder, vinegar etc, so now when I clean my health benefits from it as well since it lands on my skin and I inhale it while spraying it.
I am still working on so many other things like the foods we eat etc and I love learning about it.
Thank you for sharing this awesome post and inspiring me even more. Thank you for sharing these awesome recipes which I would also have to try it.

Fantastic to hear all these changes you have made already. The food subject is a big one and it comes more gradually than the rest.

Thanks for reminding me about the cleaning products! This is something we have not yet done...

Very cool list - especially the sun screen one - that crap is promoted relentlessly here in NZ and we have the highest skin cancer rate in the world.

We are a pick up point for raw milk from two organic farms, but I wouldn't drink any supermarket milk - it's a pretty interesting subject.


Hey there! I am interested to learn more about raw milk. Back to the old ways is always best :)

I didn't know that about NZ skin cancer rates. From what I can understand skin cancer is more to do with the sunlight reacting with chemicals in the body than from suncream. Though suncream is no doubt just adding to the problem rather than solving it. Crazy old world ;)

Appreciate the link. Am reading it now and seeing how much work you put into this!

Thank you :)

On your latest post, you are like the Eckhart Tolle of Steemit - I may not dare to have anything to do with it myself, but I certainly read it. I'm sussing out Whaleshares now and have no opinions, but your response is inspired!

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