Don't forget to Play!

in Steem Venezuela15 days ago

Don't forget to play Pixabay

Hi everyone!

Greetings to you all my friends from the steem Venezuela community. I'm so excited to be putting in my entry on this amazing topic which discuss on something crucial which we are missing out daily as we grow older. All thanks to ma'am @inspiration I am able to share with you my thoughts. Well done ma'am.

Em... play. an undeniable fact about human nature. As toddlers we generally developed that instinct to play. This couple to the fact that before a kid is being born, her room is full with a vas number of toys. This goes on to show us that play is a natural something we are introduced to when we arrive this world.

There's a lot of misconception about play, in such a way that the culture of play is slowly grinding away from hour childrens especially the children of the 21st century. Parents see play as unhealthy for their kids and will rather preoccupied them with something else which sometimes exhaust these kids.

Notwithstanding children in the rural areas still experiences this habit of play, as there are less deepened into technology and play naturally with their pears in the environment. This does not only feel emotionally satisfying, but it also builds them intellectually.

Coming to us adults. Nowadays, our lifestyle have shifted from how it use to be to the 9 to 5:00 clock. We have allowed our work schedule consume us in such a way that we no longer have time for ourselves or even to hang out with our peers.

I personally doesn't have that much time as I wish I could to do something crazy enough as I am as well preoccupied with life, bills, tickets and lot more. Nevertheless I still managed to find time on some weekends and play football with my peers.

1000286188.jpg football match.

The phrase "Don't forget to Play!" Seems simple but it's so technical. What ever you do, don't forget to play. Let get the importance of playing.

The importance of Play in Human Development

Play is often seen as a simple activity, but it plays a crucial role in human development. It is not merely a pastime; it is a fundamental aspect of learning, growth, and well-being.

  • Cognitive Development: Play stimulates cognitive development by unleashing creativity, problem-solving skills, and imagination. It encourages curiosity and a love of learning.

  • Social and Emotional Development: Through play, children learn essential social skills such as cooperation, sharing, empathy, and conflict resolution. It helps them develop self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.

  • Physical Development: Active play is vital for physical health, promoting muscle development, coordination, and balance. It helps children develop gross and fine motor skills.

  • Psychological Well-being: Play is a powerful stress reliever, providing a healthy outlet for emotions. It can help children cope with challenges and develop positive coping mechanisms.

Not only do I end here but I got a little poem about the topic Don't forget to Play!. Let's get it right away.


Don't be a workaholic,
Take a break, it's no big deal.

Let's play a game or two,
Have some fun, it's overdue.

Kick a ball, build a sandcastle,
Read a book, or sing a little.

Whatever it is that makes you smile,
Just take a moment, for a while.

Life's too short to stress and strain,
So let's play and entertain.

Let's laugh and joke, and have a blast,
Playtime's here, it's gonna last!

1000286189.jpg play time, swimming 🥽

The more I get older, the more I miss the old good time when we were just kids and rooming the streets with our peers. Society is shaping us a new way to leave and forgetting away the old playful culture. Irrespective of the situation, no matter what, I will find time to play at least for a while.

In conclusion, play is not merely a recreational activity; it is a cornerstone of human development. It is essential for cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth. By prioritizing play in our lives, we are investing in our own well-being and the well-being of future generations.

Quite an amazing topic and I won't like to share my ideas alone but call on the following persons to join me. Share what they think about the topic. @manuelhooks ,
@lirvic ,@daprado1999

Credit to:@rafk


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 14 days ago 

Hola @rafk, así es, parece que de alguna manera se ha ido olvidando la cultura lúdica, tal como lo has explicado, jugar nos enseña habilidades, el desarrollo de la creatividad, el manejo de las emociones, así como nos permite socializar, aprender.

Me gusto mucho el poema, para jugar solo basta con tomarse el momento, no es necesario grandes cosas, y puede durar lo que queramos.

Gracias por participar, bendiciones 🙏🤗

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