
Great one, thanks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well... if anyone deserves some support it's @papilloncharity - not only for the good work being done, but for the (without fail) must-read posts being churned out on a regular basis.

I've never heard of either SmartVote (or DollarADay). Had a quick look at SmartVote and seems epic... and will be checking them both out in more detail after this comment... but if I happen to win, could I please transfer my winning shares to @teamsouthafrica instead? Doing so will benefit the whole SA community.

P.S. Here's my entry:

Thanks for your participation and thank you for your generosity, there is no problem with the transfer of shares.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello Q!

here is my link

Thank you for this great contest and pointing me here!!


I love a dollar a day, pennsif is great!!

Eagle spirit

Thank you

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you

Posted using Partiko iOS

nice eagle shots and so many photos to look at, lovely mind to hose a charity :) Please let me join~!

Thanks for your participation

Posted using Partiko iOS

Cám ơn em

Here is my entry !

Feeling relieved to see so many beautiful natural photos :)

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