A Little Pasta With My Squash... {Food Fight Friday}

in #fff5 years ago

Happy Friday my friends! It's been a few weeks since I've jumped into the fray for @foodfightfriday, but I whipped something up just for you folks. Well, @dksart and I needed to eat, too, but I wanted to make you feel special. 😉


Come on over and grab a bowl! As @dswigle knows, I generally make enough to feed a crowd. Can you blame me when I can get so much killer produce at the farmers market? It took me all week to finally use up the different squash I got last Saturday, but hot damn it was worth it for this delicious Friday night meal!


Not one to waste any of my farmers market haul, I opted to slice and roast up all the glorious veggies you see above (yellow bell pepper, patty pan (Peter's long lost sister?), zucchini and yellow squash) with a bit of Italian seasoning and balsamic vinegar. No strict recipe tonight, just cook 'em up until they are all nice and juicy. Though this is technically a pasta dish, I think my squash outnumbered my pasta at least 2-1 in volume. An excellent way to lighten up a traditionally heavier dish but still enjoy your meal!


Though there are so many options for healthier pastas now, I opted for chickpea pasta this week. This actually cooked up really well, so I will definitely grab it again soon. Some of the bean-based pastas can overcook really easily or get gummy, but these turned out pretty darn close to traditional pasta in texture and flavor!


Of course you gotta amp up the flavor even more with some fresh herbs from the garden, so I made a pesto with a crap-ton of oregano, sunflower seeds, sun-dried tomatoes, black pepper, lemon juice & zest, and a pinch of sea salt. Just blitz it all up in the food processor and mix it in with the pasta and veggies when everything is done cooking.


Since I'm headed to the farmers market again tomorrow morning, I chopped up the last of my kale to toss in at the end, as well. You know I love my green stuff @zord189! For a pretty simple meal, this hit the spot tonight. Wish I really could share a bowl with you all!


Oh, and by the way, did you happen to catch my girl @puravidaville popping up a slick hummus video today? She and @dandays rocked it out with a great tutorial. I'm stoked to see what they bring to the table next!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Banners by @zord189, @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


It seems every time I visit your blog, I leave feeling very hungry!

I am glad you put the hummus post in there as my girls love that and will be stoked to be able to make it themselves.

Have a healthy and happy day!!

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That's the effect I was hoping to have, so nailed it! ;) Though I hope you've got some good stuff to munch on at home so you don't go hungry for too long. @puravidaville shares some great recipes, as well, so you won't be disappointed checking out her hummus and other posts!

I heard my name being taking in vain, so had to come over and check it out. Well it's true! You do make enough to feed a crowd, which is why I truly adore you! I know if I'm feeling hungry I can just run down to your house and grab my own Bowl. Because if it's you it's got to come in a bowl.

Also, may I add that you are a girl after my own heart in the part of the waste-not-want-not kind of way. I love all the different squashes put together and I have to be honest with you because I would never have thought of using all these different ones over pasta. And there you go! Unless you are a true vegan, you may not know about the chickpea pasta. This is my first dance with it and I liked it a lot I appreciate the tip on making the pesto like that. I can see that that would add a whole lot more flavor.

I love my kale. My whole entire family makes fun of me for it but, you can open up my refrigerator and there is always going to be kale in it, even if there is nothing else. This meal looks simple but oh my God this man looks delicious! And now, I will be checking out the hummus recipe.

As always, I hope you have a spectacular weekend and I want to thank you for being such an active member of #steemusa!


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I was just giggling as we were just talking about my propensity for making extra, so I couldn't forget to tag you! It would have been a complete shame to let any of that yummy squash go to waste. I got more of that lovely patty pan this morning, but I may share with a friend. I bought way too much as usual at the market, so lots more cooking up ahead!

And of course I got some more kale, too. ;)

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 43
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

This looks like my kind of pasta - tasty delicious yumyumyum

That looks so good and you also made space for your supplies on your visit tot he market tomorrow :)

Thanks for being an active member of SteemUSA !tip

It was delicious! Easy to adjust to whatever veggies are fresh at the market! Looking forward to my trip tomorrow. 😊

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I am looking forward to see what amazing dishes you come up with after your market visit over the coming week

So cool of you to mention us—thank you. You’re in our circle too! Seeing how we’re in each other’s circle, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with calling a pasta dish a squash dish, just sayin. Sunflower seeds in the pesto, though?! Smooth moves.

It’s so cool of you to make random appearances at #fff with us, you’re a pleasure to virtually be around.

Well it was a pretty cool video, so I'm happy to point people that way! Even if I don't always get a chance to join in, I still generally peek in throughout the day on Friday to see what's cooking! But I can't say it's not a blast when I do get to share something tasty myself. 😉

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Oh, that looks positively delicious and such a healthy alternative to a heavy sauce! Kudos for making such good use of the squash and zucchini, and extra thumbs-up for using a chickpea pasta! whoo hooo! 🙌

So glad you like it! I make versions of this every so often, but this particular pairing came out really well! I'm looking forward to leftovers for dinner. :)

Oh dear, this is unbelievable @plantstoplanks! All of those squash with the pesto, I know what we're having tonight for dinner (no more burgers, lol) You are the queen of flavors and roasted veggies not to mention these bowls are simply beautiful. Love it Katie! Can't wait to see what you get this weekend at the market (and the u-pick)

A squash triple feature. ;) I imagine it's going to be just as good or better here in a few hours when we dish out some more for dinner! Gotta love those leftovers! Oh my goodness I went a bit nuts at the market this morning! Oh well, there are worse things than eating too many yummy fresh veggies. I think peach picking is on the docket for Tuesday if my plans hold! :)

🎁 Hi @plantstoplanks! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!

@tattoodjay wrote lately about: The Sbc Restaurant Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)

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Hey, you're cooking better than an Italian: would you like to marry me? 🤗 😂, 😜

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Haha, thanks @amico! I take that as high praise. Though you might have to fight my Polish boyfriend for me. Still have plenty to learn about Polish cooking from his mama. 😉😋

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