Ten random things! Challenge by @twodorks

in #tenrandomthings6 years ago (edited)

So I was tagged in this amazing challenge by @twodorks 10 random things...
It's a great way to get to know someone better and she tagged me in it 😉👍

Here's her post :

first I like to answer the question she asked when tagging me....

-If you were forced to relive one 10-minute block of your life again and again for all eternity, what 10 minutes of your life would you choose?

I would go back to when my grandfather on my dads side were alive.
He made his own mustard and I Loooved sitting next to him at the summer house watching him, and smell that AMAZING strong scent that almost tickled your nose 👃😁 lol... Love that memory!


OK that was one.... Only 10 to go 😜 Let's do this challenge :


I actually have a piercing... I know right?
But hey @dreemsteem had one and that surprised me to.... Lol
Where's mine? Well not the tounge...
My belly button and I still have it to this day

There's actually a story behind it and it was my dad who made me do it.... Not cause he wanted me to... NOOO!!!!! HE WAS AGAINST IT!!
But he said the magic word.... I know you NEVER dare to do it.... But if you actually do... I will pay for it!
Which of course meant he believed that I never do it.... Se my dilemma there?
I was a chicken but him saying that.... Sass just HAD TO DO IT 😂😂 And I did 😉👍

I guess Sassy pants 👖was born 😜 LMAO


I've read 2 of the... Brace yourself....
FIFTY SHADES OF GREY books... 📚😜🙊🙈
After seing the movies I can tell you that it is a clean and nicer version... The books are really raw and you really need some cold water to cool yourself with...it's really hot 🔥😜and can give unexpected surprises😂😂😂😂OMG

ok let's move on... Hrmm...


When I was about to get born into this world... My ❤️ stopped completely and the nurse RAN to get the doctor... My parents thought I was dead.... But.... Sass... Evil 😈
The moment the doctor walked in... My ❤️ started to beat again!
Noone understood what happened... I guess I already then did things My way 😂 lol
But probably not the reason then...
But here I am!


I have this weard beginners luck 🍀
First time I try something I usually do great and often win 😉👍
Only thing is... It Never lasts.
Once I learn how to do things right... It doesn't work so well anymore!
I guess Sass way is the only thing that works for me... No matter how wrong I'm doing... Lol

OK @enginewitty I know it's boobs and you find it boobalicious


I once punched a clown in the face at a circus.... He picked me from the audience and I was 30 years old.... I wasn't happy and said NOO like 10 times but he kept dragging me up on stage.... So Ya I punched him in the face and said... Let go of me Clown freak 😂😂lol
I still lost and he dragged me up but I have HATED clowns ever since.... Never gone to a circus again eather!

Feel that Clown Ass!! 😠


I'm only halfway???

Feels like I've written a whole post already... I'm a little blank.... Random things... What else? 🤔


I once gave my shoes👟 to a homeless woman and walked home barefooted... My parents were not to happy as it was the first time in years that they actually had enough to buy new clothes to me and my siblings.
I felt bad but she needed them more than me 😊
Didn't take long for them to forgive me! 🤗

That's what I loved with how I was raised...the big heart for other people❤️


I once purposed to a male nurse when I was hospitalised 😜 when they told me about it after... I didn't belive them and I had apparently been sweet to him... Lmao
Another thing I did.... This @enginewitty knows
I told them about alliance and they thought it was a game I played.... I was like.. Noo.. It's my family.... He were like.. Sure Sara and I'm the lion king.... I was like.. No but I am the Snow leopard... I think they thought I needed my head checked... Lol
I also pickpocked... Took my own phone back from the doctor.... Lol
I also had a TERRIBLE roommate that snored so bad that I got all nuts....
Sassy pants showed up and used a rubber and bubblegum... To only get her to stop and be quiet... But it totally got stuck on her forhead 🙊🙈 she was Soooo Mad!

Ya now that story is out @enginewitty...😜
And That's how I got the nickname Gummy Sassa


I once was invited to a Halloween party and I was really excited about getting dressed up and I was a... Scary Zombie!!
Soo proud of my badass costume....
Only thing was that I had totally missed there was a theme....Disney characters 🙊🙈 hugh..
It's Sooo ME.... Making a fool of myself.. Lol
I still hear about it sometimes and I always check extra times if there is a special theme or something I've missed.... Lol


I'm a Dreamer.. Uncureble romantic... A believer in people and good winning over evil.
I belive in heroes and I know a few...
-My parents
I see the good in most things and belive there's ALWAYS a way!
Being a part of #thealliance has only made my heart ❤️ stronger in that belive and the good people in it.
The way we work together... Support each other... Lift each other up!
How can you not Belive? 🤗💕🌹



@dreemsteem, @BluefinStudios, @eveningart and @saffisara..... What's that you wonder?
We are the Team Sapphire in Welcome Wagon .... AND the ones behind the Butthughing starting 🤗🤗

There's a lot of hot stuff going on there... Oil baths and flashing windows 😂😂😂😂hahaha
Sorry my lovelines but I love how much fun we have and that.... We need Sass bounce gif.... That one is awful and hurts the eyes... Lol

I'm happy to have gotten to know so many amazing people in Welcome Wagon and if @twodorks hadn't been in there... This challenge wouldn't exist.
But so lucky she is and now I finally made mine.... After to long! You rock sweetie 🤗

OK that was the end of my random 10 😉
Hope you had as much fun as I did and thank you all for reading! 🤗💕

Big hug to @c0ff33a.. You know why!

That was what I wanted to share with you guys as it is no better gift than Love, and GREAT FRIENDS who knows how to brighten your day!
I'm blessed with having friends like that in my life ❤️🤗🤗❤️ Love you all!!






Dream hope happiness love! 🌟
Dream Big and remember NOTHING is impossible if You just belive in yourself!

🌻Be your beautiful self and grow on your own turms, that will be your way to bloom success!🌼

💕Find a little something everyday to be thankful for, makes a happy Heart💕

Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it! 🌹


@saffisara: Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug Lover!
Remember Every day is a #haturday

Proud Member of the best family ❤️

Epic creation of @thekittygirl

Proud to be a part of the Welcome Wagon


and my amazing teammates @dreemsteem and @bluefinstudios
Love you guys

Amazing creation of @liberty-minded

Vote for the amazing @enginewitty

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a

Vote for the sweet cupcake @thekitchenfairy


Amazing badass gifs by the lovely @snook

Go show her some Love 💜

Beautiful steemPets creation by @derosnec


Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner


You’re so much fun, Sass. Much love! 😈💞🌹🤗

Thank you so much sweet Katrina 🤗🌹💕
It is a really fun challenge but really hard to come up with random things 😜 lol
I'm glad you liked it. Have a wonderful evening beautiful and much love 🤗🌹💕

I really thought I knew a lot about you @saffisara , it seems I hardly knew anything! Certainly there is no argument - these are 10 very random things!

My favorite is the clown punching, that is so awesome - serves him right for not listening to you!

Giving away your shoes is so sweet and kind - did you ever find out if they fit the lady? Or did she have to sell them?

And the Disney theme halloween party - that actually made me wet myself 🤣 I bet you made an amazing Zombie though, and dress up parties are always boring when everyone where's the same theme!

Fantastically entertaining post, you always make me grin so much 🤗

#thealliance #witness

OMG 😂😂😂 hahaha You Crack me up.... Wet your pants on the Halloween party... Lol
Ya that was a embarrassing one.

You do much about me already my friend and it's always hard to find things that you haven't shared before or... Random so I wrote the first thing that popped up in my head.. Lol

That damn clown... Yes he got what he deserved I think. A no is a no and I almost panicked so bad move to keep holding me....Punch da face 😜👊

Im glad you liked it and it made you smile... Lol
Have a good night and sweet dreams 😴😴as I know you are soo tired.
Thank you for the upvote... To much my friend 🤗💕 much love!

oh my goodnesssssssss i cannot wait to meet you someday, sisterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

i can't wait - can't wait - can't wait!!!!!!!!

so many things make me impressed with you! strong, funny, compassionate, loving, supportive, amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you so much and team sapphire ROCKS! HONESTLY!!!!!! amazing amazing amazing <3

window flashing???/ who does that, I wonder??? hmmmmm they need to be locked up! hahahahahahahaa

awwww i missed my bath today with @eveningart too! darn it! she went into it without me! she will be punished tomorrow for sure! hehehehe

and that clown should have known better!!! hehehehe now he knows for sure! LOLOL

i love you Saffi! my life would not be the same without you!!!!!! hehehehehe

omgeee thiss is hilariously funny and leave i to you to have all these funny stories to share wow ... isn't htis like your gamillionth one too? wow thats all i can say is wow .. and those boobs are hawt! just sayin :p

Ha ha you sold your soul before you were even born!!! 🤣🤣😎🤗 and yes BOOBS ALL DAY! I totally remember the gum bwahahahaha!

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh wow saffi!!!! Better late than never!!! Hehehe you took long but you blew us off with all your creative bitmojis in gif!! Wohoo! Your post is super duper entertaining!! Haha I’m not even commenting on your random first! I’m just so happy to see how you put your heart into this!!! This is crazy!!! I love it so much!!! Thank you for taking this to the next level!!! Hahahaha You are indeed the BITMOJI QUEEN! 👸🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

ooohhhhh wow!!!! as always miss @saffisara you bring out so much sassiness and blubbliness in your every post. I had totally enjoyed giggling in each every items.. hahahahaha super well done.

OHH! You shocked me at the piercing same as big sister @dreemsteem!!! You guys rock it!!!! I wish I am that strong to handle the piercing thing, I only have the ears! Pity me! hahaha

High five in fifty shades!!! Me too!!!! hahahaha I was literally hooked up on it in my wattpad!! But I would prefer the book versions though.. hehe

#03 you crack me up!!! how did that happen?? what were the findings why your heart suddenly stops beating?? Or maybe you just wanted to see the doctor eh.. very clever! haha :P

hahaha Atleast you have some luck over at some things. You have magic dust around you which you are not aware.. yess definitely the sass way only!!

ohhhh meeegeeeeee!!! You are giving me tummy aches! How could you punch a clown?! hahahahaha they seem to be huge and big. Yeah, clowns can be very scary too. I feel yah there sister!

It is not a wonder why people around you loves you so so much, because you really gives out everything for them too. You are the sweetest miss sassi!!!

hahahahahaha the apocalypse theme has expired!!! hahahahahahahahha im sooooo laughing hard right now..

Thanks for the awesome read!!! I could read it again and have the same giggles..You had brighthen up my day today..

love love love!

i enjoyed a lot reading your post @saffisara !! the clown one was really hillarious!!

one could tought that it was when you were kid but no!! you did it a yours 30 hahahahaha so funny

and that time were all where dressed like disney and you like zombie hahahah

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