Of Bear Sculptures & Beets

in #art7 years ago

Of Bear Sculptures & Beets

If you've missed the previous posts, check them out:

I took possession of the bear sculpture on Friday.   I got to work on it for about 5 hours, and then the weekend happened.  Unfortunately, because these bear sculptures are funded and owned by a bank, I can only work on the sculpture during banking hours.  (sigh)

I will be adding details and more texture to the bear's fur, face, and stems, etc to all the veggies which surround the large pumpkin.  You can see some of the first things I did on Friday - all the lighter areas in the photo - mainly making the edges of the cut Jack-O-Lantern face sharper, more crisp.  I also "beefed up" one of the bear's paws and added a tomato stem and started adding detail to one of the pumpkin stems.  I have so much detail to add on this.  It will probably be 2-3 weeks before I get to the painting part.

I've been collecting photos & stuff- researching the different veggies that are part of the bear sculpture- so I can create the proper details & color of them. Beets & beet stems & leaves, carrots & carrot tops, the color of butternut squash, tomato stems, fasteners and pockets for overalls, polar bear claws and fur texture (which I'm not sure yet how I'm going to do that) etc...


Beets- in particular are quite interesting. I've cooked with them a lot & have admired them ever since I read the book "Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins.  

If you haven't read that book - here is a quote for your consideration:

I recently took these photos of some beets, which really show how wild & earthy they are! 

They have so much color & texture! 

Small hairy roots coming out from the top of the beet- between the stems/leaves, as well as all the hairy roots coming off the main tap root. 

Smaller/younger leaves and stems are in the center, with the larger, longer older stems around the perimeter, with little tiny baby leaves sprouting up between the large older stems too- almost no rhyme or reason. 

Divots and pits in the beet skin- like it's had a rough existence under the soil. 

Areas of rough, brown dirty looking areas- that don't wash off. 

The leaves come to a pointed tip that is curled back- these leaves don't lay flat, have curly edges and amazing pink-red veins. 

The profile of a stem is more shallow than celery, but similar.

I don't know how many of the hairy root hairs I'll be able to incorporate in the sculpture, since there seems to be a continual concern and discussion of things that "stick out" being pulled off or broken off by vandals, kids.  Apparently the other bear sculptures have undergone quite a few vandalism situations, with things being broken off, removed, injured, spray painted (tagged), etc...  So - with all that in mind, I am trying to find a happy medium of having interesting details added, but in such a way that it is secure and sturdy.  But as I added the tomato stem on Friday, I wondered - will this stay on?  I guess time will tell.

For the leaves, I think I may try to create them out of wire mesh, layered with A/B putty.  I will drape the leaves/attach them onto other neighboring veggies for added strength/security.

This has been a very rewarding and educational project so far.  Stay tuned for more updates on this sculpture...

Tom Robbins Quote found here.

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