ONE BURGER : Sawgrass Mills

in #food8 years ago (edited)

On this 4 day work trip I luckily had a day off and decided to go to the Sawgrass Mills to buy some clothes. This mall is, for me, the mecca of "argentindad al palo", without exaggerating of every two groups of people that there was one was Argentine. Because apart we make notice, beyond the enormous amount of bags that we carry, we have a very particular look, even the way of walking and gesturing I risk to say. The Argentine in "Miami" is breastfeeding, is proud to have come there and go to the Sawgrass is, at least for me, one of the maximum exponents of this way of being that we have. When I travel to Florida "game" to detect compatriots and with very little humility I can say that I have a level of effectiveness above 90%. Almost no fault, Argentines always recognize them before hearing them speak ... but anyway, let's go to ours.

This place of hamburgers I crossed it precisely going to the Mall. First I thought that it was a chain but no, after I could verify that there is only one and before there was another apparently in Coral Gables that no longer exists, or perhaps they changed it and it is this one. But from outside, by the very modern logo looked like a chain. When I entered the room, I did not think it was as nice as outside. It was not too bad to eat a hamburger and it's cuter than a typical McDonalds in the USA, but no more than that.

The first thing that happened to me was that it took me a long time to choose. I am half undecided and when I present many, many options as in this place, I have a hard time deciding. My natural instinct is to try all or several at least, but you have to choose one! It is not easy for me, know how to understand hehe.

I finally went for the simple thing. The double with cheese and bacon ... I paid about $ 11 for that hamburger with a soda and the truth was great. Even better than I expected. It was noon therefore I try to "save" calories and I usually order the hamburgers without potatoes, just a soda to accompany but I was not hungry at all. It was plentiful and the flavors of every thing, especially the "grill" of the meat, felt very good ... I had that grilled gustito which for me is essential. The super crispy bacon as it should be and the bread instead of sesame had what looked like ground corn up, not sure but they were like something yellow granite. Nothing special the bread but accompanied well. One odd thing that happened to me was that the hamburger had some spicy taste. Very little, but it was noticed and for me it is not a problem but for some it could become so if it does not tolerate the spice at all. I do not know if it was a mistake in the kitchen or what but by the description should not have brought anything spicy. It would have to go back to corroborate if it always happens

There was menu to take and obvious I brought one (attached to the post) but I tell them there was everything. There were burgers with mushrooms, avocado, chicken, turkey, for vegetarians and even saw a caprese.

The local has WiFi but the attention was kind of weird. I took the order a girl who after charging me went inside (there was no one behind me) and did not clarify if I should wait there or sit, even gave me no ticket, I left there painted. I decided to sit down since the place is small, you see all the tables from the boxes and after a while another boy came out of the kitchen with two hamburgers emplatadas, it was obvious that they were not mine but there I understood, at least, that they reach you to the table! A couple of minutes later the same guy (kinder) returned and gave me mine.

Knowing that almost all the Argentines that travel to Miami are going to happen near it seems to me highly recommended. I did not find it expensive and next to it there is an Ikea, which has nothing to do with hamburgers but for those who have never gone to one, I recommend them. It is a nice experience also to buy things for the house of good quality, very good design and cheap.

Points : 3 - Very Good -

My Last Post:


@rappiro reading this - I feel like you're also a trip advisor
that's a compliment :)

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read. If sometimes I travel a lot and I use the time to try food from other sides. But preferably burgers! I love them!

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