What Does it Mean to Be a Lightworker? - TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

I am really happy that this question has come up. This resonated and I feel that I have something to say about it. Thankyou to @trucklife-family and @eco-alex for cooking this up.

What does it mean to be a Lightworker?



It means so many things, played out in how we live and how we are. Being a light worker means a particular way of 'being'. It definitely exists, but it is hard to define. Being a light worker is perhaps more of an energy than a social or political movement. The two things are related though.

You feel it inside yourself, you know it.

It means giving a damn, and thinking about things beyond ourselves. Being a lightworker means noticing things that aren't 'right' (feel wrong) and changing your lifestyle. It means giving a little extra effort to break your patterns and change the systems. The light-worker has an optimism about the future, and they want to create that future.

It also means not giving a damn. It means being so beyond all of this crazy shit here in the manifest world. It means having a certain wiseness, which knows to not mess with messiness and instead does it's own quiet thing. It knows it can achieve a lot by not doing anything, I will explain that in the next section.

The light-worker knows themselves as essentially apart from the madness, they know that they go beyond or transcend all of these perceived limitations and problems. They feel that spaciousness and seek to bring it into the physical and share it with other beings. The light worker seeks to make things better and to make things right.


Metaphysical Spectulation

Due to the current 'bit of space' that our solar system is moving through as it orbits around an even larger center of gravity, certain changes are taking place on earth. All of these wayward energies and magnetic fields are having an impact on the people that live on the planet. Simply put, our Earth society is transitioning from a very barbaric and divided way of living to a more unified and connected one.

The process of change is ineffably complex, but it all boils down to the energy that human beings emit. The chi field and the collective consciousness is what changes our various cultures and ways of being. So as a part of this time of change - certain individuals are given the task to transmit a more unified consciousness.

You could say these people are built for this job, yet it is strange to talk about it from the individual perspective. The light worker has come from a soup of higher consciousness which seeks to give unconditional love and expansion. So we manifest here to bring that intention. It's only through coming here, and in taking on a body and identity that it becomes so complicated. We forget and we second guess ourselves.

We 'fall' into the chaos of division and identity, and then take the opportunity to raise our energies once again. Through the process we remember ourselves as beings of light, we are light workers. Light workers - some times called star seeds, yogis, revolutionaries, new-agers, shamans, saints, masters, sages, and just humble simple folk. It doesn't matter what you call them, the point is that by embodying higher consciousness it transmits to people locally and also contributes to the collective consciousness. The light worker is connected first an foremost, their dynamic individual life comes second.



There seems to be different tendencies emotionally for the light worker. Generally there is some increased sensitivity, the capacity to feel or perceive things that others might not. A tendency for making space for ourselves and others to feel. For some it's a deep empathy for people, some are sensitive to environments. Some are sensitive in a way that brings forward new technology and new paradigms. There are different energies, the underlying thing is that the receiver is on.

There can be anger and frustration toward unjust situations and systems. The light workers that embody this are more of a 'fiery' type. They can be inspiring and empowering to be around.

We can observe various categories, due to the various tendencies. The new age and star seed paradigm likes to attribute it to different constellations and star nations. The shamanic way might correlate it to different animals and spirits.

Some like to get things done, some like to push the envelope, some like to heal and share, and some tend to just be - quiet and knowing. Each piece is a valuable part.



These are some of the manifestations of being a light worker:

  • A desire to serve

  • Feeling drawn to some kind of calling

  • Feeling a connection with what's outside of ourselves - the collective.

  • A tendency to inspire others

  • A strong urge to know the truth and share this information with all who will listen

  • Taking a healing path, and assisting others in healing their own emotional and psychic wounds

  • Working with consciousness

  • Pursuing meditation and emitting a chi field

I believe that being a light worker is ultimately about giving the gift of our own ascension and transcendence to this world. It's about recognizing different dimensions of life, and honoring them - instead of getting caught up in this big fear game that makes us forget who we are.

Namaste Friends
Peace Balance Clarity

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There was a lot of great content here, so I won't try to reply to all of it. One point you brought out that few others did is this tendency toward "anger and frustration toward unjust situations and systems." And also the desire to get the truth out and inspire others.

Sometimes the path to inspiring others by getting that truth out is calling out the injustice they are participating in. Often this is not thought of as being a lightworker, because it can be unpleasant to experience. This is why a lot of lightworkers I think suppress this part of themselves. They get such positive feedback for expressing all the other parts of their nature, but not this one. Hence the spiritual bypass is born.

But a part of our bringing the light is the light of awareness, the light of truth, the light that reveals what has been hidden in the shadows.

Very well said @Phillyc... articulate and insightful.

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Very pertinent, and relative, to my own new life for the past 14 years-since giving up on the worldly aspect and following the True Light. I will not attempt to preach on this forum but I found the truth after twenty odd years of diligent searching. My new healed persona manifested itself after accepting that we are here to serve, yes! We are here to learn charity and humility whilst not neglecting the lessons in real living as well. To gain or, to achieve, the highest goal comes only after losing oneself in true service. This then sets one onto the highest path of consciousness and then ultimately allows the 'light' to grow to the brightness where we then only begin to understand the real reason for life. This is the only way to true happiness and fulfillment. There are many paths which claim to reach this same destination. I found mine with a clue in Ezekial 37: 16-20 which then led me to the fullness of the gospel and the full plan of salvation which, when then followed explicitly, brings all of those things which much of mankind spend lifetimes seeking. Peace and joy. Knowing and satisfaction-in everything one embarks on. For, only when one is in tune with all, does true knowing then become manifest! We are all on this eternal path-some are going up and, some are coming down. We need to try and turn those downers around to head them up in the right direction again. This is true charity and selflessness which is the ONLY path to true enlightenment. Thanks phillyc

Great to have such an in depth response! I agree with you that there are many different paths to the truth. One of the great teachers Mooji has said something along the lines of "follow your own path, and if is sincere you will come home. Don't judge other paths - just follow your own with sincerity". Thanks again for this awesome sharing, interesting time to be alive

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great answer @phillyc, I really like how you identify with a light worker, the want for change, to create, the way in which one identifies with energy and the ability to work towards healing and acceptance great job xx

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